
After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

author:Pioneer Valley Film and Television Entertainment Review
After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it
After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Text: The people who eat melons

Pioneer Valley

The 29th Magnolia has come to an end.

After Zhou Xun was sealed for the second time, Hu Ge was crowned emperor for the second time.

But some people rejoice and some people are sad.

The winners received flowers and applause.

And those who regret can only be sad.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

The magnolia in 2024 is not very popular.

The most eye-catching thing is the "fan" incident between Wang Yang and Wang Yibo.

In addition, it is the "Shanghai Circle Group" controversy brought about by Tang Yan's shortlisting.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was Zhou Xun who won the "Magnolia Queen".

can be regarded as the end of the previous acting controversy, and he can finally retire peacefully.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Whether it is from controversy or actors, Magnolia's popularity is long gone.

From the dispute between Sun Li and Mei Ting, to Zhao Liying's three mentions of Magnolia, all of them are hot topics.

But looking back on Magnolia's past, Huang Lei and Haiqing's master and apprentice caused additional controversy.

Both of them are powerful actors, and they have both been nominated for the Magnolia Award four times, but they have always been accompanied.

Why are two seemingly famous people "turned away" by professional awards?

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

And the "golden partner" also unconsciously opened the gap.

Is it the end of the "master and apprentice", or the same end?

Now it seems that perhaps Zhang Yi's words are working.

But is the gap between the two just because of variety shows?

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

01 Mr. and Mrs. Nationals

2004's "Snail House" made Haiqing a representative of the national daughter-in-law.

Five years later, "Anna and Wang Gui" and "Snail House" are still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And in 2011, "The Beautiful Times of Daughter-in-law" ushered in a career peak.

After winning the Feitian Award, Haiqing's identity as a "daughter-in-law" was completely stabilized.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In the early years, Haiqing was recognized as a powerful faction.

And Huang Lei's strength is beyond doubt.

As soon as he was admitted to university, he participated in Chen Kaige's movie.

As soon as he graduated from university, he cooperated with Leslie Cheung.

At the age of 25, he won the "Best Supporting Actor".

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

The "trilogy" of successive collaborations with Zhou Xun.

It also makes Huang Lei a recognized powerful faction.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

And Huang Lei himself seems to cherish feathers.

After graduation, he did not officially enter the showbiz.

Instead, he stayed in school to teach and continued to hone his acting skills.

Haiqing and Yao Chen are his protégés.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Huang Lei and Haiqing both have their own masterpieces.

The acting skills of the two are also highly respected in the circle.

But for some reason, the partner then went to the point of no return.

Although they became a national husband and wife, they also became bastards.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

From "Little Farewell" to "Little Joy".

Huang Lei will always be a househusband who takes care of housework but loves to be reasonable.

And Haiqing is always a grumpy "tiger mother" who worries about learning.

Looking at it now, maybe the roles are too similar.

But when the TV series was broadcast, it did cause a ratings boom.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

The click-through rate of "Little Farewell" exceeded 100 million, and the ratings ranked first.

"Little Joy" is not far behind and won the most popular award.

The image of the two as "national parents" is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In addition, the master and apprentice have also worked with other types.

No matter what role you play, you can impress the audience.

So much so that the two can become Magnolia's "frequent visitors".

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

But over time, the audience will inevitably have doubts:

Huang Lei has so many students, why does he only prefer Haiqing?

In fact, the fate of the two was determined as early as 27 years ago.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

02 Master-apprentice relationship

In 1997, Haiqing gave up dancing due to injury.

was admitted to Beiying and became Huang Lei's younger sister.

But at that time, Huang Lei had become a teacher.

The two are not only seniors, but also teachers and students.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

As soon as Haiqing entered the school, Huang Lei fell in love with her.

Although his appearance is not outstanding, he has an aura on his body.

If you can act thoroughly, you will definitely be able to become a great tool in the future.

And this piece of jade was also carved out by Huang Lei.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

For Haiqing's future, Huang Lei was heartbroken.

and even use their own network resources.

Haiqing's first movie is Huang Lei's matchmaking.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

At that time, Haiqing was still a fledgling little girl, and "Green Apple" failed to make her popular.

But Huang Lei didn't give up at all, but worked harder to find a good role for Haiqing.

The TV series "Double-sided Tape" was preparing for filming, and Huang Lei strongly recommended Haiqing to play the role of "Hu Lijuan".

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Relying on Huang Lei's face, the director let Haiqing join the crew.

Originally, there was no hope, but Haiqing broke out on the spot.

Haiqing tried out for the first time, and he stopped the director.

It's simply "Hu Lijuan" coming out of the script.

The director made a decision on the spot, and this role is none other than Haiqing.

And the facts have also proved that Huang Lei's vision is really vicious.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

After the broadcast of "Double-sided Tape", it became popular all over the country, and Haiqing also became an instant hit.

Since then, film appointments have continued, and she has become a hot and popular actress.

But the fate of Huang Lei and Haiqing is far more than the cooperation on the screen.

On the surface, it is a teacher-student relationship, but in private, the two are close friends.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In "Longing for Life", it is enough to see Huang Lei's doting on Haiqing.

Willing to become a "guinea pig" and risk bleeding to practice for Haiqing.

In the communication between the two, they can feel the intimacy between each other.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Early love, career, family, all can be shared with each other.

Huang Lei is also a teacher and a friend, a brother and a father to Haiqing.

Feelings have long gone beyond ordinary teacher-student relationships, and are more like relatives.

But at some point, the two embarked on diametrically opposed paths.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

03 Midlife crisis

As they grow older, "master and apprentice" seem to have fallen into the "strange circle" of acting.

From the early literary male god to today's "greasy man".

Huang Lei is becoming more and more unloved by the audience, and the characters can't escape Huang Lei's nature.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Babbling and preaching everywhere.

Huang Lei will always play "Huang Lei".

It's hard to get stuck in your comfort zone.

And the audience can no longer feel his strength.

On the contrary, when he saw Huang Lei, he went crazy to play.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Collaborate with his former good friend Zhou Xun.

not only did not save Huang Lei's reputation.

even made Zhou Xun "exposed".

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In addition to the problem of acting skills, Huang Lei's character on the variety show collapsed more completely.

In the hearts of the audience, he was a good father and husband, and he was an excellent senior in the circle.

But looking at it now, I only feel that he seems to have "pretended" a little too much.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Preaching as an elder and showing off his knowledge.

In order to avoid embarrassment, the guests could only echo the call.

But how tired I am in my heart, only I know.

And Huang Lei didn't know what to do, and insisted on asking for a response.

Others can only endure the discomfort and be grateful to Huang Lei for his call.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Treat colleagues so strongly, let alone relatives?

In front of the screen, Huang Lei is always a "good man".

However, many years later, his fig leaf was torn off by his own daughter.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Huang Lei's enrichment of his daughter has always been spiritual.

Cultivate Huang Duoduo to be proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

even spent tens of millions, just to let Duoduo apprentice Lu Siqing.

Piercing ears and dyeing hair respect children's freedom.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

From aristocratic schools to international schools, Duoduo is enviable.

And Huang Lei's careful cultivation of his daughter is also well known.

But Duoduo is already so good, why is he still not confident?

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Whether on stage or in private.

Huang Duoduo's body is always haunted by melancholy.

Even the style of painting is always weird.

Huang Lei's "beloved daughter" was finally exposed.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

said "women over men".

but exposed his daughter, and his son never showed up.

When Duoduo was bullied online, he never responded.

And the hostess of the family has long been too busy to take care of herself.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Huang Lei and Sun Li are the "teacher-student love" that everyone envies.

But the two have been married for 20 years before they have a make-up wedding.

Huang Lei once said that he couldn't accept that his daughter didn't have a wedding.

But when it came to his wife, it was no longer useful.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

After marriage, Sun Li gave up her popular career.

returned to the family, but was suppressed by her husband.

At all times, she needs to compromise for it.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

And Sun Li has gradually become a "family resentful wife".

I can no longer accept "well-intentioned advice" from others.

Immersed in their own world, unwilling to wake up.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

From guests to wives and daughters, Huang Lei is "no one has let go".

Sacrifice everyone to coax yourself.

To this day, I am immersed in the "status quo of success" and find it difficult to extricate myself.

And his image has long collapsed in the hearts of the audience.

Variety shows have ruined their image, and acting is no longer accepted.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

04 Awakening Breakthrough

Coincidentally, Haiqing also fell into the bottleneck of "performance modeling".

Although the characters are different, they all have a distinctly "personal character".

A vigorous and resolute style of acting, an outspoken way of speaking.

Even the micro-expressions and body language are the same.

Fortunately, Haiqing realized the problem in time and escaped from the predicament.

Actively seek breakthroughs and become more and more stable on the road of strength.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In "Home of the Heart", Haiqing's role is not likable.

In order to gain a foothold in the big city, be careful and calculated.

It is very different from the image of the past, and even caused controversy.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

She is no longer the gentle, virtuous, and empathetic "good daughter-in-law".

It's an ordinary woman with flesh and blood, desires, and flaws.

's excellent acting skills directly crushed the nursery rhyme to the point that there was no power to fight back.

But at the end of the story, the nursery rhyme won the queen with "Home of the Heart".

Haiqing, who performed the most wonderful performance in the play, could only pass by the awards.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

"Home of the Heart" is the beginning of Haiqing's transformation, but it is also the beginning of controversy.

"Hidden in the Dust" and "I Am a Mountain", each movie is "dangerous".

Although the movie has mixed reviews, it can also be seen that Haiqing is determined to break through himself.

Dare to step out of your comfort zone and try different ways of playing, this courage is worthy of recognition.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

In addition to acting, Haiqing is notoriously "tiger and crazy".

Kneeling down to worship God in front of Ou Hao can only be regarded as a "trivial matter".

trampling all the middle-aged actresses at the film festival makes people speechless.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

took Yao Chen, Liang Jing and others to expose the "dilemma".

I didn't pay the slightest attention to the expressions of my companions on stage.

forced Song Jia to reply on the spot, and Zhou Dongyu was even "blackfaced" behind his back.

Haiqing's "low emotional intelligence" also became famous at this party.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

But the controversy on Haiqing did not last long.

Relying on the transformation work, it proves her sobriety.

It turned out that her words at the award ceremony were not gibberish.

It's an actress who is in a hurry to transform, a thirst for resources.

Haiqing also relied on his strength to finally redeem his reputation.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

became a joke twice in a row, and Haiqing no longer participated in variety shows.

Avoid affecting the audience's impression of the character because of the realistic character.

took a step in the footsteps of Huang Lei, and turned to Zhang Yi's old path.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

For the many nominations of Magnolia, Haiqing is also very calm.

As an actor, who doesn't want to be recognized by an award?

At the 29th Magnolia Awards Ceremony, Haiqing laughed at herself as a "resentful woman".

He did not deny the past, nor did he hide his ambitions.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Although he was not shortlisted for Magnolia, Haiqing had already become a "judge".

Even without the recognition of awards, she is still recognized as a powerful person.

And the former master Huang Lei never had a chance to be nominated again.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

At the beginning, Haiqing also needed Huang Lei to promote.

But in the end, Haiqing was able to leave the other party behind.

The key to this is the sobriety of the acting career.

And Haiqing's "awakening" stems from his love for performance.

Even though the transformation work is controversial, she still has no regrets.

If you can't break through yourself, how can you get out of the "flower road"?

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

05 Conclusion

Huang Lei's "midlife crisis" may stem from his "narcissism".

After eating the dividends brought by variety shows, he refused to get out of it.

over-consumes the audience's popularity, and also loses the original intention and awe of being an actor.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

And Haiqing's choice is more sensible and sober.

She is not bound by the label of "national daughter-in-law", but constantly challenges herself.

From beginning to end, he firmly remembered his duty as an actor.

There may be a desire to compete for fame and fortune, but I haven't forgotten the importance of roles.

Use your strength to break the stereotype of the audience, and also broaden your acting path.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

For actors, winning awards is important.

But more importantly, it is its own strength.

When the strength is outstanding, the audience will scold the judges for "not having long eyes".

But if the acting skills collapse, it can only win awards.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

I hope that every actor can not forget their original intention and forge ahead.

Continuously improve the strength and bring more excellent works to the audience.

In the face of the role, he will never be worthy of his identity as an actor.

After 5 years, looking at the gap between Huang Lei and Haiqing, what Zhang Yi said at the beginning finally believed it

Some references:

Kefan listened to Huang Lei's interview

Lu Yu has an appointment|Huang Lei interviewed

Today's Interview|Haiqing Interview

Haiqing spoke

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