
Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

author:Love Guangrao
Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

Mr. Yu, a citizen of Shanghai, is at home

The seafood shop ordered a takeout order

One of the dishes is called "Spicy Sea Melon Seeds".

The picture looks like a woven snail that the state prohibits the sale

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

Subsequently, Mr. Yu reported the situation to the North Bund Market Supervision Office of the Shanghai Hongkou District Market Supervision Administration. At present, the regulatory authorities have filed a case for investigation into this report and complaint, and the store involved has removed the dish from the shelves.

There are quite a few traders who are suspected of selling whelks

The reporter searched for "spicy sea melon seeds" on the takeaway platform and found that there are still many merchants suspected of selling woven snails.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!
Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

When the reporter tried to place an order, one canceled the order on the grounds that "sea melon seeds are out of stock". The other did not deliver the order for a long time, and the phone could not be connected, and the merchant did not cancel the order until two hours later. Subsequently, the reporter placed an order in a store called "Beiban Island Small Seafood" successfully.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

After receiving the dishes, the reporter sent the picture to the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, and the researcher Cai Youqiong confirmed that it was a longitudinal ribbed snail.

However, the reporter called the merchant to inquire, but the other party insisted that it was the "sea melon seeds" produced in Lianyungang. Faced with the reporter's question about whether the food was poisonous, the merchant said, "I don't care, anyway, if someone wants to eat it, I can sell it."

After the reporter submitted the clue to the Shanghai Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, it was learned that the local market supervision department has carried out verification, and the reporter will follow up on the follow-up progress.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

Cai Youqiong introduced that the mainland is vast, the coastline is long, and there are many local dialects, and the "sea melon seeds" are referred to differently. In Shandong, "sea melon seeds" refers to longitudinal ribbed snails; In Fujian and Guangdong, "sea melon seeds" refers to Xun's muscle clams, while in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, "sea melon seeds" refers to rainbow cherry clams. (Note: "Sea melon seeds" refer to different kinds of conchs, some of which are drug-free)

Cai Youqiong introduced that the toxicity of the snail is related to its living environment, but at present, the national level has not clarified which varieties or regions of the snail are toxic, and the management is based on the former Ministry of Health's "Announcement on the Prevention of Food Poisoning of Snails" (Announcement No. 13 of 2012 of the Ministry of Health) and the former General Office of the State Food and Drug Administration's "Reply to Issues Concerning the Sales of Snails" (Food and Drug Administration Food and Drug Administration Food Supervision Er Han [2016] No. 528), which clearly stipulates that no food production and business operation unit shall purchase, Processing and sales of snails.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

What is a snail? How to identify?

How toxic is it?

Commonly known as sea snail, sea snail, wheat snail or white snail, it is mainly distributed in coastal areas such as Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong. Its shape is characterized by a pointed and slender tail, about 1 cm in length and 0.5 cm in width, about the size of a fingernail.

The shell surface often has 1~3 purple-brown or red-yellow spiral bands, the surface pattern looks like weaving, the screw mouth is white, the flesh is light yellow, and generally lives near offshore reefs and mud and sand bottoms.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!
Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

Snails are poisonous creatures, a hundred times more toxic than arsenic. The virulence of the highly toxic snail can reach hundreds of rat units per gram of snail meat, that is to say, adults will have general poisoning symptoms if they eat about 10g of such snail meat, and about 50g to 100g can cause death.

Symptoms of poisoning

Patients with snail poisoning by mistake present with numbness of the lips, tongue, and fingertips, and drooping eyelids in the early stages.

Gastrointestinal symptoms may soon appear, mainly stomach discomfort, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, thirst, blood in the stool, and then neurological symptoms such as limb numbness, limb weakness or muscle paralysis.

Severe patients have paralysis, slurred speech, hoarseness, cyanosis, dyspnea, confusion, shock, and finally death due to respiratory and circulatory failure.

Warnings have been issued in many places

Do not eat snails

Every summer,

It is the season with a high incidence of food poisoning in snails.

Very toxic! Warnings issued in many places: Don't buy! Don't eat!

Data map

On April 28, 2022, the Guangdong Provincial Administration for Market Regulation issued a food safety consumption reminder, which mentioned that "wild mushrooms, fresh daylily, puffer fish, and some products that may be toxic or have a risk of parasites should not be consumed".

The market supervision authorities in Foshan, Shaoguan and other places have also issued food safety consumption reminders, which mention that "wild mushrooms, fresh daylily, puffer fish, and some products that may be toxic or have a risk of parasites" are not consumed.

The Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision Bureau has issued a reminder that school canteens should ban other foods.

The Quanzhou Municipal Bureau of Oceans and Fisheries in Fujian Province also issued a reminder that from April to September every year is the most toxic time for snails, which can produce poisoning symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, numbness of lips and fingers after eating, and the incubation period is as short as 5 minutes and up to 4 hours. Remind everyone not to eat whelks when dining out to avoid accidents.

Police Reminder:

1. No food production and business operation unit shall purchase, process and sell snails.

2. The general public should improve their awareness of self-protection and do not buy, harvest or eat woven snails in any season. Once the snail is ingested, if there are symptoms similar to nervous system poisoning such as numbness of the lips, you should go to the hospital immediately.

3. If consumers find that food production and business operation units purchase, process and sell snails, they shall promptly call 12345 to report to the local market supervision department.

You must pay attention

Don't eat snails