
Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

author:Mo knows one or two

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Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

On June 30th, Li Yitong was waiting for filming at the scene of "A Dream of Books", judging from the video released by netizens, she was dressed in red, with exquisite makeup, holding a small fan while smiling sweetly at everyone, looking very beautiful and very kind.

But at this time, a centipede quietly appeared on Li Yitong's body, and it seemed that it crawled from her lap, and then Li Yitong sorted out his clothes but rolled the centipede into his clothes, the key is that Li Yitong himself didn't know it, but the audience outside the venue was in a hurry.

Fortunately, the staff and Liu Yuning next to him drove the centipede out in time, Li Yitong first smiled gratefully after reacting, and then hugged his fist with the staff again to thank the people around him, and later thanked the fans and viewers present on Weibo.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

I have to say that Li Yitong's cuteness on the scene and his fear in hindsight are in stark contrast. Even though she didn't know what was going on, she kept smiling and was very decent. And she has long been accustomed to the various situations encountered on the set.

【Constant Training】

When he played the role of "Meng Yu" in "Hurricane" before, Li Yitong encountered many challenges. The role of "Meng Yu" is very three-dimensional, and the other actors in the play are all powerful, which puts forward quite high requirements for Li Yitong's acting skills.

In order to adapt to the role in advance and understand the thinking and ideas of the character, Li Yitong has been paying attention to the profession of journalist for a long time. Through constant observation, she has developed her own understanding that undercover journalists are a very changeable profession.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

In addition to having a thorough understanding of the character, Li Yitong also needs to grasp the transformation of the character. Meng Yu's changes in the early and late stages are often reflected through details, and Li Yitong has done this well, with subtle expressions and movements providing her with support.

Acting skills are the most basic test of an actor, and it is also the point that the audience pays the most attention to. But in addition to acting, the actor must also have strong adaptability and good professional qualities.

In Li Yitong's acting life, there are countless emergencies encountered on the set. In order to reduce financial losses, the crew usually rushes to the filming schedule, and it is common to shoot until midnight or all night, and it is not uncommon for actors to play on the spot.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Sometimes the climate in the script is completely opposite to the climate in real filming, Li Yitong has experienced a lot, it is common to wear heavy clothes in hot weather, or it is also common to act in thin clothes in cold winter.

What these difficult situations brought to Li Yitong was not complaining, but made her more deeply aware of what the actor industry means. Rather than complaining, she is happier that she has learned a lot of new things from it and has been able to apply them to acting.

Under the continuous training, Li Yitong's mentality has become more stable, and she has gradually exercised her artistic qualities, no matter what emergencies she encounters, she will try to face them with a smile, and she can not panic, which is completely different from when she first entered the industry.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

【Halfway Entry】

Li Yitong is not a professional actor, although she was engaged in an industry related to art, she never thought that she would become an actor. Li Yitong's previous profession was a dance teacher, and the performance he was exposed to in college was dance plus education content.

Although it is the same performance, the performance of being a teacher is completely different from the performance of being an actor. At that time, Li Yitong was familiar with dance, and would explain dance movements kindly and gently, teaching children how to dance better, and this is what she has always wanted to do.

But in fact, the dance teacher and Li Yitong's own personality are not particularly compatible, Li Yitong said that he "can't sit still", and he especially likes courses such as sports. Although the dance teacher does not sit, the content of each day is actually very different.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

With an attitude of trying, Li Yitong went to audition for a play, but she didn't expect to start her acting career from then on. She once said that she was very lucky, and she met her current agent when she first entered the industry, and the other party was also her Bole.

Li Yitong's debut is "Half Demon Allure", acting is not new to her, but she has to accept two completely different systems, so the best way to enter the play is to feel herself as a character, so she rarely pays attention to any acting skills.

This experiential acting method has always run through all of Li Yitong's performances, if she just learns skills, she has to learn too much, and it is difficult to grasp the characters in depth, so the experiential school she chooses is the most suitable for herself.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

After "Half Demon Allure", Li Yitong opened up her popularity, and every one of her dramas after that had a lot of splashes. Compared with many unknown newcomers, she is already very lucky, almost the heroine of the drama, and her fame has risen very quickly.


Li Yitong has come to the present, luck and hard work are indispensable. Compared with most newcomers in the entertainment industry, Li Yitong's situation is much better, but this is not all luck, but the result of the interaction of hard work and luck.

Although she has not yet reached the level of popularity, Li Yitong's fan base has been basically formed, and the resources have been good, and I believe that she will be able to have better results in the future.

Li Yitong posted a response to the "centipede": hug your fists and thank the old iron!

Li Yitong is suitable for actors, and her appearance is only one of her aspects. Improving acting skills and improving professionalism are part of her strength, and I hope she can appear in more works.


Li Yitong: Love is the Beginning of a Lifetime Romance, Inside and Outside the Classroom, 2020

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