
Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

author:A little entertainment
Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet!

Zhang Jie and Xie Na can be said to be a very famous couple, both of them have great success in their respective fields, and they are also very affectionate in life, so they can be said to be a model couple in the entertainment industry.

Although Zhang Jie has strength, he can have today's status really thanks to Xie Na.

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

Because in Zhang Jie's darkest years, Xie Na always accompanied her and supported her, and Xie Na was also very popular at that time, and she could be said to be the first sister in the hosting industry, so Xie Na also gave Zhang Jie a lot of help at that time.

Now Zhang Jie has finally broken out of his own world, and he is getting better and better to Xie Na!

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

Recently, the couple has once again rushed to the hot search and has attracted everyone's attention.

On June 30, Zhang Jie held a concert in Chongqing, and after the concert, Xie Na also arrived at the scene, apparently taking Zhang Jie home.

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

At this time, Xie Na held Zhang Jie's hand, and Zhang Jie was still interacting with fans. Zhang Jie at that moment was really excited and happy!

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

From the interaction between the two people, it can be seen that their relationship is really good!

In this regard, netizens have left messages:

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet
Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet
‬很喜欢他们俩口子,都那么努力! Happy! Bless them!

I believe that many friends who like Zhang Jie and Xie Na are "conquered" by their hard work and happiness!

Although Xie Na has a lot fewer opportunities to appear on the big screen now than before, she is still working hard to be busy, running herself well, and taking care of her family very well.

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

That's right, the love between them is really beautiful!

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet

Friends, do you like Zhang Jie and Xie Na?

Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet
Xie Na and Zhang Jie rushed to the hot search overnight! Zhang Jie was personally taken home by Xie Na after the concert! It's so sweet


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