
Sinopec released its 2023 annual social responsibility report

author:China Business News

Reporter Li Zhe reports from Beijing

On June 25, Sinopec released its 2023 Annual Social Responsibility Report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") in Beijing, which is the 17th consecutive year that Sinopec has disclosed its responsible practices and achievements to the public.

The reporter of "China Business Daily" learned that in the past year, Sinopec not only set a new historical record in domestic oil and gas production equivalent, but also created a new situation in the construction of smart factories, investment in rural revitalization and consumption assistance. Among them, 253 million yuan of free assistance funds for rural revitalization and 2.198 billion yuan of consumption assistance were completed throughout the year.

Hold the energy job bowl and practice the concept of green development

According to the report, in 2023, Sinopec will add 155 million tons of proven oil reserves, 281.7 billion cubic meters of natural gas, 35.44 million tons of crude oil and 37.8 billion cubic meters of natural gas, showing new responsibilities and new actions to ensure national energy security.

At the same time, Sinopec has also taken solid steps in the construction of new energy, leading the development of hydrogen energy in mainland China. It has built a total of 128 hydrogen refueling stations, becoming the enterprise with the largest number of hydrogen refueling stations in the world. In addition, Sinopec has also vigorously promoted the construction of charging and swapping stations, and has built more than 6,000 charging and swapping stations across the country.

Sinopec said that in 2023, the company will vigorously implement the "seven-year action plan" for oil and gas exploration and development, make every effort to increase production and ensure supply, and strive to build a safe and reliable green energy supply system with multi-energy complementarity, coordinated development.

It is worth mentioning that Sinopec, as the largest geothermal energy development and utilization enterprise in China, successfully hosted the 7th World Geothermal Congress, providing Chinese models, Chinese ideas and Chinese standards for global geothermal energy utilization.

In terms of the chemical industry, Sinopec will continue to strengthen the R&D and production of high-end resins, high-end rubber, high-performance fibers, and special fine chemicals in 2023 in line with the trend of shifting petroleum use from fuels to raw materials. It not only lays a solid "material foundation" for the construction of a manufacturing power, but also helps the green manufacturing of the textile industry through efficient and environmentally friendly aromatics. At the same time, the further development of the three high-performance fibers has also enhanced the mainland's military equipment strength and the industrial upgrading of the national economy.

Green development is one of the core concepts of the transformation and upgrading of the petroleum and petrochemical industry. In 2023, Sinopec will work together to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority and green development.

In 2023, Sinopec actively implemented the "Green Enterprise Action Plan". According to the report, in 2023, all 113 enterprises under Sinopec will complete the establishment of green enterprises, and a total of 21 enterprises will be rated as national green factories by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The "Energy Efficiency Improvement" plan has been carried out for 9 consecutive years, saving 860,000 tons of standard coal throughout the year. We will build the first "zero-waste group" in China with high standards, and explore the establishment of a waste plastic recycling system, so as to make green and clean a bright business card of Sinopec.

While leading the large-scale development of the entire CCUS industry chain in mainland China, Sinopec's green and low-carbon development level continues to improve. The company actively participates in the national carbon market transactions, with an annual carbon trading volume of 9.92 million tons and a carbon trading volume of 590 million yuan. In addition, Sinopec has also promoted the ecological protection of enterprises in the Yangtze River and Yellow River basins, and Hubei Petroleum has taken the initiative to relocate the Wangjiahe Wharf to make way for the smooth migration of Chinese sturgeons and finless porpoises, continuously strengthened the protection of the ecological environment and the construction of greening, and built a number of garden-style factories with harmonious development of production and environment, contributing to the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the construction of a beautiful China.

At the same time, Sinopec is also accelerating the implementation of the "going out" strategy. The company coordinates and promotes pragmatic cooperation in the entire energy industry chain such as exploration and development, refining and warehousing, oil sales, engineering services, and international trade, injecting strong momentum into win-win cooperation in the global energy industry. In the process of internationalization, Sinopec adheres to paying taxes in accordance with laws and regulations, adheres to localized employment and procurement, actively responds to climate change, jointly protects the green earth, actively participates in social welfare, serves the society and people's livelihood of the host countries, and contributes to building a mutually beneficial and win-win community with a shared future for mankind.

We will make every effort to ensure people's livelihood and share the fruits of development

In 2023, Sinopec will not only deepen its efforts in the energy sector, but also actively contribute to social welfare, continue to contribute to rural revitalization and improve people's livelihood and well-being.

Sinopec said that in 2023, the company will accelerate the consolidation of the characteristic assistance model of "leading the industry with consumption, revitalizing with the industry, and developing with education", and take the lead in promoting common prosperity.

It is reported that Sinopec has adopted a point-to-area strategy to promote the high-quality and balanced development of rural education. Through activities such as "Spring Bud Gas Station" and "Petrochemical Helping Old Principals Go to the Countryside", new vitality has been injected into rural education.

The report mentions that in September 2023, the Spring Bud Project was awarded the 2023 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education. The "Warm Station" has been upgraded and expanded to nearly 100 gas stations in 8 provinces (regions), serving more than 57.8 million people returning home from the Spring Festival, warming all those on the way home. For 20 years, the "Sinopec Guangming" health express has been carried out, and more than 56,000 cataract patients have been cured free of charge. Build 4,098 "Driver's Homes" and 6,033 "Love Stations" to provide warm-hearted services for outdoor workers. Launched the "Beautiful with You" Youth and Child Growth Funding Scheme to help address the intergenerational gap in Hong Kong. We will make every effort to serve and guarantee the major national activities of the Asian Games.

In terms of products and services, Sinopec continues to build its own product and service brand system, and empowers a better life with higher quality products and services. Through the construction of omni-channel consumption scenarios such as "easyJet self-pickup, easyJet to car, and easyJet to home", the company has made the brand value of easyJet reach 20.697 billion yuan, and continues to lead the retail brand list.

Sinopec said that the company adheres to responsible procurement and sunshine procurement, continuously deepens strategic partnerships, actively explores diversified cooperation models, and is committed to building a supply chain ecology that is honest, green and safe, open and shared.

On the day of the release of the report, Sinopec also announced the second batch of "Top Ten Social Responsibility Demonstration Projects", including Jiujiang Petrochemical Green Smart Factory, "Shendi No. 1" Energy Guarantee Project, Xinjiang Kuqa Green Hydrogen Refining and Chemical Integration Project, "Running Schools at the Doorstep of the People" Rural Revitalization Education Assistance Project, "Guarding the Yellow River Estuary" Green Oil and Gas Development Action, "Clean and Guarding the Yangtze River" Rare Species Protection Project, "Beidagang Wetland" Ecological Protection Project, "Zhimei You" Youth and Child Growth Funding Program, " China Bookshelf Project, Yijie "Shimmer Project" Public Welfare Project, etc.

(Editor: Dong Shuguang Review: Wu Kezhong Proofreader: Zhai Jun)

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