
Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

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Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself


In this age of looking at faces, we are always confused by appearance and limited by age. However, true love has nothing to do with age, it has nothing to do with appearance, it is only about the fit of two souls.

This is the love story of actors Rao Xinyu and Wang Kuirong, a legend that crosses the age gap of 37 years.

They used their courage and sincerity to prove the true meaning of love to the world.

This story is worth pondering for each and every one of us.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

An extraordinary starting point

Rao Xinyu, a girl born in an ordinary family in Guizhou, has had a dream since she was a child - singing.

As the eldest in the family, she shoulders the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings.

By chance, she discovers that her singing voice can soothe her crying brother, and this small discovery ignites her love for music.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

Although her mother did not support her idea of learning to sing, Rao Xinyu did not give up.

During the college entrance examination, she resolutely chose Beijing Film Academy.

With her own strength and dedication to art, she stepped into the palace of dreams as she wished.

In college, Rao Xinyu's talent and beauty won her many performance opportunities.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

After graduating, she participated in works such as "Who's By Your Side" and "Gone with the Wind" and began her acting career.

However, what really made her stand out was her wonderful performance in "Dog Stick".

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

Wang Kuirong, a "late bloomer" who decided to chase his dream of being an actor at the age of 40.

He was born into an ordinary family in Shandong and lived an ordinary life for the first forty years of his life.

However, in his heart, there has always been a dream of being an actor.

Faced with his wife's opposition, Wang Kuirong chose to follow his inner voice.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

He left the factory and entered the advanced course of the Central Academy of Drama.

Despite being out of place in a group of young students, he did not feel inferior or hold back because of this.

Instead, he threw himself into his studies with a positive and optimistic attitude, and soon developed strong friendships with his younger classmates.

After graduating, Wang Kuirong joined the Beijing Children's Art Drama Troupe.

Six years later, he ushered in his film debut "Love You is Not Negotiable".

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

In the film, he played a middle-aged man, interpreting the vicissitudes of the character and the inner anguish to the fullest, winning the audience's recognition.

A fateful encounter

In 2013, the filming site of "Dog Stick" became the starting point of the intersection of the fates of Rao Xinyu and Wang Kuirong.

For the fledgling Rao Xinyu, the tension in front of the camera made it difficult for her to interpret the role perfectly.

However, when she was at a loss, Wang Kuirong walked to her side.

The simple sentence "Don't be nervous, relax your mind, just show it naturally" not only helped Rao Xinyu find the feeling of performing, but also made her have a deep admiration for this senior.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

In between filming, the actors, who are very different in age, often sit together and talk.

Surprisingly, the 37-year age gap did not become an obstacle to their communication.

On the contrary, they can always find common ground and speak freely.

Rao Xinyu was attracted by Wang Kuirong's rich life experience and dedication to acting career, while Wang Kuirong appreciated Rao Xinyu's innocence, enthusiasm and love for acting.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

True love is fearless

As the exchange deepened, the relationship between the two quietly warmed up.

Rao Xinyu took the initiative to express his heart to Wang Kuirong, which surprised Wang Kuirong.

Faced with the confession of the young and beautiful actress, he fell into deep confusion.

For a month, Wang Kuirong repeatedly weighed the pros and cons of this relationship.

He is worried that Rao Xinyu's family will oppose it, and he is worried about doubts and criticism from the outside world.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

However, in the face of Rao Xinyu's firmness and sincerity, he finally let go of the scruples in his heart and accepted this special feeling.

Since then, the relationship between the two has become even closer.

Wang Kuirong began to actively exercise just to be able to accompany Rao Xinyu for a longer time.

They climbed the mountains together, cooked together, and their common way of life made their bond even deeper.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

The test of marriage

In 2014, Rao Xinyu was 31 years old and Wang Kuirong was 68 years old, and the two decided to join hands in the palace of marriage.

However, this decision was strongly opposed by the families of both sides.

In the face of his family's doubts, Rao Xinyu showed maturity and determination beyond his years.

"My marriage is up to me, and it's my personal freedom to marry whomever I want." This sentence not only dispelled Wang Kuirong's doubts, but also became a powerful weapon when they faced doubts from the outside world in the future.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

After getting married, they welcomed a lovely daughter.

In family life, Rao Xinyu and Wang Kuirong have formed a unique role division of labor.

Rao Xinyu plays the role of a strict mother and adheres to strict standards for her daughter's education; And Wang Kuirong is a kind father who loves his daughter in every way.

This balanced family atmosphere fills their lives with joy and warmth.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

Despite the passage of time, their love is still sweet.

Although Wang Kuirong is over the age of old, he still maintains his love for acting and continues to be active on the screen.

He did this not only for his own career, but also to accumulate more wealth for his beloved daughter, hoping that she would have a worry-free life in the future.


The story of Rao Xinyu and Wang Kuirong tells us that sincere feelings can cross the age gap.

Actor Rao Xinyu: Marrying 37-year-old Wang Kuirong as his wife, I will decide my marriage myself

When two people truly love each other, neither the eyes nor the prejudices of the outside world can shake their determination.

They proved with their actions that the essence of love lies in mutual understanding, respect and support, not the number of ages.

Their courage and sincerity have become the best interpretation of "my marriage is my decision", inspiring more people to have the courage to pursue true love and not be bound by the world.

Let's pay tribute to Rao Xinyu and Wang Kuirong, and to all those who bravely pursue true love.

Because, love has never been about age, it is only about the fit of the soul and the integration of the heart.

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