
The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

author:Xiao Cui Sports said

The FIVB has updated the latest rankings of women's volleyball teams in various countries, and the Japanese women's volleyball team has become the runner-up of the World Women's Volleyball League due to its successive victories over the Chinese women's volleyball team and the Brazilian women's volleyball team.

The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

The Japanese women's volleyball team lost to the Italian women's volleyball team in the finals of the World League, which can be said to have lost in the ability to deal with it on the spot.

Let's take a look at the ranking of the world women's volleyball team! The Italian women's volleyball team became the new world No. 1 due to winning the World Women's Volleyball League Finals. The Brazilian women's volleyball team is ranked second, the Turkish women's volleyball team is ranked third, the Polish women's volleyball team is ranked fourth, the United States women's volleyball team is ranked fifth, the Chinese women's volleyball team is ranked sixth, and the Japanese women's volleyball team is ranked seventh. Judging from the rankings, it seems that the Chinese women's volleyball team is still the first in Asia, but this can't stand scrutiny, and the Asian first of the Chinese women's volleyball team is really embarrassing!

The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

The Chinese women's volleyball team defeated the Japanese women's volleyball team 1-3 in the Macao game, and defeated the Japanese women's volleyball team 0-3 in the finals. It's really worrying! It can be said that the Japanese women's volleyball team has completely surpassed the Chinese women's volleyball team and has become the No. 1 Asian volleyball team worth paying attention to.

We say that the so-called No. 1 in Asia is to defeat the invincible opponent in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team in a row, how to dominate Asia again? Food for thought!

The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

We must admit that the Japanese women's volleyball team's small and fast style of play is still very effective for playing the Chinese women's volleyball team. The Japanese women's volleyball team was able to defeat the Chinese women's volleyball team in a row by no means accidental, but the result of long-term accumulation.

Some people say that the Chinese women's volleyball team strategically evades the Japanese women's volleyball team, and letting the second Chinese women's volleyball team participate is to paralyze the Japanese women's volleyball team, just for the layout of the Paris Olympics, which is really a bit far-fetched. Some people say that the Chinese women's volleyball team coached by Cai Bin lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team, which was done by Cai Bin on purpose, which is really a big joke in the world. For the Japanese women's volleyball team, we have to meet and play once, why should we deliberately lose to the Japanese women's volleyball team, there is no reason.

We must admit that the one-pass defensive system of the Japanese women's volleyball team is the best in the world and an example that we must learn from with an open mind. The Chinese women's volleyball team's one-pass defensive system still needs to be improved, otherwise it is difficult to meet the needs of defeating strong teams in international competitions, which is worth paying attention to.

The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

There is a reason why the Chinese women's volleyball team has lost to the Japanese women's volleyball team in a row, and we must seriously sum up lessons and lessons from the failures in order to ensure that we can improve our technical and tactical level, and to ensure that we can defeat the Japanese women's volleyball team and become the veritable No. 1 in Asia.

The reason why the Japanese women's volleyball team has become the real No. 1 in Asia is because they regard the Chinese women's volleyball team as a stepping stone for their success in becoming the No. 1 in Asia, and it is the most convincing stepping stone. The Japanese women's volleyball team has continuously defeated the Chinese women's volleyball team, which is ranked first in Asia, who dares to say that the Japanese women's volleyball team is not the first in Asia. This is the proverb, the winner is the prince and the loser Kou, who wins the first Chinese women's volleyball team in Asia, will inevitably be the new Asian first, and there is no problem with this wave of operations.

The Japanese women's volleyball team has become the first in Asia, and the Chinese women's volleyball team has become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the top

We expect the Chinese women's volleyball team to rise strongly, and it is the best choice to defeat the Japanese women's volleyball team first. No one wants the Chinese women's volleyball team to become a stepping stone for the Japanese women's volleyball team, and no one wants the Japanese women's volleyball team to defeat the Chinese women's volleyball team. For the Japanese women's volleyball team, seeing and playing once is the last word.

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