
Inheritance and innovation lead industrial upgrading and create a new benchmark for national healthy edible oil

author:China Enterprise Daily

  In response to the country's call for the development of new quality productivity, Fujian Province actively promotes the "Three-year Action for the Development of Camellia Oil Industry", gives full play to the natural advantages of the Camellia oleifera industry, and helps the high-quality development of agricultural products. In Youxi County, Fujian Province, Fujian Shenlang Camellia oleifera Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenlang Company"), a leading enterprise, uses scientific and technological innovation to bring new momentum to the development of the Camellia oleifera industry, continuously extends the industrial chain, and realizes the doubling of added value. In this regard, a reporter from China Enterprise Daily conducted an exclusive interview with Hu Fengxiang, chairman of Shenlang Company, to understand its layout in the camellia industry chain and a series of application practices in the process of developing new quality productivity.

Inheritance and innovation lead industrial upgrading and create a new benchmark for national healthy edible oil

  Combined with Zhuzi culture, we will deepen the camellia industry and create a national healthy edible oil

  Camellia oleifera has always been the main source of oil for the people in mountainous areas, and is known as "the world's four major woody oil plants" together with oil palm, coconut and olive. Camellia oil made from camellia seeds has an unsaturated fatty acid content of about 90% or more, and has the reputation of "oriental olive oil". Developing the camellia oil market is conducive to optimizing the national edible oil consumption structure and practicing the healthy dietary concept of "eating less oil and eating better oil".

  As the hometown of Camellia oleifera in China, Youxi County has a long history of Camellia oleifera planting. Camellia oleifera is one of the six basic industries in the local area, carrying a profound historical and cultural heritage. However, for a long time, the lack of large-scale and standardized business models has restricted the further development of the camellia industry.

  In this context, Shen Lang Company came into being, determined to push the camellia industry to a new height. After 20 years of hard work, the company has achieved remarkable results: the scale of the industry has become increasingly prominent, the efficiency of mechanized production has been greatly improved, and the product brand has won market recognition. Today, the comprehensive strength of Shenlang Company has ranked first in the industry in Fujian and among the best in the country, injecting new vitality into the prosperity of the camellia industry.

  Hu Fengxiang said that the "Shen Lang" in Shen Lang Company originated from the name of Zhu Xi, a giant of science in the Southern Song Dynasty, which means that the company regards the inheritance of Zhuzi culture as its own responsibility, and is determined to benefit the people and show the breadth and profundity of Chinese civilization.

  At present, relying on the wings of industrial tourism and taking the "sightseeing factory" as a bridge, Shenlang Company skillfully integrates tea oil culture, Zhuzi culture, health culture and food culture to build a gorgeous and colorful cultural corridor. Adhering to the awe of tradition and vision for the future, we are committed to creating a comprehensive tourist resort integrating cultural inheritance, health and leisure, and food experience, so that every tourist can feel the unique charm and infinite wisdom of Chinese culture in the world of Shen Lang.

  Develop multi-scenario products and build brands driven by innovation

  Hu Fengxiang said that Shen Lang company has been deeply involved in organic camellia oil for 21 years, organic camellia oil is the company's characteristics and core products, and the product advantages are outstanding: first, the category is excellent, organic camellia oil is one of the world's woody oils, Shen Lang Township organic camellia oil has been recognized as organic food for 19 consecutive years, its unsaturated fatty acids are as high as 90% or more, and rich in vitamin E, squalene and tea polyphenols and other beneficial ingredients, which are beneficial to human health. Second, the brand is out of the circle, and Shenlang Township Organic Mountain has been awarded China's "Well-known Trademark" and has been awarded the "Gold Award" in previous organic food exhibitions; Third, the varieties are diverse, which can be divided into safflower tea oil and white flower tea oil according to different raw materials; According to the difference in taste, it can be divided into strong flavor type and light fragrance type; According to different use scenarios, Shen Lang Company has developed "cold tea oil" and "confinement treasure" products. After years of hard work, the company has made "Shenlang Township Organic Camellia Oil" out of Fujian and to the whole country, and some products are exported to Japan, Singapore and other overseas markets, which are favored by the market. Innovation is the inexhaustible driving force for the company's development. After 20 years of market testing, Shen Lang Company has been constantly innovating in terms of products, technology, management, product promotion methods and cooperation, in order to produce safe edible oil that is in line with the concept of healthy diet. In terms of product innovation, Shen Lang Company has developed "oral tea oil" for specific groups of people. "Oral camellia oil" adopts advanced fresh fruit freshly squeezing technology, which retains the active ingredients of camellia oil very well, and can moisten the intestines and laxative, regulate the three highs when drunk on an empty stomach, and can nourish the stomach and protect the liver, protect the gastric mucosa, and increase the amount of alcohol.

Inheritance and innovation lead industrial upgrading and create a new benchmark for national healthy edible oil

  In terms of technological innovation, Shenlang Company currently has 42 patented technologies and 2 invention patents. Among them, the membrane degumming and oleic acid efficient extraction process has passed the appraisal of the expert group organized by the Fujian Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the results have been recognized as reaching the leading level in China, and won the "Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress" of the Fujian Provincial Government, creating a "five ones" working mechanism. A regular meeting every week to summarize the work situation and make the next deployment; Learn every month to deepen business knowledge and improve skill level; A monthly meeting to exchange experiences and build consensus; Clean every month to create a clean environment and show a new look. Check every month to evaluate the completion of the goal and form a closed loop of work. In terms of promotion and innovation, the first is to achieve deep integration of online and offline, broaden promotion channels with the help of modern scientific and technological means, and enhance brand influence, the second is to implement the "tea oil +" empowerment strategy, integrate tea oil with a variety of industries, and create more value, and the third is to promote the "one acre and three points" project to improve the promotion effect and promote industrial upgrading. In terms of cooperation and innovation, the "city partner" model has been implemented to effectively lock down the origin of channels, expand cooperation space for urban channels, promote resource sharing and project implementation, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the urban economy.

  In addition, the company has also actively explored the road of cross-border integration and moved towards the cultural tourism circle. Shen Lang Company is committed to innovating the camellia industry model and deeply exploring the integrated development of camellia and diversified industries such as cultural tourism, catering, and health care. The company makes full use of the resources of local 4A-level scenic spots, and joins hands with industry alliances to achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages, and jointly create a new business card for tourism. At the same time, Shen Lang Company actively builds a self-media platform matrix, boosts brand communication with modern scientific and technological means, and makes the charm of Camellia oleifera culture known to more people. With these innovative measures, the company has successfully attracted more than 12,000 tourists per year, directly driving consumption of more than 5 million yuan, and becoming an important force in promoting local economic development and cultural dissemination.

Inheritance and innovation lead industrial upgrading and create a new benchmark for national healthy edible oil

  Integrity is the cornerstone of the brand, and responsibility leads the way

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the state has attached great importance to the important role of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in national development. Based on the three dimensions of innovation, integrity and social responsibility, Shenlang Company strives for excellence in the pursuit of high-quality development. Hu Fengxiang said that there are still many uncertainties in the current domestic camellia economic environment, and enterprises should adhere to the concept of innovation, not forget the original intention of entrepreneurship, and closely combine the development of enterprises with the health and happiness of the people.

  For a long time, Shenlang Company has adhered to the people-oriented principle of creating social value. For example, to carry out precision industry assistance, focus on camellia planting, and provide technical guidance and production materials with the model of "company + base + farmer" to ensure the stable increase of farmers' income; Broaden employment channels, absorb poor labor through camellia industry projects, provide skills training, recommend employment, and help poor households get rid of poverty and become rich; Strengthen public welfare investment, invest funds to improve infrastructure, participate in public welfare activities, comfort poor households and the elderly, and set up scholarships to subsidize poor students; Innovate cultural assistance, hold camellia cultural festivals, promote agricultural products and culture, carry out love and student assistance actions, attract social participation, and form a joint force of assistance. In November 2020, the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce was rated as an advanced private enterprise in the national "10,000 enterprises helping 10,000 villages" targeted poverty alleviation action; In May 2021, it was rated as "Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation in Fujian Province" by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government.

  Hu Fengxiang said that Shen Lang Company has always adhered to the firm mission of "a grain of camellia, driving an industry, and enriching the people", which is like a beacon to guide the company's development path and ensure that the company always adheres to its original intention and is unswerving. At the same time, "Healthy Oil Expert" is not only the lofty vision of the enterprise, but also the goal that every "Shen Lang person" is determined to pursue. These corporate cultures are not just superficial symbols or empty slogans, they contain profound spiritual connotations, providing a steady stream of empowerment and motivation for the company and employees, inspiring them to move forward and strive for a more brilliant future.

  In addition, Shen Lang Company has also established a unique talent training mechanism: first, the professional training system is perfect: the company pays attention to the improvement of employees' professional skills, and has established a systematic training mechanism to improve the business ability and quality of employees in an all-round way from basic knowledge to practical operation. The second is the combination of production, education and research: the company actively cooperates with universities and scientific research institutions to introduce cutting-edge technologies and concepts through the combination of production, education and research, and cultivate professionals with innovative capabilities. Third, the incentive mechanism is sound: the company has set up a diversified incentive mechanism, including promotion opportunities, bonus system, employee benefits, etc., to encourage employees to be proactive and give full play to their personal potential.

  The company pays attention to team building, emphasizes teamwork, and enhances the communication and collaboration ability of employees by organizing team building activities and team building training, so as to form a positive team atmosphere.

Inheritance and innovation lead industrial upgrading and create a new benchmark for national healthy edible oil

  In the future, Shenlang Company will focus on the national market layout and build the "Petronas" brand as its core goal. Through the establishment of sales networks and channels across the country, we can achieve rapid growth in market share and enhance brand influence. At the same time, we will continue to strengthen R&D and innovation, increase R&D investment and intensity in the field of Camellia oleifera + medicine, and achieve technological breakthroughs and product innovation by introducing advanced technology, cultivating R&D teams, and deepening industry-university-research cooperation, so as to enhance core competitiveness. Finally, Shen Lang Company made a listing plan based on equity cooperation: the company plans to establish equity cooperation with more high-quality partners through capital increase and share expansion, jointly promote the company's development and growth, and actively prepare for the listing work, further expand the business scope through capital market financing, and achieve sustainable development.

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