
The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

author:Brother Tao who loves life

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

Healthy and long life is a common aspiration, and now the world's oldest person is 111 years old, and he is John Alfred Tyniswood of England. He was born in 1912, that is, he lived through the First and Second World Wars and lives to this day.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

The world's longest-lived male elderly man is now in good spirits and can take care of himself. People asked him about the secret of his longevity, and he only said 2 words. Today, let's learn to learn, these two words must not be able to do it in a lifetime.

The first word: exercise

The longevity of the old man served as a soldier when he was young, so he likes to exercise and exercise. In addition, the elderly feel that people need to exercise to live, and only exercise can make the body healthier.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

Studies have shown that if you keep exercising, you can live longer! Moderate exercise can enhance the body's metabolism, delay organ aging, and effectively avoid Alzheimer's, obesity and other diseases, so that the body can run normally and smoothly.

People who are physically strong live at least 10 years longer than those who are less physically fit. Seniors over the age of 70 who insist on walking or riding a bicycle for about 30 minutes a day will have about twice the probability of longevity.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

Pay special attention to one point, exercise should be moderate, suitable for yourself, not too intense, harmful to the body.

Healthy and reasonable exercise, the chance of longevity will be greater, and the benefits of exercise are really too many.

1. It can enhance physical fitness, improve one's own resistance, and reduce the chance of colds.

2. It can slow down the aging rate of the human nervous system.

3You can control your weight, keep in shape, and make your skin healthier.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

4. Can help with sleep.

5. It can enhance memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

6. You can exercise your heart and make your heart healthier and healthier.

I hope that after reading the above content, you can be more active in exercising. I hope you all live a long life. What exercise activates your "longevity gene"? I would like to recommend a few to everyone, and let's learn together.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

1 Run

Running is "the best medicine for mankind". There are two types of running: jogging and brisk walking. No matter how you run, the most important thing is to suit yourself.

Studies have shown that people who run consistently for a long time live about 3 years longer than those who don't have the habit of running, and that every 1 hour of running translates into an additional 7 hours of a person's life.

For those who don't like running, you can choose to take a walk after eating. This is a way to promote good health, and there are obvious benefits to be gained after sticking to it.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

2. Swimming

If you want to live longer, you can swim more. Swimming is a great help for longevity. When swimming, use your hands and feet together and breathe in the water. This has great benefits for all aspects of the human body, improves people's cardiopulmonary function, and reduces the prevalence of many diseases.

Regular swimming reduces the risk of premature death by 28%; People who swim regularly have a 41% lower risk of dying from stroke or heart disease.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

3 Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a martial art-based Chinese tradition and a sport for health and longevity. It focuses on deep breathing and slow movements.

Reduce your stress levels and anxiety with Tai Chi exercises. It also helps with sleep, improves your balance and motor function, improves quality of life, expands lung capacity, and even reduces weight, all of which have many health benefits.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

4. Cycling

Cycling makes you healthy and happy, and it also makes you live a long and healthy life. This is a low-intensity aerobic exercise, and regular cycling is an excellent exercise.

It will have a long-term positive effect on your heart. Stimulates blood circulation in the body and keeps you positive. Improve your mental health and help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The risk of cardiovascular disease is lower, as is the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Of course, there are many beneficial exercises for health and longevity, which are suitable for you, stick to it, and you can.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

The second word: moderation

The word moderation actually means self-discipline. Don't be overly full of all sorts of things.

Look at the longevity of the old man's life, he is living a moderate life and has a strong spirit of self-discipline. Self-disciplined people are more likely to live longer, self-disciplined people will have more health advantages, and self-discipline will help people live longer.

If you don't have self-discipline in life, you will get sick. There are generally two reasons for lack of self-discipline: one is the failure to develop health awareness and behavior during adolescence; The second is that there are no clear health goals in adulthood.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

If you want to be in good health, live a long and healthy life, you must develop a good habit of self-discipline. Say goodbye to the bad habits of the past, you must keep your mouth shut, open your legs, and listen to the doctor's advice. "Four steps" to develop a self-disciplined life.

1Set a specific goal. Take your time. A small task every day.

2. Push yourself every day. Supervise yourself to fulfill your promises and persevere.

3. Find your weak spots. Find the weak point and take your time.

4. Encourage yourself often. Complete a task to affirm and inspire yourself.

In this way, after a long time, you will develop a good habit of self-discipline, and health and longevity will come.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

Overall, this one is modest and suitable for all aspects of life. Drink alcohol in moderation, eat fried food in moderation, emotions in moderation, in short, all kinds of things in moderation.

For the diet in moderation. "Thickness and fineness, varieties to be miscellaneous, quality to be good, dishes to be light, meals to be rotten, fruits to eat". Eat three balanced meals a day, eat a small amount of frequent meals, eat more high-quality protein, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink enough water every day, and develop the habit of quitting smoking and limiting alcohol.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

For the mood in moderation. Have the ability to control your emotions, have a good mood and an optimistic attitude. Don't be angry when you encounter problems, be open-minded; Less worries, mental balance; See through the past and look down on setbacks; In the face of today's objective reality, we are happy to meet every tomorrow.

Have a healthy mindset to seek medical care. If the body has uncomfortable symptoms, it should seek medical attention in time and carry out scientific and effective treatment under the guidance of a doctor, so as to ensure the health of the body to the greatest extent and achieve the purpose of prolonging life.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

There is a way to be healthy and have a long life. The elderly self-recuperate, develop a healthy life, and achieve the life goal of "keeping eight, striving for nine (ten), and creating a hundred years old".

When people reach middle age, they should put their health first. When people reach old age, they should put longevity first. Be confused, let your heart move with the wind, fall with the rain, understand the big things, and be confused about the small things. Be chic, be a man who can afford it, and let go of things. The sunset is infinitely good, happiness is always accompanied, the heart is wide and content, and the years are quiet.

The world's oldest living male is 111 years old! The secret of longevity He said 2 words, and many people can't do it

Finally, life is short for decades, there is no need to be overly entangled in age, instead of focusing on age, it is better to care more about your body. Having a healthy body is more realistic, and being able to stay healthy all the time is the happiest thing. The most important thing is to have a happy life every day.