
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

author:Manyu Geiba
The source of this article comes from the official authoritative report, and the source is repeated at the end of the article, but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

On June 29, the recent photos of Bi Fujian's 27-year-old daughter Bi Ling were exposed again, which aroused the attention and heated discussions of the majority of netizens.

As a public figure, Bi Fujian himself and family dynamics have always been the focus of media attention, however, no one thought that Bi Ling's behavior would push "grandpa" to the forefront together.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Netizens commented: "Look at her dress, a typical lack of tutors." From this, we can't help but think: how should parents respond to their children's personality choices?

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Much attention

As Bi Fujian's child, Bi Ling has attracted much attention since she was born, and every time she appears in public, whether it is her dress or behavior, it will become a hot topic of discussion among the media and netizens.

This time, Bi Ling made a punk head, shaved her hair on both sides, tucked her shirt into her clothes, her body was strong, even a little fat, plus a little greasy, if she didn't know who she was in advance, I wouldn't believe that this was a girl anyway!

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Say she loves beauty, dressing up like this does not have anything to do with beauty, say she is not beautiful, Bi Ling still likes to dress herself, as can be seen from the photos, her earlobes are dotted with earrings, a tassel necklace around her neck, and even a large ring on her fingers.

When Bi Ling took a photo with her friends, she didn't take a regular photo at all, she didn't follow the routine, she ran to the front of a row of people, made a half-squatting posture, showed her side face, and left this group photo with a smile on her face.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

However, this posture made her look fatter, and the side face actually collided with Yue Yunpeng's face, and even the very festive smiling face was exactly the same.

The friends who pay attention know that so far many amateurs have hit Yue Yunpeng in the face, and now there are even the children of celebrities, which can be regarded as another "Canadian Fenpeng." ”

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In fact, Bi Ling has not caused controversy in dressing up over the years, but the voices of the outside world have not changed her, and she is still her own style.

As early as 2015, Bi Ling, who was studying in Canada, played Kill Matt in his cardamom years, and his style almost scared netizens to cry.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Different people have different opinions about Bi Ling's dress, and some people support her bravery and pursue personality freedom.

However, some people think that her behavior is too out of line and does not conform to the mainstream values of society, and in the environment of public opinion, Bi Fujian, as a father, chose to remain silent.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In 2004, Bi Fujian divorced his wife when the woman was eight years old, and the reason is still confusing and unknown to outsiders, so some gossip has come out, rumors that a third party has intervened, or as a public figure, he often contacts some strong and beautiful actresses or female singers, etc.

But because there is not enough evidence, these gossips, although they are flying all over the sky, are not enough to be evidence.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

After the divorce, Bi Fujian's daughter was taken to Canada by his wife, so Bi Ling began to receive a Western education at that time.

Growing up in this seemingly complex family background, coupled with the difference in Western education, Bi Ling's personality is extraordinarily flamboyant, and he did not inherit his father's humorous character, let alone inherit his father's mantle and go to the path of host, but chose the path of art.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

The 23-year-old graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design with honors, and is now also engaged in art and design-related work.

As an adult, Bi Ling has her own opinions on dressing up, and her style is very unique, and it is not difficult to see from her selfies and photo poses that she is a very confident person who enjoys life.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In one of her selfies, Bi Ling holds a wine bottle in her hand, sticking out her tongue at the camera to sell cuteness, although her hair and dress look mature and stable, a bit of a man, but don't forget, she is actually just a 27-year-old girl, at the age of youth, full of vitality.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

In the group photo, although Bi Ling's appearance is not outstanding enough, she still attracts a lot of people's attention with her bright smile, although she is not in the C position, but everyone will still recognize looking in her direction at a glance, and she can be regarded as the brightest boy in the crowd.

In addition, she laughs unpretentiously, very naturally, the whole person shows a generous and decent temperament, not limited to the outside world, she does her own thing, and lives out of herself, this kind of beauty from the inside is very eye-catching.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Bi Ling's personality is also a little arrogant, and there were photos of her squatting on the side of the road to eat, holding a bowl bigger than her face, sitting on a stone, and her big grinning demeanor does not look like a girl at all.

And her hairstyle has also changed hundreds of times, the previous hair was short, and it just reached the chin, so she combed all her hair to the side, like a bit of wind blowing through her head.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

It didn't take long for Bi Ling's hairstyle to change again, the hair on the top of his head was cut very short, and two long strands of hair were left on the sides, which should be regarded as "alternative" in people's eyes.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

But for Bi Ling, after graduating from the art academy, she may feel that this is just a manifestation of personality, regardless of the opinions of outsiders, combing her hair that she thinks is comfortable, matching suitable clothes, and doing what she wants to do, this kind of "maverick" Bi Ling is also the envy of many people.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Netizen comments

When you see a child, you know the parents......

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

Some netizens expressed their support, although ugly is ugly, but at least the three views are very positive.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

There are also netizens who look at Bi Ling's photos and can pull on their bodies.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance


In line with the traditional concept of "dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes", thinking that the children of celebrities are naturally not too bad, but unfortunately, heredity is a very magical thing.

Despite this, every child is the baby of their parents, we should not follow the principle of judging people by their appearance, Bi Ling has won the love of many people with his unique personality and the most authentic attitude to life, but it has to be said that this child is really a bit more and more maverick.

What do you think about this?

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance


The famous Bi Fujian's daughter was exposed, with a strong body, and her non-mainstream image was shocking? Maoyan Entertainment2021-03-22 17:14

Bi Fujian's new identity was exposed, and his recent hair was messy and unkempt, and he became vicissitudes of life, and he didn't dare to recognize the source

Earlier, some media broke the news that Bi Fujian has officially retired, and he spends most of his time in Canada with his daughter, who is studying there.

Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance
Bi Fujian's daughter's recent photos were exposed, and Yue Yunpeng accidentally hit her face, with an ultra-short hairstyle and a heroic temperament and a male appearance

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