
In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

author:Shanghai Chongming
In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

In order to promote the series of activities for the fifth anniversary of the important concept of the people's city, the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee took the lead in carrying out the mass theme activity of "People's City Civilization" in the city. On June 24, the first event "People's City, Civilization Dialogue" was held in Yangpu District, and 357 practical projects of Shanghai's 2024 "Civilized Urban Area for the People" were released at the event, including five categories: promoting the city's spiritual character, enriching citizens' cultural life, creating a good living environment, deepening urban fine management, and improving the efficiency of grassroots governance. See ↓ for details

This year, the Municipal Spiritual Civilization Office launched 357 practical projects to create cities, including 174 at the district level and 183 at the town level. The practical work of "creating a civilized urban area for the people" is a new measure for Shanghai to take the creation of a civilized urban area as the overall starting point, deeply practice the important concept of a people's city, and explore and launch a civilized city for the people.

In 2023, the first batch of 186 practical projects will be created in five categories: promoting the spiritual character of the city, enriching the cultural life of citizens, creating a good living environment, deepening the refined management of the city, and improving the efficiency of grassroots governance.

In 2024, the Municipal Spiritual Civilization Office will further strengthen the linkage of work at the two levels in the urban area, explore the establishment of a normal and long-term working mechanism, select the best samples and excellent cases, effectively implement the requirements of creating a city for the people, and continue to enrich the spiritual and cultural connotation of people's city construction.


Carry forward the spiritual character of the city

District level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Town level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Enrich the cultural life of citizens

District level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Town level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Create a good living environment

District level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Town level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Deepen the fine management of the city

District level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Town level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Improve the efficiency of grassroots governance

District level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Town level

In 2024, the practical project of "Civilized Urban Area Creation for the People" was released, let's see what there are in Chongming?

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Source: Shanghai release

Editor: Gu Jiali