
Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it

author:Health Shenzhen

People in their twenties and thirties

Fifty or sixty-year-old waist

Back Pain Causes True Life

Neither is the station

Neither is sitting

Take a few steps and your waist will heavily

I can't stand up straight after sitting for a long time


This may be interspinous ligamentitis

Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it


Recognize the interspinous ligament

The interspinous ligament is a fibrous connective tissue located between the spinous processes of the spine, which is mainly composed of three layers of fibers that connect two adjacent spinous processes. It is wider and thicker at the waist and square in shape, while it is narrower, longer and relatively weak at the thoracic vertebrae.

The main function is to prevent the spine from bending too forward, and to be in a tense state when the spine is bent forward and in a diastolic state when it is stretched back, which not only helps to protect the spine and maintain the stability of the joints, but also assists the spine to complete various movements, such as scoliosis, rotation, etc.

In addition, the interspinous ligament and supraspinous ligament work together strengthen the intervertebral firmness, further limiting forward flexion or lateral curvature of the spine.

Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it


Cause of injury

Our spine is like a bridge that connects our upper and lower bodies, and the interspinous ligament is the "rebar" of this bridge. Imagine if the steel bars of a bridge are subjected to excessive stress or stretch, it may break or deform, causing the structure of the bridge to be unstable.

Similarly, when our spine is overstressed or stretched, the interspinous ligaments can also be damaged. People often need to perform various spinal activities in daily life, such as bending over, turning, raising the head, etc., which may cause certain damage to the interspinous ligament.

In particular, some jobs or activities that require the same posture for a long time, such as working at a desk for long periods of time, sitting for long periods of time, and frequently carrying heavy objects, can easily increase the risk of interspinous ligament injury.

In addition, some sports, such as weightlifting, basketball, soccer, etc., can also cause interspinous ligament injuries due to irregular movements or excessive exertion.

Therefore, interspinous ligament injuries are relatively common in everyday life, especially in some people who need to use the spine frequently.

Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it


Symptoms after injury

After an injury to the interspinous ligament, patients tend to experience significant pain. This pain usually occurs at the moment of injury and may worsen as the activity progresses.

The pain is usually located near the injured ligament and sometimes radiates to the surrounding area. The nature of the pain may be sharp, dull, or sore, and the duration depends on the extent of the injury and the effectiveness of treatment.

In addition to pain, patients may also notice swelling and tenderness in the injured area. Swelling is due to the inflammatory response and blood buildup after the injury, while tenderness is due to the pain caused by the damaged ligaments when touched.

In addition, interspinous ligament injuries can lead to limited mobility or dysfunction. Patients may find themselves experiencing discomfort or pain in certain movements or postures, limiting their range of motion. This dysfunction may affect daily life and work,

It is important to note that the symptoms of interspinous ligament injury can vary depending on the individual. Some people may show only mild symptoms, while others may have severe symptoms.

Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it


Treatment and rehabilitation

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment for interspinous ligament injuries emphasizes holistic conditioning and individualized treatment. Commonly used TCM treatments include acupuncture, massage, Chinese medicine, etc.

Western medicine mainly uses medication, physical therapy and surgery to treat interspinous ligament injuries. Surgery may be needed for severe interspinous ligament injuries, such as complete rupture or other serious complications. The goal of surgery is usually to repair or reconstruct the ligaments and restore their normal function.

Rehabilitation is an important part of the treatment of interspinous ligament injuries. Proper rehabilitation exercises can strengthen muscles, improve joint mobility, and prevent re-injury.

Patients with low back pain pay attention and really need to understand it



Preventing injury to the interspinous ligament is equally important. It is advisable to maintain good lifestyle habits such as maintaining a correct posture of sitting, standing and walking.

At the same time, enhance physical exercise, improve physical fitness and muscle strength. When participating in high-intensity activities, it is important to warm up and take precautions to reduce the risk of injury.


Interspinous ligament injuries are one of the common spinal injuries, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, most injuries can be effectively managed. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment of interspinous ligament injuries can help us better prevent injuries from occurring and seek medical help when they occur.

Hopefully, this article has helped you gain a deeper understanding of interspinous ligament injuries and provided helpful guidance for your health. If you have any problems in this regard, the Department of Tuina of Shenzhen Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine will answer your questions.

Doctor's introduction

Liu Zhongdi, Master of Medicine, graduated from Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's and master's degree in Chinese medicine (acupuncture). He is proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent diseases in Tuina, and is good at using acupuncture and moxibustion, combined with Tuina, Chinese medicine and Western medicine to treat nervous system diseases, various pains, such as cerebrovascular disease, cervical spondylosis, lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, vascular neuropathic headache, facial paralysis, frozen shoulder, knee paralysis, herpes zoster, stiff neck and other diseases. He served as the "second standing member" of the Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pain Prevention and Treatment Professional Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Primary Medicine Association, the first member of the Sub-health Professional Committee of the Guangdong Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association, the standing member of the first Moxibustion Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, the first member of the Encephalopathy Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the second member of the Manipulation Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society, and the second member of the Pain Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is a member of the 1st Committee of the Orthopedic Rehabilitation Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the 4th Orthopedic and Traumatology Professional Committee of the Shenzhen Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a member of the 1st Committee of the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association of the Shenzhen Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion.

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