
Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

author:China Net Shandong
Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition

Academic Exhibition Series of Chinese Painting at Guangzhou Fine Art Academy

Guided by:

Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism

Guangdong Artists Association


Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts


Guangdong Provincial Chinese Painting Society

Chinese Painting Art Committee of Guangdong Artists Association

General Planner:

Yan Bin, Song Lujing

Executive Curator:

Li Xiaxia, Feng Liang Jiawei

Exhibition Coordinator:

Liu Sheng, Zhang Gong, and Kuang Yiming

Exhibition Hours:

06/08 - 07/07/2024

Exhibition Venue:

Art Museum of Guangzhou Fine Art Academy (No. 66, Inner Ring West Road, University Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou)

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

Each author has his own methods and thoughts in the creation of Chinese painting, but the rules and purposes of creation are the same. It is to combine the vitality and vitality of natural objects and the state of life with the theory of Chinese painting and the spirit of brush and ink, integrate the author's temperament and aesthetic orientation, melt the ancient, and cut out new images. A work of art is the result of the fusion of the state of nature, the state of culture and the state of mind.

(Written by Yue Qiangshan)

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image


288cm×367cm 纸本水墨 2017

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

Late autumn in banana groves

272cm×214cm 纸本设色 2024

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

golden autumn

246cm×124cm 纸本设色 2024

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image


138cm×70cm 纸本设色 2024

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image


138cm×70cm 纸本设色 2024

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image


138cm×70cm 纸本设色 2024

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

African hibiscus

138cm×70cm 纸本设色 2024

(Source: Contemporary Lingnan)

Artist Profile

Searching for Meaning among Flowers: Contemporary Flower and Bird Painting Research Exhibition | Yue Qianshan: Melt the ancient and cut out a new image

Yue Qianshan, born in Guiyang City in February 1963, is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, former president and secretary of the General Party Branch of the School of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, a member of the Chinese Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, a researcher of the China National Academy of Painting, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and a researcher of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the Central Museum of Culture and History. In 1995, he held his first solo exhibition at the National Art Museum of China. He has published more than 10 volumes of personal paintings. His works have participated in many important academic exhibitions and have been published in important national academic and professional journals for many times. It has been featured by more than a dozen domestic media such as CCTV, China Education Television, Beijing TV, and Central People's Radio. From 1996 to 1997, he was invited to Russia, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, South Korea and other countries to give art investigation lectures, hold art exhibitions and other activities. His works have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, Tiananmen Tower, Zhongnanhai, Hong Kong Administrative Region Building, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing Artists Association and other units.