
The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Recommended words: The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups make you healthy in summer, moisturize and moisturize the spleen and stomach, so that your summer is no longer "hot"!

As the summer solar term approaches, the heat and humidity of summer begin to fill the air, and people are often prone to tiredness, thirst, and even stomach discomfort. At this time, a well-stewed soup can not only replenish the body with the water it needs, but also moisturize the spleen and stomach, so that we can maintain health and vitality in the hot summer. Below, I will introduce you to five stews that are especially suitable for the summer season, so that we can spend the summer together and make the summer no longer "hot".

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

1. Winter melon and barley and duck soup

Winter melon and barley and duck soup is a classic summer tonic soup. The duck is cold, and has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, nourishing yin and replenishing deficiency; Winter melon can diuresis, reduce swelling, clear heat and detoxify; Barley is conducive to water infiltration, spleen and diarrhea. Stewing duck, winter melon and barley together not only makes the soup delicious, but also effectively relieves the heat and discomfort of the body in summer.

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

When making, first wash the duck and cut it into pieces, peel and cut the winter melon, and soak the barley in advance. Then put the duck into the pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine to stir-fry to remove the smell, then add water, winter melon, barley, and simmer for two hours. Finally, add salt to taste. This soup is light, delicious and suitable for summer.

2. Yam and wolfberry pork rib soup

Yam and wolfberry pork rib soup is a soup with tonic properties. Yam can strengthen the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs and strengthen the kidneys; wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidneys, benefit the eyes; Pork ribs replenish calcium and strengthen bones. Combining the three to stew is not only delicious, but also effective in improving the condition of weak spleen and stomach and loss of appetite in summer.

When making, wash the pork ribs and cut them into sections, peel and cut the yam into pieces, and soak the wolfberries in advance. Then put the pork ribs into the pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine to stir-fry to remove the smell, then add water, yam and wolfberry, and simmer for two hours. Finally, add salt to taste. This soup is mellow and nutritious, making it suitable for the whole family.

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

3. Mung bean lily lotus seed soup

Mung bean lily lotus seed soup is a soup that clears away heat and relieves heat, nourishes the heart and calms the nerves. Mung bean can clear away heat and detoxify, diuresis and reduce swelling; Lilies can nourish yin and moisten the lungs, clear the heart and calm the nerves; Lotus seeds can tonify the spleen and stop diarrhea, benefit the kidneys and strengthen essence. Combining the three to stew not only makes the soup sweet and delicious, but also effectively alleviates the upset, insomnia and dreaminess in summer.

When making, wash and soak mung beans, lilies, and lotus seeds separately. Then put the mung beans into the pot, add water and cook until the mung beans bloom, then add lilies and lotus seeds and continue to simmer for half an hour. Finally, add rock sugar to taste. This soup has a sweet taste and is suitable as a summer dessert.

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

Fourth, loofah egg soup

Loofah egg soup is a simple and easy-to-make summer soup. The loofah can clear heat and cool the blood, detoxify and laxative; Eggs can nourish yin and moisten dryness, nourish blood and stabilize the fetus. Stewing a loofah with eggs is not only delicious, but also effective in relieving thirst and constipation in summer.

To make it, peel and slice the loofah and beat the eggs for later use. Then put the loofah into the pot, add water and cook until the loofah is soft, then pour in the egg liquid and quickly stir into an egg flower shape. Finally, add salt and chicken essence to taste. This soup has a light taste and is suitable as an appetizer in summer.

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

5. White fungus and red date soup

White fungus and red date soup is a soup with nourishing and nourishing effects. Tremella can nourish yin and lungs, nourish the stomach and nourish the stomach; Red dates can replenish qi and nourish blood, and calm the nerves. Combining white fungus with red dates to stew not only makes the soup sweet and delicious, but also effectively improves the condition of dry and dull skin in summer.

When making, first tear the white fungus into small flowers, wash and remove the core of the red dates. Then put the white fungus and red dates into the pot, add water and cook until the white fungus is soft and glutinous, and the red dates are sweet. Finally, add rock sugar to taste. This soup has a sweet taste and is suitable for female friends to eat in summer to nourish their beauty and beauty.

The summer heat is coming, 5 stewed soups will make you healthy in summer, moisturize and strengthen the spleen and stomach, so that the summer heat will not be hot

The above five stewed soups have their own characteristics, which can not only hydrate and moisten the spleen and stomach, but also bring us delicious and nutritious. In this season of summer, why not try these soups! Let's spend a healthy summer and have a good time together.