
Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

author:Nandu Vision
Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood
Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

Wang Haibin

A native of Shandong, he is a member of the Chinese Writers Association. He used to be the documentary director of CCTV Movie Channel. His articles have appeared in "Chinese Writers", "Children's Literature", "Juvenile Literature and Art", etc. Published "Pekingese", "Morning Flowers and Evening Picks 1990", "Magical Courtyard", etc.

Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

Warm the original memories of childhood

"Stuff" originated from a dream. I woke up and forgot about that dream, but one day it suddenly appeared in my mind and made me burst into tears.

I was born in a village in the northwestern plains of Shandong Province by the Grand Canal, and it has been a custom for many years to twist Yangge during the Spring Festival. The characters and events described in the article are exactly what they remember as they were. Those people and events warmed my childhood and enlightened my artistic pursuits.

My generation, for as long as I can remember, has been in various partings and migrations, either with family members or alone, and it seems that there is no hometown and no nostalgia. Memories of the hometown are all related to this little bit of custom. The daily trivialities, laughter and anger of these characters, mixed with their respective destinies, constitute all the meanings related to their hometown, making homesickness concrete and clear in front of my eyes.

I wanted to use my pen to retain these memories and protect my hometown and old people in my memory, so I began to write a series of "Altay of the 70s", and "Trouble" is one of them.

Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood



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Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

Jokes (excerpt) Author/Wang Haibin Reading/Jing Wen

Jokes (excerpt)

Text/Wang Haibin

Jiaodong Literature, No. 6, 2024

Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

Lao Gao is the only one here who can use wood and sorghum stalks to tie cattle and horses, he hehe, hehe, hehe, go home and climb to the jujube tree at home to split branches, ready to make a pair of running donkey frames again, may be anxious, or it may be old, one fell down carelessly, broke his foot and neck, and fell on the kang sighing.

"I've been delayed this year, hey—"

After hearing about it, Mrs. Liu's son spent most of the night on his own, corrected the sitting place of the running donkey, sat on the back of the donkey upright, and drove the running donkey to see Lao Gao the next day.

"Okay, don't worry."

Lao Gao broke his leg, and everyone was worried about it, this one sent a bowl of dumplings - specially wrapped, and that one sent a piece of bacon. You send a few steamed buns – almost no one can eat steamed buns all year round, usually corn flour tortillas, so steamed buns are precious. I send a bowl of miso - homemade, with different ingredients and the same method, the taste is the same, salty. Uncle Deqing sat on Lao Gao's kang, and first played the song "Evening on the outskirts of Moscow" with the accordion, Lao Gao shook his head:

"Let's do it."

Uncle Deqing hurriedly ran home to get the erhu again, and pulled a piece of "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", which was scattered, but Lao Gao said yes again and again, and instructed the family:

"Bring the half bottle of sorghum Daqu that Long Leg sent......"

The next year, Mrs. Liu's eldest son went to join the army, and he couldn't find a suitable person willing to ride a donkey for a while. "Bangs chopping" didn't appear in the gadget team.

There were less than 300 of us here, and the squint-eyed old Jin was very familiar with every household, and when the gongs and drums were beating noisily, he carried several large bundles of colored paper and carried a bag of candles from house to house.

"It's going to be a light on the fifth day of the first month, hurry up-"

Those who twist Yangge should hold up lanterns, and the lanterns have to be tied by themselves: a trapezoidal lampshade with a height of 45 centimeters and a width of about 20 centimeters is tied with wood, with handles, and white powder lotus paper is pasted on all sides. Almost everyone will paste festive paper-cut patterns on the paper: magpies climb branches, double bats send happiness, flowers bloom richly, there are fish every year, etc., even if the hands are clumsy, they will cut two red lantern patterns and paste them; There is an iron nail inside the lampshade for candles; A few branches are tied to the cover, and all kinds of colorful paper flowers are tied to the branches - when the candles are lit, the lights are flickering, and the peanut trees are mixed, "the flowers are gradually charming".

The three grandmothers in our alley are skillful and can tie flowers, and the big girls and little daughters-in-law all come to beg her to tie flowers. The third grandmother put down everything at home and sat cross-legged on the kang, not in a hurry or impatient. At the end of the day, she called her daughter-in-law softly:

"Come and hold me, I can't straighten my waist......"

It is not necessary to reach the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, on the afternoon of the third day of the Lunar New Year, the gongs and drums under the crooked neck locust tree sounded, accompanied by the sonorous gongs and drums, the twisted Yangge have held their own well-designed lanterns, and the umbrellas are holding brand new umbrella covers - every year is sewn with new fabrics, gathered in twos and threes, at this time the captain will appear, he will stand there with his hands copied, see that people have gathered a lot, and shout:

"Let's go—"

People "walked", and it was customary to decide who should stand where and who should take the lead.

The snow and wind in the sky made the cold of the harsh winter even heavier, and the heat exhaled from the mouth turned white on the stubble and on the eyebrows, all of which could not stop the people's spirit, and the laughter and gongs and drums drove the midwinter to the end of the road.

For the complete work, please read "Jiaodong Literature" Issue 6, 2024

Wang Haibin's "Troubles": The original memories of warm childhood

(This article is selected from the WeChat public account of Jiaodong Literature)