
5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

author:The round head said film and television

1, "Soldiers in the City"

The war has brought the interaction between countries to the extreme, and the soldiers who have fallen into the water and fled, and the soldiers who have been punished on the spot, have no way to retreat when they go to the battlefield, and can only choose to fight against the water. The famous sniper, fast and ruthless is his life motto, and he strives to create an equal world, but people will still be jealous of what they can't want. He insisted on retrieving the colonel's gun, and sparked a spark of love in the wolf-filled night. But he will be robbed of his seven emotions and six desires by the coldness of war, and he will be overwhelmed by the sacredness of faith, and the love and hatred of his family and country. In short, the best movie to watch the Battle of Stalingrad, the description of the hardships of the war is more shocking than that of Soviet films, with a grand war background, a wonderful battle story, love, big characters, redemption, and all the elements that the audience wants to see.

5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

2, "All Quiet on the Western Front"

Personally, I have never been very interested in war-themed works, but this work is really shocking, through the inner struggle and collapse of the protagonist, I see the young soldiers, seeking survival in the war, abandoning humanity. At the same time, the photography and videography technology of this film is excellent, the picture composition is too in line with the aesthetics of our designer, and the rhythm and mood are excellent. In short, movies that are suitable for the people of the whole country to watch, especially the angry patriotic youth, whether they are excited or ignorant and indifferent, need to deeply understand the meaning of war, just like the young people who went to the war like a party at the beginning of the film, they were scared to pee in the first scene of the battlefield, and there was no difference between people in front of the war and meat in the vegetable market.

5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

3, "Full Metal Shell"

A movie that is full of madness in the first half and crazy in the second half. It is a respect for personality to wear out humiliating humanity from the root of coldness, to train to become a ruthless weapon of steel, and to have the courage to choose to die with those who destroy themselves. No matter how hard and powerful the training is, we will hesitate in the real and cruel battlefield, we are the same species, in different positions, balancing the two to make the decision to belong to our own independent will as human beings, which is a profound understanding of human nature. In the limited plot performance of the partner's comrades-in-arms who died in battle one second and the partners were promoted in the next second, the simple lines and changes in expressions depict the different states and deep reflections of the characters, a great director!

5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

4, "Hacksaw Ridge"

I watched a film many years ago, and I am still very moved by the second brush. The film's realistic special effects and textured images vividly show the cruelty and bloodiness of war, which makes the audience feel heavy. At the same time, the protagonist's protection and belief in faith are even more awe-inspiring. When your faith goes to the extreme, you become someone else's faith. "When the world falls apart, I just want to piece it back piece by bit." "When someone else's life is taken, I'm going to save it." Every sentence is deeply rooted in people's hearts. War movies should not be pursued to bring people the sensory stimulation of blood and blood, good war movies are infectious, compassionate, and make people deeply understand the cruelty of war and the preciousness of peace.

5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

5, "Black Hawk Down"

There are no sensational memories of "Saving Private Ryan", nor the painful reflections of "Apocalypse Now", there is just war, real and brutal war! The shooting is extremely realistic, and a bloody storm that happened in Somalia perfectly presents the scene of the entry of modern troops. It is still a cliché, in times of peace, some areas are perennially war-torn and basically backward and ignorant, and the people there are not at all able to wake up with slogans, and they do not understand what a normal society is from the root. The United States can succeed in reforming Japan and South Korea, but the Middle East and Africa have no foundation, and they have not yet understood constitutionalism and all modern common sense. Avoiding war is a philosophy that people should always adhere to, but when it comes to fundamentalist extremes and so on, the guns can't be stopped.

5 hardcore historical war films, each one is too exciting, it's a pity to miss one!

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