
In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

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Text丨Bohn's History of Words

Editor丨Bohn History


In 1983, the state organized a vigorous strike-hard campaign to severely punish criminal acts, thus clearing up the social atmosphere.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

In this strike hard campaign, Marshal Zhu De's youngest grandson, Zhu Guohua, was sentenced to death for violating the law.

Later, at the family meeting, she also seriously educated other children and grandchildren: "You are tossing your grandfather when you have problems, and if anyone breaks the law, they must cut off relations with you." ”

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Why is Kang Keqing so "ruthless" to his grandson?

What kind of family rules did Mr. Zhu leave for her during his lifetime?

Mr. Zhu's family style is strict, and he wants Kang Keqing to sever relations with his children and grandchildren who have made mistakes

Mr. Zhu's family style has always been very strict, and the first requirement for future generations is that he must not engage in specialization and bureaucracy at any time, and he must always remember that he is just an ordinary person.

In 1969, Mr. Zhu's grandson Liu Jian responded to the call of the country, went to the mountains and went to the countryside to become an educated youth, and was assigned to work on a farm in Heilongjiang.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Liu Jian

Being a soldier was the most promising thing in that era, Liu Jian admired Zhu De since he was a child, and wanted to find Zhu De to apply to be a soldier, but Mr. Zhu persuaded him to become an educated youth, and said earnestly:

"600 million of China's 700 million people are peasants, and if you don't understand the peasants, you can't make a revolution."

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Later, Liu Jian wanted Mr. Zhu to transfer him back because he worked too the farm, and Mr. Zhu persuaded him again: "Don't give up because of a little setback, it just shows that you need such exercise." ”[1]

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

With the encouragement and support of Mr. Zhu, Liu Jian insisted on joining the army after working on the farm for a year, and since then he has been working seriously, never engaging in specialization, and being strict with himself.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Although Mr. Zhu looked forward to future generations becoming the successors of socialism, he also thought of the possibility of having unworthy descendants, so he once said to Kang Keqing:

"If future generations are not angry and make mistakes, don't be angry, after all, the country has national laws and family rules, and you can publish a newspaper to cut off relations with him." [2]

But what Mr. Zhu didn't expect was that his favorite grandson Zhu Guohua turned out to be the one who made the mistake and caused an uproar in the society, what is going on?

Zhu Guohua lived an indecent life, and Kang Keqing killed his relatives with righteousness

Zhu Guohua is an out-and-out red third generation, he is the youngest grandson of Mr. Zhu, and he has been deeply loved by Mr. Zhu and Kang Keqing since he was a child, and he himself has studied very seriously since he was a child.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

But the situation changed after he went to college, when Mr. Zhu and Zhu Qi died of illness one after another, and Zhu Guohua, as the youngest son of the Zhu family, although he was still strictly educated by his grandmother at home, the situation at school was diametrically opposite.

After the teachers and classmates learned that he was Mr. Zhu's own grandson, they took special care of him and often gave him convenience, and over time Zhu Guohua understood that his identity could bring some different conveniences.

After work, because the discipline of the unit is not strict, he has relaxed his requirements for himself in daily life, and he sleeps in addition to playing at work every day, and his greatest pleasure is to use his identity to please girls.

But he is not an innocent person, and he treats the relationship between men and women very casually, so he changed many girlfriends in just a few years after graduation.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Later, it even evolved into a criminal group formed by him and a few fox friends and dogs, using various despicable means to rape and molest young women, which also led to the destruction of many young women.

According to relevant records, from 1978 to 1982, Zhu Guohua raped and molested as many as 13 women, and more than 30 women were tragically tarnished by the criminal group.

Such a heinous act quickly aroused public outrage, and he was quickly arrested by the Tianjin police, and sentenced to death on charges of hooliganism and rape after only eight months.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Although Zhu Guohua tried to appeal to fight for a glimmer of life for himself, it was also rumored that "Kang Keqing went to Tianjin to understand the situation and wanted to reduce his grandson's sentence." Kang Keqing roared angrily, you are using a knife on Mr. Zhu's head. Rumors. [3]

But the actual situation is not the case, Kang Keqing only received a phone call, she also tried her best to restrain her feelings after learning what happened, and then calmly told the case handlers: "The prince broke the law and was guilty of the same crime as the common people." ”

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

As for the rumors from the outside world, she never responded and fought back, but firmly believed in the organization's decision, and the only thing she did for Zhu Guohua was to comfort his mother.

However, Kang Keqing did not feel sorry for her grandson, and Zhu Guohua was shot as if he had dug a piece of meat from her heart, but she only expressed her sadness to the driver Lao Liu in private.

The day after Zhu Guohua was shot, Kang Keqing went to attend a very important meeting, and on the way there she said sadly to the driver: "Master Liu, my grandson committed a crime and was shot yesterday. ”

But when the driver cautiously asked her if she signed the verdict, Kang Keqing quickly regained her senses, and then replied seriously: "There is no need to sign for such a conclusive matter." ”[4]

At this moment, Kang Keqing vividly showed her longing for her grandson and her disappointment, and the last sentence reflected her trust and loyalty to the country and the organization.

Kang Keqing warned future generations not to make mistakes and embezzlement

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

However, such a thing happened to the family, which also made Kang Keqing realize that she needed to seriously beat her children and grandchildren, so she said to the family seriously at a family dinner:

"If you have a problem, you are tossing your grandfather, and your grandfather has spoken first, if you don't fight and do something illegal, I will be published in the newspaper to cut off relations with you."

In the days that followed, Kang Keqing often reminded his grandchildren not to get lost in the great changes of the times, and to keep their hearts and live a peaceful life at home, especially not to be corrupt. [5]

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Even when she was dying, she warned her children and grandchildren to live a peaceful life, never make mistakes, let alone embezzle, and even when she said this, her eyes were full of tears.

In 1983, Zhu De's grandson was sentenced to death, Kang Keqing: If you have a problem, you are tossing grandpa

Maybe Kang Keqing, who was dying, remembered his once most beloved little grandson again, and regretted that he didn't stop him from committing crimes.


Kang Keqing has continued Mr. Zhu's spirit of honesty and honesty and dedication to the public very well, and under her education, Liu Jian, Zhu Heping and others have also made good achievements, which is enough to make Mr. Kang and Mr. Zhu proud.

Although Zhu Guohua's illegal crimes are painful, it can only be said that he failed to abide by his original intentions, if he can communicate and communicate with his grandmother Kang Keqing more, maybe he will not go astray. #长文创作激励计划#


Zhu De forbade future generations to engage in specialization; Communist Party Member, 2012.11

how Zhu De became a grandfather; Wang Fan, Xinxiang Review, 2013.16

Kang Keqing was sentenced to death in the face of his grandson; ZHOU Yan; Literature and History Expo, 2004.11

Kang Keqing was sentenced to death in the face of his grandson; ZHOU Yan; Literature and History Expo, 2004.11

Kang Keqing's "peaceful life" is alarming; Red Wide Angle, 2011.11