
The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

author:Brother Yan, the inspector of national weapons

The United States does not understand at all why the Houthis have such an advanced level of science and technology, and directly developed a high-end weapon to attack Israeli ships, and achieved very good results, and the performance of this weapon is even more advanced than that of the United States, what is going on?

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

The Houthis are an armed organization in Yemen, which has developed from the slipper army in previous years to the present, and has become very strong in combat, and even the United States does not give face at all. Since the beginning of a new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict last October, the Houthis have openly pledged their support for their Palestinian brothers, and all Israeli and allied ships passing through their homes will be hit.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

Unlike some countries in the world that only protest, and some countries that only talk but don't do anything, the Houthis really don't talk much. Israeli, British, and American freighters, oil tankers, merchant ships, and even warships will certainly be attacked if they appear in the Red Sea, and if they come within range of Houthi firepower, they will be attacked, and if they are lucky, they will escape, and if they are unlucky, they will be sunk.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

The Houthis have fired more missiles than they have ever said, and even dispatched drones and high-speed missiles to blow up the US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower, which is said to have directly blown up a big hole in the deck, blew up four F35 fighter jets, and killed and injured more than 170 US soldiers. Whether this news is accurate or not, we do not yet know, anyway, the USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier is returning to the US base.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

Regardless of whether it hit the US aircraft carrier or not, let's not talk about this matter first, but the Houthis must have launched high-speed missiles, this matter is still certain, and where these high-speed missiles came from, there are many theories, some people say that they studied it themselves, some people say that it was given by others, and many people say that they picked it up when they were walking in the desert, and the Houthi attack on Israel this time gave everyone an accurate answer.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

The Houthi spokesman made it clear that this attack on Israel, they used self-made high-speed missiles for the first time, and this newly researched missile has higher accuracy and longer range than previous products, if what the Houthis say is true, then we can get two pieces of information, the first information is that someone did send high-speed missiles to the Houthis before, and there are quite a few of them, as for who sent them, you can boldly guess.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

The second information is that the Houthis themselves already have the technology and ability to manufacture high-speed missiles, although this weapon is not something that ordinary countries can understand, and even the United States has not studied it thoroughly, so the technology of the Houthis is likely to be given by other countries, but even if it is given by others, the Houthis can also make their own, which is much stronger than the United States or even Israel, as long as the number is enough, then the threat of American aircraft carriers in the Red Sea will be much smaller.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

The Houthis are the vanguard of anti-US aggression in the Middle East, and the areas they control are all mountainous, so it is difficult for US and British fighter jets to bomb in the past, and it is difficult to achieve good results, while Yemen is holding the throat of the Red Sea, as long as they want, the ships of the United States and its allies do not want to pass through here safely, and the situation in the Middle East is really interesting.

The Houthis develop high-end weapons to strike Israeli ships, more advanced than the United States?

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