
If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!


Is the countryside good? Naturally, it is good, but why are young people who come out of the countryside reluctant to stay in the countryside?

Some people say that there are only opportunities in big cities, some people say that it is because of the lack of resources in the countryside, and some people think that the countryside is too quiet......

I have always felt that the countryside is a good place, the mountains are good, the water is good, the air is good, there is no noise when I sleep at night, it is particularly quiet, and it is suitable for self-cultivation.

But if I were to live in the countryside for a long time, I wouldn't want to.

You must know that people are social animals, and people have to deal with people after all, and in many rural areas, it is indeed difficult for people to get along with each other. Of course, this is only part of it, not all.

If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!

There are good people everywhere and bad people everywhere.

I've lived in the countryside for a while, so I'll tell you a few stories.

The first story is about a retired teacher who went back to the village to retire, we often chatted, and his biggest hobby was writing poems and painting bamboo, so a lot of green bamboo was planted in front of the door.

Later, he went to the county hospital to see a doctor, and when he came back, he found that his favorite bamboo was cut by others, and it was a mess, and it turned out that the neighbor in front of him suspected that these bamboos were bad for his family's feng shui, so he cut them, and after cutting them, he smiled and said, "Don't plant anymore, I will cut them after planting."

He was not angry and asked the village for justice, but they tore each other for a long time without results, and the man finally said that he would pay 10 yuan, and the bamboo could not be eaten or drunk, and it was not worth much anyway.

It didn't take long for him to move out, and I can't hide if I can't afford to provoke him.

If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!

In the countryside, there are often broken things!

In many rural areas, there are no idlers, everyone is busy making money, except for the elderly who can't really do it, both men and women, young and old.

But there are always times when you are not busy, and it is easy to have right and wrong at this time. It's either a drunken mess or a quarrel, or it's right and wrong, or the parents are short, they beat their children on a rainy day, and they are idle.

The second story is a bit nonsensical, an old farmer in his fifties and sixties raises a flock of sheep with his wife at home, and he often drives the sheep up the mountain to graze, and his wife delivers lunch. On this day, he was chatting with a peasant woman from the same village who went to the mountain to do farm work, and his wife happened to see it, and she suspected that the two had an adulterous relationship, so she scolded her.

The other party is not a vegetarian, so he called his relatives to come to his door for a few days in a row to make noise, and he had to force her to apologize. In those days, I watched the play around a group of people, but in the end, it was over.

And this kind of thing happens often in many rural areas, and it is not uncommon.

If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!

What is the greatest expectation and achievement of many people in their lives?

The third story is about an old man, I think he is particularly typical, he has been killing pigs all his life except farming, but his reputation is not good, because he is often shoddy, and even takes sick pigs to sell, along with the people in the village.

But he has ambition and is willing to work hard, and he built a house for his son very early, and he said that his biggest hope is that his son can get ahead and come back to build a small two- or three-story western-style house.

It's a pity that he didn't realize it until he died, no, half of it, he and his son's money finally built a two-story small building, and in the months of building the house, he was busy every day, doing everything himself, and when it was finally completed, he smiled happily, and then died soon after.

The people in the village said that it was because of his evil deeds and that he built a house and fenced off all the roads in the village as his yard, and as a result, he suffered retribution.

But that's what everyone says about others, but who doesn't think the same thing in their hearts?

If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!

How to survive in the countryside? If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!

To put it mildly, "gentleness, courtesy, frugality" will not work in the countryside, horses are good at being ridden, people are good at being bullied, you give a step, others can get an inch.

I sometimes think that the countryside is the closest ecological environment to nature, especially in remote and backward places, where the relationship between people is like that between trees, and the competition for resources is extremely cruel.

Therefore, you can be a good person, but you must show your edge, the countryside is not popular with subtle style, everyone needs to be shallow. According to my observation, the best people in the countryside are the ones whose families are rich and powerful, and have the strength to support them. Of course, this logic is similar all over the world.

The utilitarianism, snobbery, and comparativeness of human nature, as well as greed, jealousy, and malice, are all directly expressed in the countryside. I have seen the situation of "building up and falling down", how lively it was in the beginning, and how deserted it was later, just like a play. Even if it's a family, even if it's a family, it's relatively high and low with each other, hating people and laughing at others, some people are more ruthless and poisonous to their relatives and family members for the sake of themselves, and they wish that everyone else was unlucky except themselves. Alas, what is the difference between earth and hell?

Perhaps, life is originally a drama, everyone is obsessed with their own desires and wants to grasp something, but in the end, they can't grasp anything, they are all "bamboo baskets for water". Sadly, generation after generation, almost the same drama is being staged.

If you understand the rules of the countryside, you will also understand human nature!