
There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

author:Fuzhou chased to the end
There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

"Police-People Direct Train" Nie Wentao, police officer of the Traffic Research Facilities Brigade of the Traffic Police Detachment of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...


Fuzhou traffic police for some signs markings

Adjustments have been made accordingly

See if there's a place you frequent!


Fuzhou traffic police completed the improvement of traffic facilities in the Luohan Mountain Tunnel on the Third Ring Road

In order to further promote the improvement of traffic facilities in accident-prone sections of the urban area and further ensure the safety of urban road traffic, the Fuzhou traffic police have recently improved the entrance and exit facilities on the west side of the Luohan Mountain Tunnel of the Third Ring Road. The second is to add longitudinal deceleration markings. Effectively strengthen the reminder of the driver to pay attention to the vehicle deceleration, and add a deceleration longitudinal marking line in both directions before the tunnel entry and exit to further remind the vehicle to slow down and slow down. The third is to increase the shock marking. In order to strengthen the driver's deceleration prompt, the Fuzhou traffic police added three sets of shock markings at the entrance of the ramp to remind the driver to slow down and pass safely.

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...


The Fuzhou traffic police continued to promote the pruning of road traffic signs and branches around the school

Recently, the Fuzhou traffic police organized the maintenance team of the four urban districts to promote the pruning of road traffic signs around 84 campuses, and put forward relevant work requirements. The first is to comprehensively organize and find out. The maintenance team of each district should quickly find out the setting of road traffic facilities around the school according to the list of schools, and establish a basic ledger for tree branches to block them. The second is to quickly rectify and improve. Tree branches that block signs should be pruned in time to ensure that traffic signs are set up clearly and conspicuously. After a comprehensive survey of 84 schools, a total of 89 traffic signs and branches were pruned to cover the problem, including 25 in Gulou, 6 in Taijiang, 44 in Cangshan, and 14 in Jin'an.

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

(before pruning)

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

(after trimming)


Fuzhou traffic police improved traffic signs at some intersections in Jin'an District

According to the investigation of hidden dangers at relevant traffic intersections in Jin'an District in the early stage, on the basis of on-site verification by relevant departments of Fuzhou traffic police and Jin'an Brigade, the traffic signs at 5 intersections such as Xialian Road/Qianqi Road and Fuma Road/Zhaoxian Road have been improved, and a total of 5 zebra crossing signs and concession signs have been added and improved, which further clarifies the right of way at the intersection, standardizes the road traffic order, and effectively eliminates the potential road traffic safety hazards.

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

Summer vacation is coming soon

During the holidays

Children have more time

Do what you want to do

And some parents also have such thoughts▼

"Just play near home, there will be no danger"

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

Not really

These places seem safe

But there is danger hidden, please stay away!

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

Don't let your children stay in these places

Frolicking, playing

The safety of children has always been the biggest concern of parents. Parents tell their children not to play in dangerous places and not to do dangerous things, but sometimes there are many dangers hidden in these seemingly safe places downstairs and in the community.


Accident prone areas are the internal passages, entrances and exits, open spaces on the ground, and areas where vehicles turn. Children playing in areas where vehicles pass or are parked are highly susceptible to accidents.

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

In addition, there are blind spots in the vehicle

If the child squats on the ground and plays

It is very easy to enter the blind spot of a moving vehicle

The risk factor is high

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

Two children were chasing and fighting in the parking lot, and when they were about to run to the entrance of the parking lot, one of the children hit a car that was driving into the parking lot.

PART.02 Turning Section

Due to the green belts, shops and parked vehicles on both sides of the turning road in the community, there is a blind spot for fixed objects for vehicles.

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

When there is a blind spot in the line of sight on both sides of the motor vehicle driver

Children run and play here

It is very easy to have a "ghost probe" event

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

On the internal road of a science and technology park, a child collided with a vehicle while playing and playing, resulting in minor injuries to the child.


In urban villages, some roads are mixed with people and vehicles, there are many shops on both sides of the road, and the road traffic function is intertwined with production, operation and life functions, and in the living area, people's awareness of road safety precautions will be reduced, which also leads to the possibility of traffic accidents involving children.

Children are lively by nature

It's easy to lose sight of the dangers around you

If parents neglect to supervise them

Danger is imminent

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

A 4-year-old child collided with a moving car while running on the village road, but fortunately the car did not stop fast and stopped in time, so as not to cause a tragedy.


Scooters, balance bikes, roller skates...... These gliders are popular with children, but they are toys that do not have the right of way and are forbidden to play in the roadway.

When a "small car" meets a "big car"

Children are often the ones who are hurt the most

There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

On a certain road, a van collided with a child playing a scooter on the road, and the child was injured in the accident.

These accidents warn us

The child is on the road where the vehicle is traveling

Play near the area where the vehicle is parked

It's tantamount to walking with a tiger

Danger is imminent

A must-see for parents and drivers

Safety Tips

Attention motorists

It is necessary to develop defensive driving habits, pay attention to the road conditions, and take the initiative to avoid pedestrians. When turning, slow down and prepare for braking, control the speed within the controllable range, and ensure that the vehicle can be stopped as soon as possible in case of emergency.

When passing through urban villages, residential areas, parking lots and other places with complex traffic and mixed traffic of people and vehicles, please observe the road conditions in advance, slow down and slow down, and sound the horn to remind pedestrians to pay attention to avoidance.

Be alert to the blind spot of the vehicle, and before the car starts, you should go around the car to observe the surrounding situation.

Attention parents and guardians

Do not let your child stay in a location with difficult traffic conditions, such as traffic arteries, parking lots, or community entrances.

Teach your child not to linger or play around a parked vehicle, not to run in front of a car, not to stay behind a car, and not to stand next to a car.

Be responsible for guardianship and try not to let your child out of your sight when you go out to play. When going out on foot, hold the child's little hand tightly, so as not to break free at will and cause accidents, and respond to emergencies that may arise at any time in time.

Tell your child not to play roller skating, scooters, toy cars, ball toys, etc. on the road.

Pay attention to children's traffic safety education

It is the best protection for children

Please be sure to take care of your children~

Source: Comprehensive Fuzhou Traffic Police


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There are changes! Involve these signs! There are also these places to stay away from...

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