
Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

author:Shout to play mahjong and I'll come right away

#头条创作挑战赛#都说一个人 "It's easy to get bad, it's hard to learn well", the same is true for playing mahjong's luck, if you want to play your luck well, you need many factors, you may not be able to cover everything, and if you want to make bad luck, you only need to make a small mistake. Mahjong is very "stingy", its belly is too small, as soon as it gets angry it will take back your luck, the following mistakes of losing card luck should not be made.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Low-level error: Xiang Gong or Fried Hu

Don't say mahjong novices, Xiang Gong and fried Hu as more than 20 years of mahjong I have made such a mistake more than once, if there is Xiang Gong or fried Hu, as long as I am not a loser, without exception luck will become worse, and finally become a loser. Therefore, playing mahjong should concentrate and not be distracted, and watch more and check more.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Low-level error: "Screaming alive becomes screaming dead"

"Live call" refers to a bid that has a chance to win, and "dead call" refers to a call that has no cards to play. Because he did not observe the situation of Hanoi's cards, he chose a self-righteous call, but when he looked up, he found that others had touched a pair, and Hanoi had another one, four of which were nothing, so that his original cards became untagged.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Wrong mentality: soft-hearted

Soft-hearted people always want to let go of the unlucky person, but when you are soft-hearted to others, most of them are in the case of your own card type, and you feel that it doesn't matter when you are a flat beard. Because you think that there are many fans, the scores are relatively more, and others are unlucky enough, Hu He is to make him worse, and the result is that there are no fans, and this behavior will lose your luck.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Wrong mentality: too greedy

The phrase "self-touching and self-touching more money" has been widely circulated by all friends. There is really no one who does not want to touch themselves, although some people want to, but for the self-touch is to maintain the mentality of fate, can not self-touch to see the will of God, and some people are biased to go against the sky, can not be nonsense and go greedy to self-touch to gamble on self-drawing, as a result of their own Hu Cheng but let others win, so that the loss of luck.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Wrong mentality: can not prevent but can't withstand temptation

Some people play mahjong only consider their own card type, but do not consider other people's card type, only see their own cards good, do not consider the danger of the cards you play, often can not withstand those ethereal good card type, regardless of it, the result is to assist others, as someone else's "accomplice", so that the loss of luck.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Technical error: Always missing out on winning hands

Playing mahjong have missed the card, could have been the card, but because of their own call to change the past, a will count the good, a will count the good, this is a blind calculation, if there is always such a mistake, you will also have no chance with the card, every miss is in the loss of your luck.

Playing mahjong these mistakes of losing cards, don't make them again

Technical error: self-righteous

There are some people who are self-righteous, feel that they are counting cards accurately, and they are determined to eat the cards that others want you to hand, and they are proud and complacent, and they play another card but are "honored" to get an assist, and they think that the kind of card is not. Such a mistake can also cost you luck.

Write at the end:

Playing mahjong to play cards to be lucky, not only need skills, but also need you to try not to make mistakes, one wrong step is a wrong step, affecting the flow of cards will change the luck of the cards.

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