
Say goodbye to childhood, be grateful and determined: the Central Primary School of Jiangkou Town, Dongkou County, carried out the "Adult Ceremony" activity

author:Daxiang heard it early

  CCTV full channel propaganda Hunan News: (Correspondent: Li Hugang) "Knowing the courtesy, being grateful to and filial to parents, diligent and determined to go everywhere." On the morning of June 28, 2024, the "Adult Ceremony" activity with the theme of "Farewell to Childhood, Gratitude and Determination" was launched in the Central School of Jiangkou Town, Dongkou County.

  "Adult Ceremony" is a kind of etiquette practiced in ancient China to educate children. "Book of Rites": "Become a child, dance elephants, learn to shoot royal." This salute is intended to "become a teenager and have great ambitions". Know how to be grateful, cherish ideals, and enter the teenage age of life.

Say goodbye to childhood, be grateful and determined: the Central Primary School of Jiangkou Town, Dongkou County, carried out the "Adult Ceremony" activity

  The whole event consists of "ten rituals". At the beginning of the national anthem, everyone played and sang the national anthem to thank the motherland. Zhu Fengyu, the principal of the school, played the drum three links and welcomed all parents. In the third agenda of "bowing to tea", the children made a sincere and respectful three bows to their parents, and offered tea to their elders.

Say goodbye to childhood, be grateful and determined: the Central Primary School of Jiangkou Town, Dongkou County, carried out the "Adult Ceremony" activity

  Following the etiquette master, the children walked into the two classics of "Filial Piety" and "Analects" in the fourth agenda. "Filial Piety" has a saying: "The parents who suffer from the body do not dare to destroy it, and the beginning of filial piety is also." The Analects tells us: "In the year of our parents, we must know it, one is joyful, the other is afraid." "The children read the scriptures along with the ceremonies. Knowing how to cherish one's own life is filial piety, and knowing how to cherish the "person in front of you" is filial piety. In the "hugging parents" session, the children and parents hugged each other tightly, conveying touching and warmth to each other, and good wishes circulated in their hearts. During the event, parent representatives shared their heart-to-heart stories with their children. After that, the drumming accompanied the children's aspirations to resound throughout the school. In "Drumming Mingzhi", the louder the drumming, the more ambitious it symbolizes. Doctors, teachers, policemen, soldiers, doctors...... It is the direction of the children's future.

Say goodbye to childhood, be grateful and determined: the Central Primary School of Jiangkou Town, Dongkou County, carried out the "Adult Ceremony" activity

  Eighth, parents and teachers "cinnabar moles" for students, enlightening wisdom and wisdom. I wish to be a person who pursues wisdom on the road of life, and the student representatives pay tribute to their parents and teachers. Immediately afterwards, the children solemnly swore in front of the national flag to become Chinese teenagers, with the strength in their hearts, to assume their own responsibilities and missions. Finally, the students recited "Juvenile China Says" with vigorous vitality to announce the success of the "Rite of Becoming a Child".

  This event is another attempt by the school to carry out "traditional culture into the campus". It has built a "bridge" between students and parents, and has also made further progress in promoting traditional culture and cultivating souls.

  Editor-in-charge/Tan Jiangxue

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