
U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

author:Geek Wind and Rain History

According to a report by Russia's "Izvestia" on June 25, on the 23rd of this month, Ukraine used a cluster bomb made by the United States to attack a beach in Russia. Did the Russian side respond?

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

What happened

The incident happened on June 23, on the beach of Sevastopol in Crimea, Russia, many people gathered on the beach to bask in the sun, parasols were neatly arranged, and suddenly shells flew from the sky and pointed directly at the crowd of tourists, according to video surveillance, the bombs fell into the sea like rain, and some fell on the beach.

The crowd was frightened, immediately caused a commotion, people ran together to a covered place, there is such a touching scene in the video, a child may have accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, parents did not hesitate to lie on the child directly after seeing it, at this moment parents think in their minds, it must be all about protecting the safety of the child.

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

The shelling stopped after a period of time, and the injured people were taken to the hospital as soon as possible, according to the latest data, the death caused 4 deaths, 144 injuries, and 27 children among the injured people.

The Russian army responded that the Ukrainian attack used American-made cluster bombs, Ukraine used five, the Russian army intercepted four, and the remaining one exploded over the city.

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

And this cluster bomb because of its ferocious firepower, covering a large area, banned by many countries, it is called the most murderous weapon, it seems that there are only five missiles, but each one is composed of hundreds of small shells, which is why the shells are like "meteor showers" in the monitoring.

In the face of deliberate sabotage, according to Russia's previous attitude, it will definitely not disarm and surrender, but will be more cohesive, the Russian Foreign Ministry responded quickly, how did they express their position?

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

The Russian side asked for an explanation

Although the shells were fired by Ukraine on Russian beaches, the shells were American, so the Russian Foreign Ministry believed that the United States should be jointly and severally responsible, and at the same time, summoned the US ambassador to Russia to lodge a solemn protest against the matter.

Sometimes war is inevitable, in order to protect national security, in order to defend the territory, but war should be a fight between soldiers on both sides, and should not hurt civilians for no reason, Russian presidential secretary Dmitry Peskov "The direct involvement of the United States leads to the loss of the lives of the Russian people will inevitably have consequences." ”

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

Within a few days, various departments have taken action one after another, which is enough to show that the act has caused public anger in Russia, not only Russia, but also many netizens have protested against this matter, Ukraine's move will not play any role, it will only deepen the hatred between Russia and Ukraine, and will only make the war between the two sides more tragic.

So what do netizens in the comment area think about this matter? Some people say that cluster bombs are very accurate in targeting and that there will be no deviation, but I wonder if this time Ukraine is aiming its guns at the beach.

U.S.-made missiles fell from the sky, the beaches of Crimea were in chaos, and the Russian side demanded explanations

Others said that Ukraine should not have this technology, and it is possible that the missiles launched by the US military directly in Ukraine, but some netizens said that according to video surveillance, the beach should fall like bomb fragments, just like Russia said that it has been intercepted in the air.

Of course, why wait for the official report, the severity of the matter has already caused public outrage, and I don't know how things will develop.