
Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

author:And Ze Walker
Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

The traditional Chinese medicine concept of winter disease and summer treatment

The unique concept of "winter disease and summer treatment" in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine is essentially a practical application of preventive medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cold diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, rheumatic joint pain, etc., are prone to attack or aggravate in winter, and the root cause of these diseases is the lack of yang qi in the body, and the yin and cold in the body are too strong. In winter, the external environment is cloudy and yang, and cold stimuli exacerbate the onset of diseases.

The concept of yang qi was first seen in the Yellow Emperor's Neijing, which refers to the ability of the human body to resist the invasion of external evil winds, also known as "Wei Yang" or "Wei Qi". The key to the treatment of "winter disease" is to support yang qi to resist yin and cold, and in summer, especially in dog days, yang qi is the most abundant, the pores of the human body are wide open, the flow of qi and blood is smooth, and the medicinal properties are easier to penetrate and absorb. Therefore, in summer, by warming and replenishing yang qi, dissipating cold and driving away evil spirits, and invigorating blood circulation, the body can effectively prevent and treat winter diseases, improve immunity and physical health.

Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

The type of disease that is suitable for winter and summer treatment

"Winter sickness" refers to those diseases that are prone to attack and aggravate in autumn and winter, and the common characteristics of these diseases are cold hands and feet, cold and warmth, fear of wind and cold, fatigue and sleepiness. Specifically, respiratory diseases such as chronic cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc., can be treated by winter and summer treatment. Rheumatological diseases such as joint pain, frozen shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., can also be alleviated by yang conditioning in summer. Digestive diseases such as diarrhea, abdominal pain due to deficiency and cold, chronic gastrointestinal disorders, as well as otolaryngological diseases such as allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis, etc., are suitable for winter and summer treatment.

In addition, gynecological diseases such as dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, postpartum wind, cold and headache, pediatric diseases such as allergic asthma, dyspepsia, anorexia, etc., chronic skin diseases such as urticaria, chilblains, scleroderma, etc., neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, frozen shoulder, etc., and sub-health conditions such as fatigue syndrome, cold limbs, low immunity, etc., can be significantly improved through summer conditioning.

Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

Methods and principles of winter disease and summer treatment

Commonly used methods for treating winter diseases and summer diseases include three-dog patches, ointments and auricular pressure beans. Sanfu Patch is a kind of summer health care therapy, which pastes the medicine of Xinwen Fuwei on the corresponding acupuncture points, and achieves the effect of dredging the meridians, regulating qi and blood, and encouraging yang qi through double yang induction and internal and external integration. The ointment is an internal ointment, which can not only cure but also prevent diseases, strengthen the body and dispel evil, anti-aging and disease prevention, and strengthen the physique, especially suitable for summer tonic to enhance resistance.

By stimulating the corresponding acupuncture points on the auricle, the auricular pressure bean regulates the balance of nerves, dredges the meridians, reconciles qi and blood, and prevents and treats diseases. These methods are carried out in the summer when the yang energy is at its peak and the meridian qi and blood flow is at its most vigorous, by replenishing yang qi and enhancing the body's self-regulation ability, so as to achieve the effect of prevention and treatment.

Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

Manifestations of Yang Qi Deficiency and Its Recuperation

Although some people have not been diagnosed with specific diseases, they often feel weak and cold, lack of qi and blood, and are prone to minor diseases, which is also a manifestation of insufficient yang qi. These symptoms include graying hair, hair loss, poor hair quality, cold hands and feet, rough skin, pale complexion, pale and dry lips, sleep disturbances, insomnia or difficulty falling asleep, decreased immunity, susceptibility to colds and fevers, etc.

Through the method of winter disease and summer treatment, we can supplement Weiyang, improve these sub-health states, and make people comfortable and unharmed when winter comes. Specific recuperation methods include appropriate tonic ointment, adherence to three-pronged patches, auricular acupoint pressure beans, etc., according to individual physique and symptoms to choose the appropriate method for conditioning, to achieve the purpose of enhancing physical fitness and preventing diseases.

Yang Qi in summer, health and worry-free: one article to understand winter diseases and summer treatment

In general, as a unique preventive medicine concept of traditional Chinese medicine, summer treatment of winter diseases has important health value for the prevention and treatment of deficiency and cold diseases that are prone to occur in winter by recuperating yang qi in summer. However, the scientific and effectiveness of this traditional Chinese medicine method in modern medicine is still controversial.

Some people believe that the method of winter disease and summer treatment is scientific and effective, which is in line with the overall concept of traditional Chinese medicine and the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment, but there are also views that its theoretical basis and efficacy lack the empirical support of modern medicine, and need further research and verification. This controversy has sparked a discussion on how traditional medicine and modern medicine can be integrated and developed, which is worthy of in-depth discussion and consideration.