
"Fuel guzzlers" were caught! Pingnan police cracked a diesel theft case

author:Rule of law Ningde

At present, the Baidong Line in Lingxia Township, Pingnan County is in the road construction period, but recently, the hook machine and forklift parked next to the construction section have frequently been stolen from diesel, which has caused a lot of economic losses to the construction unit and affected the smooth progress of road construction, which has attracted great attention from the police.

"Fuel guzzlers" were caught! Pingnan police cracked a diesel theft case
"Fuel guzzlers" were caught! Pingnan police cracked a diesel theft case
"Fuel guzzlers" were caught! Pingnan police cracked a diesel theft case

It is understood that the criminals targeted vehicles parked on the side of the road and next to the construction site, and chose to attack in the dead of night. After receiving the report, the Lingxia Police Station immediately reported to the commander on duty through the integrated command room platform, and the commander immediately reported to the bureau leaders and analyzed and judged the vehicle, and quickly locked down the suspect vehicle and the suspect. Immediately organize community policing teams and case handling teams to carry out investigations and understanding in areas where suspects may appear.

After grasping sufficient evidence and the exact whereabouts of the suspects, the case handling team made a decisive attack and carried out arrest operations, successfully arrested all the suspects suspected of stealing diesel fuel, and seized the vehicle and the stolen diesel fuel on the spot. After interrogation, the four suspects confessed to the crime of stealing diesel fuel.

(Source: Pingnan Public Security)