
How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

author:Lao Dengtian loves popular science every day

Jupiter, I wonder how everyone feels about it?

If you look at Jupiter on Ganymede, do you feel like you're going to fall into Jupiter?

So what would it be like to look at Jupiter from one of Jupiter's moons?

So how big is Jupiter?

So how far away is Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system?

So how big is Jupiter?

Moreover, there are many secrets about it that many people do not know, how dense and atmospheric pressure is it?

So what does it look like?

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

How big is Jupiter.

The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, so how far is it from the Sun?

The distance between it and the Sun is about 77.85 billion kilometers, so it is the fifth planet in the solar system.

So how big is it?

We all know that there are seven continents on the earth, the largest of which is Asia, then the area of Asia is 44.57 million square kilometers.

But you know what? Even if all the landmasses on Earth were moved to the solar system, Jupiter would be able to "stuff" all the landmasses in the solar system except for the sun.

So this makes people wonder, we don't think Jupiter is too big, how big is it?

To make it easier for everyone to understand, we can make a simple comparison.

If the Earth and the Moon are in the same position, then we can easily see the difference in size.

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

And that's just the effect seen from the Earth, and if you look at the Earth from the Moon, it's even more obvious.

So again, let's compare the Earth and Jupiter in the same position.

At this time, you will find that the earth is next to it like a little brother.

So even though we all know that Jupiter is big, when we actually compare it to Earth, we find that it is even bigger than we thought.

Of course, we can also compare in another way.

We all know that the largest continent on Earth is Asia, and its area is only comparable to the largest planet in the solar system besides the Sun.

Asia covers an area of 44.57 million square kilometers, while Jupiter covers an area of 611.5 billion square kilometers.

It's really hard to compare the two, but we can calculate it by the Earth and the Moon.

What if you moved all the landmasses on Earth to Jupiter?

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

Then at this time, the whole Jupiter will be "stuffed" by us.

So it's not hard to see that even if you compare both the Earth and the Moon to Jupiter, you won't really understand how big Jupiter really is.

Is Jupiter a giant planet or a tiny star?

Although we all know that the largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, did you know?

With the exception of the Sun, there is absolutely no planet in the entire solar system that can compete with Jupiter.

So from this point of view, is it a huge planet?

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

Or is it actually close to a tiny star?

In fact, this question has been raised for a long time.

Because among the many planets, Jupiter is undoubtedly the most important one.


Because just by virtue of its own gravity, it can pull the centroid of mass of the other planets in the entire solar system towards itself.

In addition, it is also very heavy, which is why some people think that it is actually a very small star.

And according to scientists' findings, in the solar system, apart from the Sun, only Jupiter can meet the conditions needed to "ignite" a nuclear fusion reaction.

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

So even from this point of view, Jupiter already meets the criteria of a tiny star.

But scientists don't jump to conclusions.

Because as important as Jupiter is, it's almost a real star.

So even so, the fact that there is no planet in the solar system that compares to it except the Sun is enough to make people understand how important it really is.

What would it be like to stand on Ganymede and see Jupiter?

Many people have probably heard the story of "I only have you in my eyes".

And there is indeed such a scene in the entire solar system.

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

That's standing on Io and looking at Jupiter.

Because of the tidal locking between Europa and Jupiter, only the parent planet can be seen from any angle.

And because of the proximity, the parent planet seen in this case will definitely not be insignificant.

As we all know, in addition to the Sun, Jupiter is also the most important planet in the entire solar system.

And in terms of volume, it is definitely the largest.

So when people stand on Io and look at the home planet, it's more like admiring the "big rocks".

But even so, in the entire solar system, there is no planet other than the sun.

Therefore, standing here and looking at the mother planet undoubtedly gives people a deeper feeling: it turns out that Europa can really only see the mother planet in his eyes!

And if you want to say that the most noteworthy moon in the entire Ganymede series is Ganymede.

Because Europa can already be described as "huge".

And a tidal lock is formed between her and the parent planet.

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

So from any angle, only the parent planet can be seen.

And since she is also very close to the home planet, the home planet seen in this case will definitely not be insignificant.

As we all know, in addition to the Sun, she is also the most important moon in the entire solar system.

And in terms of volume, it is definitely the largest.

So when people stand on Ganymede and look at the home planet, it's more like admiring the "big rocks".

But even so, in the entire solar system, there is not a single moon other than the sun.

How big is Jupiter? What does it feel like to see Jupiter from Io? I just want to escape

Therefore, standing here and looking at the mother planet undoubtedly gives people a deeper feeling: it turns out that she really only has the mother planet in her eyes!

Write at the end

Although we all know that we can only see the mother planet from any angle, this has been confirmed by many science enthusiasts.

But if you really experience this kind of scenery, you will understand: it turns out that she really can only see the mother planet in her eyes!