
It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

author:Pouring warmth is not open

Recently, a video of a young man complaining about the inconvenience caused by the installation of 360 software has sparked widespread discussion on the Internet. In the video, the guy described that he inadvertently installed the 360 series products during the use of the computer, but after uninstalling the software, there were many problems such as pop-up windows left in the software. This move directly pointed out the shortcomings of 360 software in terms of user experience and product design, which resonated with some netizens.


But the guy later withdrew and "confessed", saying that he might face legal responsibility. This shift has once again sparked controversy over online theory. More netizens have gone to the social media account of Zhou Hongyi, the founder of 360, and its product forums to express their views and opinions on the product experience, looking forward to further optimization of 360.

The guy gave a factual narrative in the initial video. He said that he had downloaded 360 Security Guard before and later uninstalled it, but the 360 series software seemed to be "entangled", and many 360 products were installed on the computer again. In the process of use, problems such as pop-up windows are endless, which brings a lot of inconvenience to users. He wants to know about the product so that he can improve it.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

To a certain extent, this move reveals the shortcomings of 360 in product design and user experience optimization, which is in line with the economic function of user experience evaluation. But soon after, the guy released a "confession" video. He said that because the video content may be infringing, he "can't fight" 360's legal department, and is willing to apologize to 360. This shift has been met with many skepticism.

Some netizens pointed out that user experience feedback should not be the object of legal threats. There is also a view that the product problem is rooted in the design itself, and there is nothing wrong with users just expressing their opinions. The guy's remedial move may be explainable, but it also provides a new point of interest for the controversy to be triggered. This event once again focused on the shortcomings of 360's product design and user experience.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

Many netizens have gone to Mr. Zhou and the 360 product forum to express their opinions, pointing out that the 360 software system is too bloated, and problems such as residues after uninstallation occur frequently. It has also been suggested that 360 could borrow from the lean design philosophy of other security software. These voices from the front line of users undoubtedly provide valuable clues for 360 to further optimize the quality of its products.

The guy realistically described the user experience problem, which promoted the communication and interaction between the user and the manufacturer. As a first-line product, 360 should pay attention to the user's point of view and give priority to ensuring the convenience of use. The relevant authorities should also not restrict the rights and interests of users with legal threats. Only by putting users first can we achieve continuous upgrades.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

The current events also show that users need to express their ideas in a rational manner, and manufacturers should take user feedback into account to optimize their products. We look forward to working together to promote the mature development of digital products.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

It can be said that it is a small collision between users and enterprises, but we can see the impact of increasing user participation. Under the wave of informatization, users are no longer passive recipients, they have the right and ability to share their views. This is undoubtedly a double-edged sword for enterprises. User feedback can guide product iteration and optimization; But it also increases the likelihood of controversy.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

In the face of this guy's statement and questioning, 360, as an industry leader, should listen to the voice of each user with the greatest inclusiveness and understanding, and meet the ever-changing needs of users through continuous improvement. At the same time, it is hoped that the majority of users can also express their opinions in a more rational and constructive manner, and avoid emotional speech and dialogue.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

Overall, this incident may become an opportunity for better communication and cooperation between manufacturers and users. Only by truly realizing the "user-centered" design concept can products and services be greatly developed. As technology becomes more humanized, user experience will become the top priority for enterprises to compete. We look forward to leading the information industry to an era of greater respect for user needs through interaction and win-win.

It's a big deal! The guy complained about 360 and was complained about in seconds! Zhou Hongyi's social media has fallen! 360 official media fryer

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