
Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School

author:Bao Anchang

Director of Operations: Bao Anchang LJ007

Compiled on June 26, 2024

In order to strengthen publicity and education on the legal system among young people, raise their awareness of the law, enhance their concept of the legal system, and further guide young people to study, understand, use, and abide by the law. On the afternoon of June 24, nearly 300 teachers and students, under the leadership of the host Principal Yu Jingwei, experienced the whole process of court trial activities in an "immersive" way, allowing everyone to feel the majesty of the court at zero distance.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


Fuyang Intermediate People's Court, President of the First Civil Division: Dai Wei

Vice Chairman of Funan County Women's Federation: Yang Xiaoxi

Deputy Secretary of the Tuanfunan County Party Committee: Wu Yongheng

Funan County Customs Working Committee, Legal Education Studio: Li Yuehai

Member of the Education Working Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy Director of the County Education Bureau: Zhao Na

Member of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of the People's Court of Funan County: Hu Chunyan

Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengguan Central School in Funan County: Du Ligang

The person in charge of the Funan County People's Court's Assistance and Education Office: Cheng Feng

Deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Director of the Teaching and Research Department of the Funan County Education Bureau, Special Teacher: Li Ling

Deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, first-class teacher of Fuyang Institute of Technology: Zhang Zhiying

Deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, first-level teacher of the Central School of Wanghua Town, Funan County: Li Xiaoliang

Deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, first-class teacher of the Central School of Fangji Town, Funan County: Zhao Rui

Deputy to the Municipal People's Congress, intermediate veterinarian of Funan County Animal Epidemic Control Center: Sun Zhaolei

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School

Moot court

The trial process

The mock court revolves around the civil dispute compensation case of school bullying, and students play the roles of presiding judge, judge, people's assessor, clerk, original defendant, legal representative, and agent ad litem.


Court discipline

Clerk: In accordance with the provisions of Article 137, Paragraph 1 of the "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", courtroom discipline is hereby announced, and all personnel shall obey the command of the chief judge during trial activities, respect judicial etiquette, abide by court discipline, and must not carry out the following acts:

(1) Applause and uproar;

(2) Smoking or eating;

(3) Making or receiving telephone calls;

(4) Transmitting trial activities such as audio recordings, video recordings, photographs, or the use of mobile communication tools;

(5) Other conduct that endangers courtroom security or obstructs courtroom order.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School



Presiding Judge: You may be seated. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 17 and 157 of the "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", the Civil Trial Division of the Funan County People's Court applies ordinary procedures in accordance with the law and holds closed court sessions to hear the case of a dispute over the right to health between the plaintiff and the defendant.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


Both parties adduce evidence

Presiding Judge: End of the presentation in court. The parties shall state their opinions, submit relevant evidence and cross-examine the facts in dispute, and do not need to provide evidence if the undisputed facts do not involve national interests, social public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of others.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School
Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


Judgment in accordance with law

Presiding Judge: In the case of a dispute over the right to health between the plaintiff and the defendant, the collegial panel carefully deliberated on the case through the court investigation and court debate just now. The Court is of the view that citizens' right to physical health should be protected by law. The defendant bullied the plaintiff for a long time, causing the plaintiff's physical injuries to the extent of minor injuries and causing severe mental depression, and the defendant should bear full responsibility.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


In-court education

Presiding Judge: Through today's trial activities, I hope that everyone will have a clear understanding of the harm of school bullying. Next, Judge Qian Yumeng will explain to the students the causes, consequences and legal responsibilities of school bullying.

Judge: Accused. I hope that you can learn a lesson from this trial, change your past mistakes, and improve your moral cultivation and legal awareness in the future, care for others, respect their right to life and health, stay away from violence, and be a person who abides by the law and helps others in the future.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School

Summary of the event


Event reviews

Wu Yongheng, deputy secretary of the Tuanfunan County Party Committee:

Today, the students showed a high degree of enthusiasm and enthusiasm for participation in the moot court, and showed a strong interest in the learning and application of legal knowledge. The role played by the students was serious and serious, and the trial session was orderly, showing a solemn atmosphere of the trial scene.

The holding of this moot court activity can enable students to have a deeper understanding of legal procedures and legal provisions, and their legal literacy has also been significantly improved, and more importantly, they have learned how to use legal weapons to protect their own rights and interests, which is of far-reaching educational significance.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


Significance of the activity

Through the trial just now, we will all realize that we cannot be silent victims in the face of campus bullying, and we cannot be indifferent bystanders, accomplices of violence, and we cannot be bullies. In study and life, we should treat the conflicts of classmates rationally, respect classmates, have a tolerant heart, take root in the belief in the rule of law of learning and using the law, and be a sunny law-abiding teenager.

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School


Group photo

The successful holding of the moot court is a useful attempt to explore the legal education of students, and the key to preventing the crime of school bullying is punishment and prevention. Punishment and prevention are indispensable. This is a common topic for all sectors of society to protect the healthy growth of minors, and each of us must put ourselves in it, give full play to our abilities, and jointly create a harmonious and healthy environment for the growth of minors, and protect "young you" in the name of the law!

Nanfa escorts healthy growth - the eighth phase of "Moot Court" entered Funan No. 3 Primary School

Curated by He Ying

Photo: Zhang Mengyu

Preliminary review, editing|Meng Kai

Re-examination |

Final Review|Yu Jingwei

Director of Operations: Bao Anchang LJ008
