
1-0 1-1! Crazy night at the European Cup: The defending champion counts the seconds to advance to the world No. 9


The game was over, with Italy stunned everyone with their last-minute equaliser like a movie finale, while Croatia slowly landed on the edge of loss of not qualifying like a leaky balloon.

Isn't this the kind of "one second heaven, one second hell" thrill brought to us by the European Cup?

Let's start with this matchup between Spain and Albania.

The Spanish team, the style of play of this team is like a passionate Spanish dance music, the melody is fast and passionate.

From the very beginning of the game, they showed their ambition to dominate the game.

1-0 1-1! Crazy night at the European Cup: The defending champion counts the seconds to advance to the world No. 9

Although the Albanian team defended well, they were unable to withstand the Spanish team's attack.

Ferran Torres' fatal blow was like a chili pepper in Spanish cuisine, just a bit! His goal not only helped the team win, but also propelled Spain to top the group.

In the other match, the matchup between Italy and Croatia was a different story entirely.

The Croatian team has a tough style of play, like a hard olive core, which is difficult to gnaw.

1-0 1-1! Crazy night at the European Cup: The defending champion counts the seconds to advance to the world No. 9

In the game, they took the lead through a great performance by Luka Modric.

The veteran's performance was like a delicate old wine, getting more and more fragrant as he got older, and his goal had almost all Croatian fans immersed in the joy of the upcoming victory.

But on the football field, fate always likes to play a joke.

Towards the end of the game, the Italian team equalized with an unexpected long-range shot in the final minute of the count, which was almost like a reversal in the movie, which made people stunned.

1-0 1-1! Crazy night at the European Cup: The defending champion counts the seconds to advance to the world No. 9

Italy's goal, like a midnight bell, announced their determination not to be out of the game.

At this moment, the Croatian team is like a hot air balloon blown away by a sudden cold wind, and the victory that was within reach has turned into a regrettable exit.

Luka Modric's face was full of disappointment, and although the veteran had a great performance, the cruelty of football was that no matter how good an individual performance was, it could not withstand a blow of fate.

Such a night is undoubtedly full of drama and emotional ups and downs for football fans.

Spain's promotion was exciting, Italy's draw was impressive, and Croatia's exit was embarrassing.

But that's football, and every game can weave one unpredictable story after another.

For fans, such a match is undoubtedly the most attractive.

It is not only a contest between players, but also a fierce collision of strategies, wills, and emotions.

And for everyone involved, such a game reminds us that football is so beautiful and cruel precisely because it can bring us endless joy and deep sorrow in a moment.

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