
The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

author:CSR Kanyu


Dear friends! Today, we are going to tell a story about the college entrance examination, a story that makes people both amazed and envious.

The protagonist's name is Yang Yiming, a young man from Jiangxi, his college entrance examination score reached an astonishing 726 points, especially his Chinese paper, which is as neat as a printed font, so that the marking teacher can't help but take a few more looks.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

You may wonder, is this child born with a pair of "fairy hands"? In fact, Yang Yiming's story tells us that behind the miracle is sweat and perseverance.

The reason why his language performance is so outstanding is not only a solid knowledge base, but also thanks to his handwriting that is like a work of art.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

The secret weapon behind success

When Yang Yiming was a child, he showed a strong interest in calligraphy.

In his immature little hands, the brush is like a magic wand, which can outline smart Chinese characters on rice paper.

Since the first grade, he has been practicing every day, rain or shine.

This is not only the pursuit of the art of calligraphy, but also the tempering of self-discipline.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Of course, practicing calligraphy is not all smooth sailing.

In the beginning, he was frustrated by the pain in his wrists, the stiffness in his sitting posture, and even the confusion about certain glyphs.

But Yang Yiming didn't give up, he was like a little soldier, and every setback was his motivation to move forward.

Slowly, he learned to adjust his breathing, to calm his mind, and to let each stroke become an expression of his heart.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Calligraphy not only makes his handwriting beautiful, but more importantly, it shapes his character.

In the practice day after day, Yang Yiming learned patience, learned to focus, and cultivated an indomitable spirit.

These qualities have undoubtedly become valuable assets on his learning path.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

A balance between academics and interests

High school life, for most students, means a heavy load of schoolwork.

But in Yang Yiming's world, calligraphy is not a burden, but a good medicine to adjust the pace of learning.

Whenever he felt tired from studying, he would pick up a brush and sway it on rice paper, as if all the pressure had disappeared with this stroke.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Yang Yiming is well versed in the art of time management, and he knows how to set aside time for his hobbies in addition to his intense studies.

This balance not only did not affect his studies, but made him more efficient in his studies and more peaceful in his mind.

He understands that true learning is not just rote memorization, but also a kind of spiritual nourishment.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Home & School Assistance

Yang Yiming's success is inseparable from the full support of his family and school.

His parents have always been his most solid backing.

They not only provided him with the material conditions he needed to study, but more importantly, gave him spiritual companionship and encouragement.

Whenever Yang Yiming encountered difficulties, his parents were always the first to stand up and cheer him on.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

The school has also created a good learning atmosphere for Yang Yiming.

Calligraphy Competition, Exhibition of Works...... These activities not only enriched his campus life, but also gave him a stage to show himself.

Here, he felt the joy of being recognized and strengthened his determination to pursue excellence.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

The charm and value of calligraphy

In this era of rapid technological development, some people may question whether calligraphy is still necessary. However, research data tells us that long-term practice of calligraphy can not only improve the cognitive ability of the brain, but also enhance memory.

It is like a bridge between the past and the future, allowing the essence of traditional culture to be passed on.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Calligraphy is not only a skill, but also a carrier of culture.

It teaches us to appreciate beauty and feel the weight of history.

In this fast-paced society, calligraphy allows us to learn to slow down and savor every detail of life.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Yang Yiming's revelation

Let's talk about Yang Yiming's story, this buddy, it's a living inspirational blockbuster, his experience is like a light in the night, illuminating the way for countless students to pursue their dreams.

Yang Yiming told us a big truth: success is really not a pie in the sky, but a little bit of accumulation day by day.

No matter what kind of dream you have in your heart, as long as you don't let go and don't stop, one day, your efforts will bloom like flowers.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

What can we learn from Yang Yiming? Interest, that is the best teacher, is like a lighter that ignites the fire in your heart; And perseverance is your secret weapon to success, just like a compass in your hand, no matter how strong the wind and how fierce the rain, it can help you find your direction.

On the way to pursue your dreams, don't forget to leave a small corner for yourself, which is full of your love, your persistence, and the truest self.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Sometimes, stop and look back, and you will find that those sweat and tears have become the most beautiful scenery on the road.

Therefore, each of us has the potential to become the next Yang Yiming, as long as you dare to think, dare to do, dare to persevere, dream of this thing, sooner or later it will become a reality.

Don't be afraid of the long road, as long as the heart is on the road, every step counts.

Remember, success is not the end, it's just another beginning.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Guys, we all have a small flame in our hearts, and that is a dream.

It's like the seed that hides in the soil, you have to water it and bask in the sun before it can break through the soil and grow into a big tree that stands tall in the sky.

Yang Yiming's story is like a fairy tale around us, telling us that as long as there is a dream, it is possible.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

In these years, the world is not easy, and there are as many difficulties as mountains, but remember, as long as you have that persistence and that love for your dreams, just like Yang Yiming, the door to success will open for you.

Each of us, no matter what industry we are in, can shine and write our own legend.

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Therefore, we have to learn from Yang Yiming, he told us with his actions that "miracles" are not just words, we have to create them by ourselves; The "legend" did not fall from the sky, it had to be written stroke by stroke.

Believe in yourself, you and I may become the next "Yang Yiming".

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child

Let's work together, water our dreams with sweat, face challenges with a smile, and write our own wonderful chapters with persistence and love.

Don't forget, on the road to success, the brightest star is often yourself.

Come on, we can do it!

The Chinese paper with a score of 726 in the college entrance examination was exposed: the handwriting is comparable to printing, and it turns out that he has practiced this since he was a child


Well, dear friends, that's all for today's sharing.

I hope Yang Yiming's story can bring you inspiration and motivation.

Remember, dreams are always on the way, and as long as you don't give up, nothing is impossible.

We'll see you next time and wish you all the best!

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