
A 42-year-old beautiful young woman asks a male nanny to serve her for 10,000 yuan a month, which only needs to meet my three requirements

author:Wanwan Emotional Zone

"Special Hire"

A 42-year-old beautiful young woman asks a male nanny to serve her for 10,000 yuan a month, which only needs to meet my three requirements

The picture comes from the Internet

In a corner of the bustling city, there lives a beautiful 42-year-old young woman named Lin Yue. Her husband travels abroad all year round, and her children attend boarding school, and most of the time, she is alone in this huge house.

Lin Yue is a successful professional woman who runs a sizable fashion company. However, the busyness of work and the trivialities of life made her feel physically and mentally exhausted. So, she decided to hire a male nanny to take care of her daily life.

As soon as the job posting was issued, it attracted a large number of job seekers. But Lin Yue's request is not simple, although the high salary of 10,000 yuan per month is tempting, but the three requirements she put forward are prohibitive for many people.

The first requirement was to have excellent cooking skills that would satisfy her discerning taste buds. Because Lin Yue is busy with work, when she gets home, she hopes to taste delicious meals to relieve the fatigue of the day.

The second requirement is: to have good communication skills and emotional intelligence, to be able to understand her feelings, and to be a patient listener when she needs to talk.

The third requirement is to have a strong physique and flexible skills, and be able to deal with some unexpected situations, such as lifting heavy objects, repairing electrical appliances, etc.

A 42-year-old beautiful young woman asks a male nanny to serve her for 10,000 yuan a month, which only needs to meet my three requirements

The picture comes from the Internet

After layers of screening, a 30-year-old man named Chen Yu finally stood out. Chen Yu once worked in the kitchen of a high-end hotel and was a skilled cook; He has a cheerful personality and is good at communicating with people; And he loves sports and is physically fit.

On Chen Yu's first day in office, Lin Yue reiterated these three requirements to him straight to the point. Chen Yu smiled and nodded, indicating that he would definitely work hard to do it.

In the early days, Chen Yu's performance was perfect. He gets up early every day to go to the market to pick fresh ingredients and prepare a nutritious breakfast for Lin Yue. At noon, he would prepare an exquisite lunch according to Lin Yue's taste. The dinner was even more sumptuous, which often made Lin Yue full of praise.

In terms of communication, Chen Yu also did a good job. When Lin Yue encounters troubles at work, he will listen patiently and give appropriate advice. His words always made Lin Yue feel warm and comforted.

Once, Lin Yue suffered a serious setback in the company and was extremely depressed. When she got home, she walked into the bedroom without saying a word. Chen Yu noticed her abnormality, knocked on the door gently, and handed over a glass of hot milk. Lin Yue finally couldn't help it and confided in him about her grievances and confusion. Chen Yu sat quietly on the side, listening carefully, nodding his head from time to time to show understanding. Under his comfort, Lin Yue's mood gradually improved.

And when dealing with emergencies, Chen Yu never disappointed Lin Yue. One night, there was a sudden power outage at home, and Lin Yue screamed in fright. Chen Yu quickly found a flashlight, checked the electric switch, and found that the fuse had blown out. He skillfully replaced the fuse and soon restored the power supply. Another time, Lin Yue accidentally locked herself on the balcony, and after Chen Yu heard her cry for help, he quickly moved a ladder and rescued her.

A 42-year-old beautiful young woman asks a male nanny to serve her for 10,000 yuan a month, which only needs to meet my three requirements

The picture comes from the Internet

As time passed, Lin Yue became more and more dependent on Chen Yu. And Chen Yu also developed a special affection for Lin Yue in this process. He knew that this feeling should not be, but he couldn't control his heart.

Finally, on a quiet night, Chen Yu confessed his love to Lin Yue. Lin Yue was stunned by his confession, she never thought that such a thing would happen. She calmly told Chen Yu that there could only be an employment relationship between them, and there could be no emotion beyond the boundary.

Chen Yu felt very disappointed, but he also understood his mistake. Since then, he has worked even harder, trying to make up for his mistakes with his actions. Lin Yue also gradually let go of the mustard in her heart and continued to enjoy Chen Yu's thoughtful service.

However, rumors still spread in the community. Some people say that Lin Yue and the male nanny have an abnormal relationship, and some people say that Chen Yu approached Lin Yue for money. Lin Yue was distressed by these rumors, and she began to re-examine her decision to hire a male nanny.

At the same time, Chen Yu is also under tremendous pressure. His family and friends advised him to quit his job to avoid unnecessary trouble. But Chen Yu was reluctant to leave, he felt that he had not fully fulfilled his promise to Lin Yue.

A 42-year-old beautiful young woman asks a male nanny to serve her for 10,000 yuan a month, which only needs to meet my three requirements

The picture comes from the Internet

After a heated argument, Lin Yue decided to dismiss Chen Yu. Chen Yu silently packed his luggage and left the place that once filled him with hope and fantasy.

Lin Yue returned to her life alone, and although she regained her peace on the surface, her heart was full of loss and loneliness. She began to miss the delicious meals that Chen Yu cooked for her, his patient listening, and his bravery and decisiveness in dealing with unexpected situations.

And after Chen Yu left, he couldn't forget Lin Yue. He tried to find a new job, but he was never able to find one as satisfying as he was at Lin Yue's house.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yue finally realized that his feelings for Chen Yu were not completely unresponsive. She decided to let go of worldly prejudices and find Chen Yu again.

When she saw Chen Yu again, Chen Yu was busy in a small restaurant. Lin Yue stepped forward, sincerely apologized to him, and expressed the hope that he could go back and continue to be her nanny. Chen Yu looked at Lin Yue, his eyes flashing with tears of surprise and emotion.

Since then, they have returned to their old lives, but this time, they both know each other's boundaries and positioning more clearly. Chen Yu still took care of Lin Yue with all his heart, and Lin Yue also gave him more respect and trust. Their relationship is no longer complicated, but a pure and beautiful relationship between hire and employed.

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