
How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

author:Love is talent in life

The Tang Dynasty, as a glorious dynasty in Chinese history, its rise and fall is closely related to the role of many historical figures. Guo Ziyi, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, played a pivotal role in the stability and development of the Tang Dynasty.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

Before the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty experienced the rule of Zhenguan and the prosperous era of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, with strong national strength, social stability, economic prosperity, and culture and art reaching a peak. The commodity economy also developed rapidly during this period, and the trade prosperity of the Silk Road drove the circulation of domestic and foreign commodities, and large cities such as Chang'an and Luoyang became important distribution centers for domestic and foreign commodity exchanges. However, the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion became a turning point in the Tang Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

The Anshi Rebellion was a large-scale rebellion led by An Lushan and Shi Siming, which dealt a huge blow to the Tang Dynasty. The rebels once captured Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Tang Dynasty, and even threatened Chang'an, the western capital, for a time. The ruling institutions of the Tang Dynasty were severely impacted, the social order was chaotic, the economy was greatly damaged, the commodity economy also suffered a heavy blow, many merchants went bankrupt, the market was depressed, and the trade of the Silk Road was seriously affected.

In this historical context, Guo Ziyi's role is particularly important. He was not only distinguished in military affairs, but also politically far-sighted. In the Anshi Rebellion, Guo Ziyi played an important military command role, and he led the Tang army to defeat the rebels many times, regain lost territory, and make great contributions to the stability of the Tang Dynasty. In particular, in the first year of the Qianyuan Dynasty, Guo Ziyi, Li Guangbi and other nine Jiedu envoys jointly commanded the Tang army to besiege Yecheng, and although he was eventually defeated and retreated due to the strong wind1, his military talent and leadership were fully reflected.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

After the Anshi Rebellion, Guo Ziyi also actively promoted the restoration and development of the Tang Dynasty. Through military and political means, he worked hard to stabilize the situation in the Tang Dynasty and laid the foundation for the Tang Dynasty's renewed prosperity. He quelled the civil strife, pacified the Sheji, blocked the invasion of the Tubo, Hui, Khitan and other ethnic minorities, and strengthened the defense of the important border towns. Guo Ziyi's measures played a key role in maintaining the unity and stability of the Tang Dynasty.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

Guo Ziyi's personal charm and political wisdom were also important factors in his ability to stabilize the Tang Dynasty during turbulent times. He was able to focus on the overall situation in the sinister environment of the official eunuch, not to cause trouble, and not to fall into the land of right and wrong. This philosophy of life enabled him to gain a foothold in the power struggle and made important contributions to the stability and development of the Tang Dynasty.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

In short, Guo Ziyi played an important role in the rise and fall of the Tang Dynasty. His military prowess, political wisdom, and personal charisma played an indispensable role in the stability and development of the Tang Dynasty. Guo Ziyi's contribution was particularly prominent at the historical turning point of the Anshi Rebellion, as he not only achieved important military victories, but also made great efforts for the restoration and development of the Tang Dynasty politically.

In Chinese history, drunken gaffes have often led to a series of unintended consequences, especially among the elite, which can sometimes implicate entire families and even affect the political situation. Guo Hua's drunken gaffe is a typical example.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

Guo Hua is the son of Guo Ziyi, a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, and married Princess Shengping, the daughter of Tang Dynasty Zong. At Guo Ziyi's 70th birthday banquet, Guo Hua was dissatisfied with Princess Shengping's arrogant attitude, coupled with the effect of alcohol, and made a move that shocked everyone. According to 10 records, after Guo Hua drank a few more glasses at the banquet, he asked Princess Shengping to abide by the woman's way and kneel down to Guo Ziyi and his wife, but was sternly rejected and reprimanded by the princess in person. Under the emotion, Guo Yu said something that shocked the audience: "Do you rely on your father to be the Son of Heaven?" My father just didn't want to be emperor! This sentence is undoubtedly a great disrespect to the imperial power, and can even be regarded as a rebellious rhetoric.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

If the content of Guo Hua's gaffe is used by people with ulterior motives, it is likely to cause a political turmoil, and may even implicate Guo Ziyi's family. In the political environment of the time, imperial power was supreme, and any disrespect for imperial power could be considered a felony. Guo Hua's remarks are undoubtedly challenging the bottom line of imperial power, and the consequences are unimaginable.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

However, the Tang Dynasty's approach was surprisingly tolerant. According to 10 records, after learning of this, Tang Dynasty Zong did not severely punish Guo Xuan, but instead used the sentence "Don't be stupid, don't be deaf, don't be a family." What the children say about the boudoir, why take it seriously. to defuse this crisis. This not only reflects the political wisdom of Tang Dynasty Sect, but also shows his trust and tolerance for Guo Ziyi's family.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

After Guo Ziyi learned of her son's drunken gaffe, she immediately took action and tied Guo Yu to Daizong to plead guilty, in order to show her family's loyalty to the imperial power. This move was also appreciated by Daizong, and finally under the mediation of the emperor and Guo Ziyi, Guo Hua and Princess Shengping reconciled as before.

Although Guo Hua's drunken gaffe seemed like a farce at the time, it actually reflected the delicate relationship between the imperial power and the powerful families in the late Tang Dynasty. Guo Ziyi was the pillar of the Tang Dynasty, and the safety of his family was closely related to the political stability of the Tang Dynasty. Guo Hua's gaffe, if not handled properly, is likely to cause a greater political storm and affect the political situation of the Tang Dynasty.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

However, Guo Yu's gaffe also unexpectedly promoted the change in Princess Shengping's personality. According to 15 records, after this incident, the relationship between Princess Shengping and Guo Hua heated up, and the two fell in love with each other from then on, and Princess Shengping also changed her unruly temperament. This may be the most positive aspect of Guo Hua's drunken gaffe.

How dangerous is it to get drunk and beat the golden branch? This is actually a secret wrestling between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect, which is full of crises

In general, Guo Hua's drunken gaffe is a typical gaffe caused by the effect of alcohol, and its consequences could have been extremely serious, but due to the tolerance of Tang Dynasty Sect and Guo Ziyi's timely handling, the crisis was finally resolved, and even brought about some positive changes. This incident also reminds us that drunken gaffes can have unforeseen consequences, and that we should drink with caution to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by impulse.

Guo Ziyi, as a famous general of Zhongxing in the Tang Dynasty, not only established outstanding feats on the battlefield, but also consolidated his position in the court with his political wisdom. The interaction between him and the Tang Dynasty Emperor was full of political contests and interdependence, showing the superb wisdom and skill of the two historical figures.

Guo Ziyi's handling of Guo Hua's behavior fully demonstrates his political acumen and ability to deal with crises. Guo Hua's drunken gaffe, and his misconduct towards Princess Shengping not only touched the dignity of the royal family, but was more likely to cause a political turmoil. However, after Guo Ziyi learned of this, she did not choose to cover up, but immediately took action to tie Guo Yu into the palace to plead guilty. This move not only shows Guo Ziyi's respect for imperial power, but also shows his firm determination to maintain the stability of his family and the country. In this way, Guo Ziyi not only resolved a possible crisis, but also won the trust and respect of the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty's attitude towards Guo Ziyi is also full of political considerations. After Guo Ziyi tied up Guo Hua and pleaded guilty, Tang Dynasty Sect did not investigate deeply, but resolved the turmoil with a sentence of "not stupid or deaf, not a familyman, and the words of the children's boudoir, why take it seriously". This not only reflects the political wisdom of Tang Dynasty Sect, but also shows his deep trust in Guo Ziyi. Tang Dynasty Sect understood that Guo Ziyi was the pillar of the country, and trust and dependence on him were crucial to maintaining the stability of the country.

The political contest between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect is more of an interdependence and balance. Although Guo Ziyi's achievements are high, he has always maintained respect and loyalty to the imperial power. His military success provided a solid guarantee for the stability and development of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty Sect, on the other hand, consolidated his dominance by trusting and reusing Guo Ziyi. The interaction between the two is full of delicate political balances, which not only ensure the stability of the country, but also safeguard their respective interests.

In Guo Ziyi's later years, he used self-smearing and self-destructing his image to avoid arousing the suspicion of the Tang Dynasty. He bought land on a large scale, indulged in sexual indulgence, and even worked as a servant in the home to show that he had no political ambitions. Although this kind of self-lowering behavior seems a little unbearable to outsiders, it is actually Guo Ziyi's far-sighted political wisdom. In this way, he successfully avoided the suspicion of the imperial power and kept himself and his family safe.

Overall, the interaction between Guo Ziyi and Tang Dynasty Sect is a historical story full of political wisdom. The interdependence and balance between the two not only maintained the stability of the Tang Dynasty, but also achieved the legend of Guo Ziyi's generation of famous generals. Their stories show us how to achieve our goals and ideals through wisdom and skill in a complex political environment.