
A peaceful and transparent woman will not "frown", but can "open her eyes"

author:Aja's growth diary


A peaceful and transparent woman will not "frown", but can "open her eyes"

Lu Shaoheng, a Ming scholar, said: "When a person lives in the world, he must dare to "open his eyes" and not "frown" at the world. ”

What kind of state of mind a woman has, what kind of life she will live in her daily life.

I once heard that an old lady gave birth to two daughters, the eldest daughter married the owner of the umbrella shop, and the younger daughter became the female supervisor of the laundry workshop.

However, this indecisive old lady lives in a cloud of sorrow all day long.

Whenever the weather was bad and it rained, she always sighed, worried about how sad it would be for her little daughter's laundry to dry the clothes in the laundry workshop.

As soon as the weather cleared, she was afraid that her eldest daughter's umbrella shop would have no business.

She worries about the lives of her two daughters all the time, and lives her life very badly.

Later, a wise man quietly reminded her: "Old lady, you are really blessed, when it rains, your eldest daughter's business will flourish, and when the day clears, your youngest daughter's shop will be overwhelmed with customers, and you will have good news no matter what the weather." ”

This tenacious old lady was said by others so kindly, and it was quite right to think about it.

As a result, she began to calmly change her mentality and live a full and happy life.

"Wang Yangming's Psychology" says: "The master of the body is the heart, and what the heart sends is the mind." ”

A woman living in the world will inevitably encounter all kinds of good and bad things every day, and there are also positive and negative choices.

When you choose to face it positively, you can also make your heart optimistic and confident, and the warm and comfortable atmosphere between your eyebrows and eyes is revealed.

And when you choose a pessimistic and low attitude, you can only be greeted by a brow-locked, bleak day.

Finally, those women who can take care of their body and mind can truly experience the joy of life.



A peaceful and transparent woman will not "frown", but can "open her eyes"







They don't care about their current life, good or bad.






I understand the helplessness and hardships of the world, standing in the world, and more often, I am lonely and insisting on gritting my teeth to hold on.


Many times, learn to stick to loneliness, so that you can think about your own shortcomings in solitude.

Lin Huiyin said: "With your bags on your back, you are a passerby, put down your baggage, and you will find your hometown." ”








In life, we must dare to "open our eyes" and not "frown" at the world.


A peaceful and transparent woman will not "frown", but can "open her eyes"
