
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

author:Juichi Senda

On June 24, such an outrageous farce was staged on the Beijing subway.

I saw that in the video, the old man confidently asked the girl to give up his seat, and when he saw that the girl did not comply, he became angry and brandished his crutches to pull the girl's legs!

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

This scene was like a horror movie, leaving the passengers present stunned. The old man looked so murderous, but he seemed fearless, and the video was posted on the Internet, which quickly caused an uproar.

The crutches, which were supposed to be a symbol of the weakness of the old man's body, became his fierce "murder weapon". He kept shouting that he wanted to respect the old and love the young, but how could he ever respect others?

According to people familiar with the situation at the scene, on the day of the incident, it was the girl who found a seat after getting on the bus first, and the old man asked the girl to give up her seat after getting on the bus.

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

So the old man began to curse and swept between the girl's legs with the crutches in his hand.

As a result, the two sides had a fierce quarrel, and the old man was very emotional, and there were movements of pushing and covering the girl's mouth. During the whole process, the old man stood in front of the girl all the time, and his mood was very unstable.

After the video was uploaded to the Internet, it immediately sparked a lot of discussion among netizens. Most netizens condemned the behavior of the old man, thinking that this is a disguised harassment and bullying of the weak, there are other people in the carriage besides the girl, why don't the old man find a young man to give up his seat, I don't know if it is to see the girl is easy to bully?

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

The girl's experience has become a pain in the hearts of thousands of netizens. Some netizens think: If he doesn't have crutches, he won't get started, after all, crutches are in his hands, and there is nothing wrong with seeing them as an extension of his hands.

Some elderly netizens said that this old man's approach is simply a disgrace to his peers!

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment
Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

Many people question, in public, can the elderly do whatever they want? Individuals should not be denied their rights and dignity because of age differences.

Subsequently, Beijing subway officials said that they had noticed the incident and that the old man had been taken away by the relevant departments after getting off the train. At present, the Beijing police have issued a notice saying that the old man has been detained.

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

While advocating "respecting the old and loving the young", does it also give too many privileges to some elderly people, while ignoring equality and order? Every citizen, young and old, should be treated equally and with respect. In public, we should get along in a harmonious, friendly and law-abiding way, so as to create a healthy and civilized social environment.

Asking girls to give up their seats is arrogant, and the crutches and legs have caused heated discussions among netizens, netizens: This is blatant harassment

We advocate kindness to the young and old, but this does not mean that the elderly can trample on the dignity of others at will.

Just like some netizens said: Respect for the old and love for the young originates from the word 'respect' and the word 'love'. But before being respected, you should also see what you have done, whether you deserve the respect of others.

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