
The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

author:Love pineapple

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

The bad behavior of the old man on the subway is chilling and humiliating

Did you know that a heinous incident that happened on the subway a few days ago once again ignited people's strong dissatisfaction with the behavior of "disrespecting the elderly". The protagonist of this incident is actually a shameful old man.

The old man sat on the subway and insisted on a young woman giving him a seat. When the woman refused, the old man directly touched the woman's private parts with a cane! The scene was filmed and went viral, sparking intense outrage.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

This is truly outrageous. The old man's behavior completely violated the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation of "respecting the old and loving the young". Not only did he wantonly infringe on the personal rights of others, but he also tried to use his age and status to force others to obey, which is simply a contempt for the bottom line of morality.

As a civilized and orderly society, we should promote all sectors of society to get along in a more rational and civilized way on the basis of respecting traditional virtues. But the sad thing is that in real life, we still see such outrageous "disrespect for the elderly" behavior. This is inevitably humiliating and angry.

What exactly should we make of such an event? And how to resolve the growing contradictions and conflicts between the old and the young? Let's explore this issue in depth and contribute to building a more civilized and harmonious society.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

The misconception of the elderly: I have the priority of age

It is not difficult for us to find that this kind of behavior of "disrespecting the elderly" often stems from the over-dependence and misperception of their own status by some elderly people. They believe that because of their age, they should naturally receive help and preferential treatment from young people, and can even dictate and bully others.

This old man is a typical representative. He aggressively asked women, "I am an old man, do you think I can sit", which has completely deviated from the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation of "respecting the old and loving the young". He regarded his age as a privilege, believing that young people should give up their seats to him unconditionally.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

As everyone knows, giving up the seat to the elderly is a virtue in itself, not a rigid right of the elderly. Young people take the initiative to give up their seats for the elderly, out of respect for traditional virtues and care for the elderly, not because the elderly are eligible to claim it. But the old man apparently misunderstood this and took it for granted to give up his seat.

What's even more odious is that when the woman refused to give up her seat, the old man directly harassed the other party. He touched the private parts of women with his crutches, which had completely gone beyond the original meaning of giving up his seat to the old man, and had become a naked violation and humiliation. This practice not only hurts others, but also greatly damages the overall image of the elderly group.

We cannot tolerate such misconceptions. The elderly should understand that age does not give them any privileges and priorities. They should treat young people in a more egalitarian and rational manner, and take the initiative to ask for help rather than force it. Only by establishing the right values can the elderly truly win the respect and understanding of society.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

The generation gap between the old and the young: mutual helplessness and lack of understanding

In addition to the problems of some elderly people, we cannot ignore the indifference and indifference of young people to the elderly group. In the fast-paced life, many young people often focus too much on their own affairs and ignore the elderly people around them who need help. When the elderly take the initiative to give up their seats, they often perfunctory or even refuse outright for various reasons.

This practice has undoubtedly exacerbated the generation gap between the old and the young and deepened the contradictions. On the one hand, the old man feels disrespected and has resentment and anger towards the young man; On the other hand, young people also feel bothered by the demands of the elderly and gradually become bored with them. This vicious circle has widened the gap between the two generations.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

I believe that the root cause of this contradiction lies in the lack of mutual understanding. The old man has difficulty understanding the hectic state of life of the young and thinks that they should give up their seat unconditionally; And it is difficult for young people to understand the physical condition and inner needs of the elderly, and they always instinctively treat them with a cold attitude. This mutual incomprehension eventually led to a gap between the two generations.

But we must understand that the key to bridging this generation gap is to understand each other in terms of their situation, based on empathy. The elderly should learn to take the initiative to ask rather than force, and express their needs in a friendly way; Young people should also look at older people with a more sympathetic and tolerant attitude, and take the initiative to give them love and understanding in their daily lives. Only when both parties treat each other with an equal and rational attitude can the generation gap be finally eliminated and harmonious coexistence can be achieved.

All persons are equal before the law: age cannot be a privilege

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

What makes people even more angry is that the old man's behavior is not only contrary to social morality, but also suspected of violating the law. He not only violently demanded that the woman give up his seat, but also directly invaded the private parts of the other party with a cane, which undoubtedly constituted serious physical assault and harassment.

From a legal point of view, the old man's approach is completely unacceptable. The Public Security Administration Punishment Law clearly stipulates that "obstructing the normal life of others by violence, threats or other means" is an act that disrupts public order and can be subject to administrative punishment. The Penal Code also provides for criminal liability for obstruction of the liberty of others. From this point of view, the old man's behavior has constituted a violation of the law and should be punished by law.

More crucially, everyone is equal before the law and age is not a privilege. Even if the old man is in his old age, this does not mean that he can be above the law and wantonly infringe on the rights and interests of others. On the contrary, as a civilized society, we should treat every citizen in a more just and fair manner, and we must not give special consideration to certain people because of their age.

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

In fact, the rights and obligations enjoyed by older persons are the same as those of other citizens. They should likewise observe public order and respect the human dignity of others. Once they break the law, they should also bear the corresponding legal responsibility. This will not only safeguard social fairness and justice, but also help cultivate every citizen's awareness of the rule of law and enhance their reverence for the law.

Therefore, we must take a firm attitude towards the rule of law in dealing with such "disrespectful behavior". Whoever violates the law must be punished, and must not be soft because of the age of the other party. Only through severe punishment by law can we truly curb such misconduct and safeguard the social status and respect that the elderly deserve.

Let the virtue of "respecting the old and loving the young" shine again

The bold and arrogant old man swept the private parts of the woman with a cane and did not give up his seat, but was hoked by the woman

The Chinese nation has always had the fine tradition of "respecting the old and loving the young," and this is a cultural characteristic of which we are proud. But unfortunately, in the rapidly developing society, we have gradually emerged some "disrespect for the elderly", which undoubtedly poses a serious challenge to this traditional virtue.

We cannot tolerate those elderly people who bully the weak and violate the rights and interests of others, because their actions not only violate the law, but also damage the image of the entire elderly group. On the contrary, we should promote the concept of "respecting the old and loving the young", so that this virtue can regain its glory in the new era.

First of all, we should create a good atmosphere of respecting the elderly and caring for the young through the joint efforts of the whole society. On the one hand, the government and relevant departments should intensify propaganda efforts to guide the whole people to establish a correct view of aging, and realize that respecting the elderly and caring for the young is not only a moral integrity, but also the foundation for the harmonious development of society. At the same time, it is also necessary to improve relevant laws and regulations, intensify the crackdown on "disrespect for the elderly", and create a safer and more comfortable living environment for the elderly.

On the other hand, schooling and homeschooling should also play an important role. We should cultivate in our children from an early age a sense of respect for the elderly and love for the young, so that this virtue can become their deepest belief in their hearts. Educators should set an example by teaching students the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, so that they can understand that respecting the elderly and caring for the young is not only an obligation, but also a moral code that everyone should consciously practice.

At the same time, we also need to guide the elderly to establish the correct self-orientation. They should take the initiative to put down the shelf of age advantage and treat young people with a more equal and rational attitude. Don't always habitually ask for help, but learn to ask for help and express your needs in a more friendly way. Only when the elderly themselves establish the right values can they win the understanding and respect of the young people.

I believe that as long as we work together and through the joint efforts of the government, schools, families and even the whole society, we will be able to bring back the traditional virtue of "respecting the elderly and caring for the young" in the new era. Let us work together to build a more civilized and orderly society, so that the old and young generations can get the care and respect they deserve here, and jointly create a better tomorrow for the motherland!

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