
Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

author:Coffee History C

Zhu Yuanzhang was the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and he fought all his life, and finally dominated the world with outstanding achievements. However, this Ming Taizu had a heinous wish: to bury 46 concubines in the earth as companions. When the tomb was excavated, a shocking sight unfolded to the archaeologists – what kind of crime did these concubines endure, with their legs spread in a figure-of-eight shape? Did they endure inhuman torture when they died? What kind of dark power secrets are hidden behind this?

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

The name Zhu Yuanzhang is a household name in the minds of us Chinese. As the founding emperor, he finally laid down the foundation of the entire Ming Dynasty with decades of conquest, and he is a well-deserved generation of Ming monarchs. However, today we are not going to praise the great achievements of this Taizu, but to talk about a creepy old thing.

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang left a heinous will before driving the crane west: he wanted to bury 46 concubines in the ground, and they were buried alive! I think that Zhu Yuanzhang was in power back then, surrounded by more than 3,000 beauties, and he was full of scenery and happiness in the world during his lifetime. But who would have thought that these former nobles would be poisoned by this in the end, and they didn't even leave a whole corpse! It's fucking jaw-dropping!

After knowing this shocking wish, Zhu Yuanzhang's grandson Zhu Yunwen ascended the throne as the emperor and ordered it to be fully implemented. He ordered people to carefully select in the harem, and pick out the concubines who had not given birth to children for Zhu Yuanzhang one by one, so that they could serve the old emperor to continue to enjoy in the underworld. Hey, if you don't have a child before you die, then it will be the worst in these old societies, and you will be slaughtered as worthless utensils.

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

It is said that in order to please the will of his great-grandfather, Zhu Yunwen can be said to have handled it decently and meticulously, and he really took great pains. Not only did he pick out the 46 concubines, but even the dozen or so little maids who served the ancestors were included in the funeral ranks. And Zhu Yunwen, the grandson, doesn't look like a miser, so he deliberately arranged a separate room, which was full of Taishi chairs, saying that it was the cleanest thing to let these concubines hang themselves and die, so as to accompany the old emperor.

Pity those girls, many of them entered the palace at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and originally expected to enjoy the wealth and glory in the harem, but they didn't expect to be poisoned in the end, and they couldn't even die to understand. They were picked up by the eunuchs, dragged onto the chairs of the eunuchs, their hands twisted behind their backs, and then they were strangled by the rope, and their deaths were extremely tragic. Even if she was disobedient, there were eunuchs who held her shoulders and made her hang straight. My buddy once worked on an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and he still has lingering palpitations when he talks about it.

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

Before those concubines died, most of them struggled so badly that their necks were pinched, and their legs were barely broken into a figure-eight shape. There were even eunuchs who were smiling and making obscene gestures, mocking them that they were here to serve the emperor. It's so fucking disgusting! At that time, although Zhu Yunwen ordered someone to be buried, he didn't see this scene with his own eyes, and if he saw it, he might be scared away.

However, there is another explanation. Some people say that these girls were infused with mercury to death before they died, and their legs naturally showed a figure-eight shape due to nerve spasms. I think that's a little too cruel, right? But no matter which way you say it, it's really shocking and unbearable!

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

A girl in her prime, who should have been holding a blue carriage and being served in the palm of her hand, had a bad fate and fell to the point where life was worse than death. Zhu Yunwen's gang is really ruthless, they don't even let go of such a young age, and arbitrarily manipulate their life and death! And Zhu Yuanzhang, an old stubborn, scourge future generations like this, really fucking should be beaten a few sticks by the lord of Hades!

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

Although the Ming Dynasty has been praised in history, such an old story has been handed down, and it is difficult for us to give it a positive evaluation no matter what. Often, the greater the power, the more likely it is for people to fall and do such things that are inferior to beasts. Fortunately, Ming Yingzong later decreed the abolition of this system, otherwise who would dare to enter the palace! I feel that those emperors in the past treated innocent lives as child's play, which is really shameful, hateful and terrible!

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty, fought countless battles in his life, and finally ascended to the throne, which can be described as the respect of the marquis of ten thousand households. But before his death, he made such a heinous will, asking 46 concubines to accompany the burial, and before he died, he had to bear the pain of watering and tying up cloth, which is really a crime that deserves death!

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

Behind this incident, it is not only the discrimination against women in the old society, but also the crazy thirst for power of some emperors. They regard life as a matter of straw and are arrogant, believing that everything can be done as they please, by virtue of their authority. In fact, they are the biggest sinners, and they are the fingers of the thousands of people in this kingdom.

Why were the concubines of Zhu Yuanzhang's martyrdom broken open in a figure-of-eight shape?

Fortunately, Ming Yingzong issued an edict and finally abolished this barbaric and backward bad habit. But every time we think back to this dark past, we can't help but sigh: power is really easy to make people completely degenerate into demons, we must be cautious, everyone upholds the duty of being a human being, and has kindness and tolerance for others, so that the great Chinese civilization can be passed on forever and never end!