
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

author:I'll give you a little red flower

Chinese have made remarkable achievements in many fields, which have amazed foreigners.

These things are absolutely difficult to accomplish abroad.

For example, the popularization of mobile payment, the rapid development of electric vehicles and batteries, and so on.

Of course, there are the following things, which only the Chinese can accomplish.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Poverty alleviation for all

The Chinese government has invested a lot of resources and energy,

It has completed the largest and most powerful poverty alleviation campaign in human history.

As early as five years ago, China achieved comprehensive poverty alleviation.

With the existing land and resources, China can feed 1.41 billion people.

Thanks to Yuan Longping, Deng Ming, Zhao Qiguo, Li Zhensheng, Cao Fuliang, Chen Wenfu and a large number of sciences, so that we have something to eat.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Beidou navigation system

China's completely self-developed global satellite navigation system, Beidou Navigation System BDS, has achieved global service coverage.

A total of 57 satellites provide all-weather, all-weather, high-precision, and high-reliability positioning.

There are satellites in the sky and missiles on the ground, so you can send them wherever you want.

The current Beidou system is not only used in the military, but has also begun to be used for civilian use.

Beidou Navigation System has signed contracts with more than 140+ countries around the world.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Aerospace Engineering

A series of carrier rockets independently developed by China have successfully launched the Tiangong space station and the Chang'e-4 satellite.

A series of major aerospace projects such as manned spaceflight and lunar exploration have been realized.

The Tianwen-1 Mars probe was successfully launched and landed, and a large amount of original scientific data was transmitted.

It became the second country after the United States to successfully achieve a soft landing on Mars.

Martian migration, it is possible that it will be done by the Chinese for the first time!

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Martian sand dunes photographed by the Zhurong rover

Large aircraft construction

China's self-developed large passenger aircraft C919 has completed overseas commercial flights.

It marks a major breakthrough and leading position in the field of large civil aircraft manufacturing in China.

Broke the monopoly of Boeing and Airbus in the market.

China no longer has to spend money on large foreign planes.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

High-speed rail and infrastructure

China's high-speed rail is the world's largest and fastest-growing high-speed railway.

The total operating mileage of high-speed rail in China has exceeded 40,000 kilometers, which can circle the world and greatly improve traffic efficiency.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

At the same time, China has completed a number of world-class and difficult infrastructure construction, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!
This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Infrastructure madness, this title is not for nothing.

And many more

Of course, there are many other world-class feats in China:

China has completed the construction of fiber optic infrastructure in major cities.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

China's ultra-high voltage transmission technology is also the world's best long-distance power transmission technology.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

China has built the world's largest single-aperture radio telescope, FAST.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!

Among the bridges built in the world, the tallest, longest and farthest bridges are all in China.

This is the Chinese! What is impossible for any developed country, the Chinese have done!


You just say, Chinese cattle are not cattle.

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