
The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

author:Smart pineapple 6


After 11 years, Israel is once again facing threats from the direction of Lebanon, this time Israel is preparing for a war in southern Lebanon, and Netanyahu said: "This time it will not work".

In this context, both the German and Dutch foreign ministries issued serious warnings for citizens to evacuate Lebanon.

And Lebanese Allah has 2,000 surface-to-surface missiles in its arsenal, some of which can even fly close to the ground, which is really a big threat to Israel.

And Netanyahu originally wanted to apply for some technical equipment from the United States, but the United States also issued a warning at this time, saying that the United States would not be neutral if Israel moved.

So why is Netanyahu so determined this time, despite the cynicism of the international community, insisting on starting a war?

Netanyahu's decision-making.

On May 14, Netanyahu announced that "Israel is ready for war" and sent a U.S.-born defense secretary to the United States for consultations with the U.S. side, hoping to get some "real" support from the U.S. side.

However, the United States did not support it, but warned that if Israel took action, the United States would not remain neutral, and the decision on this operation fell entirely on the Israeli side, and Netanyahu's attitude at this time was like a drop of water hitting a stone and disappearing.

Netanyahu originally thought that the United States would be able to support him, but in the end, the United States chose the line of "peacemaker", and he will inevitably be a little disappointed, and the question of whether the United States will remain neutral in the end has not received a clear response from the American side.

At the same time, Netanyahu's determination at this time can be described as ironclad.

It is because Allah in Lebanon is growing stronger and growing stronger, and at the same time it poses a threat to Israel.

Therefore, Netanyahu did not hesitate to start a war in order to eradicate Allah in Lebanon, which is also the fundamental reason why Israel is taking great risks.

Israel's president and Netanyahu agree that the Lebanese Allah threat is growing, even to the point of being on a par with Hamas, seriously threatening Israel's security, and at the same time posing a threat to Israel's interests and regional peace, so it must be decisively eradicated.

Some believe that Netanyahu's move is also an attempt to revive his political career.

Because Netanyahu has become more and more passive in power, in the face of the upcoming election, Netanyahu hopes to regain his strength and win the support of the people, and this action is undoubtedly to divert the attention of the people and make everyone evaluate him better.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

But where does Netanyahu's confidence come from?

Netanyahu sees the risk of war against Lebanese Allah as far less than Hamas, which has shallow roots in the Gaza Strip, unlike Lebanese Allah.

After all, H. Hassan Rush, the leader of Allah in Lebanon, is a figure who came out of the war with Israel, a fierce commander.

He also brought immense confidence to Allah in Lebanon.

Lebanese Allah strength.

There are probably 20,000 to 30,000 members of Allah in Lebanon.

Their weapons are even more powerful, in addition to 80,000 missiles, there are also some advanced equipment, and on the Israeli side, in addition to having 1,000 tanks, there are also 400 aircraft, of which F35 fighters account for more than half.

This shows how powerful Israel's military power is.

Allah Lebanon has 2,000 surface-to-surface missiles in its arsenal, 300 of which can fly close to the ground, and some precision weapons missiles that fly in a directional manner.

In the event of a war with Israel, the Israeli Air Force will be the first to bear the brunt of it, after all, Israeli aviation is quite powerful, with 2,000 blind long-range precision missiles, and the "red line" of Allah in Lebanon is gradually getting longer.

I thought that Netanyahu decided the war with a pat on the head.

However, in fact, in the bad international situation, Israel has increased its weapons and equipment in order to make itself more confident, and under such circumstances, it will inevitably attract international attention.

Now that Israel is on the offensive, it has also caused numerous controversies, because the conflict between Hamas and Israel has not yet ended, and Israel is clashing with Allah in Lebanon.

There are even those who wonder whether the United States is behind the Lebanese Allah Party, after all, the United States and Israel are inextricably linked.

Previously, there was a 1996 agreement between Lebanese Allah and Israel, and there was a "tacit understanding" between them, and Netanyahu and Lebanon were on the same page, and if they fought head-on, Israel would bear the charge of this war.

Therefore, even if the United States warns that in the unfortunate event of war, the United States will not leave Israel alone.

After all, Israel has more than enough support from the United States.

Allah Lebanon is an old adversary.

Members of Allah Lebanon, who mostly live in southern Lebanon and the Golan Heights, are old rivals across the river of hesitation from Israel.

Allah Party began as a group of people who had faith and were firm in their beliefs, and at that time, during the civil strife in Lebanon, they organized a force of their own to protect their faith, determined to protect their faith from being violated.

With a wealth of experience accumulated in the war with Israel and a lot of lessons learned from it, so that it can better develop itself, and now Allah Lebanon has become the largest military force in Lebanon and has countless supporters.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

The contradictions between Israel and the Lebanese Allah Party can be traced back decades, especially in the Lebanese War in 1982 and the Second Lebanese War in 2006, when Israel also fought two frontal wars.

The first war was waged by the Israeli side, when Palestinian People's Liberation Organization (PAP) elements in Lebanon attacked northern Israel, causing a large number of casualties.

However, Israel did not find out the details of the attackers, so it directly took action to destroy the family of Lebanese and Israel, which also made the contradictions between Lebanon and Israel gradually derive, and it became bigger and bigger.

The Netherlands withdrew, Germany withdrew, and U.S. officials issued a warning, Israel will not fight this time?

In 2006, Hassan Rush took office and directly launched the second Lebanese and Pakistanen war, but the result was a stalemate, and although Israel had the advantage, it could not help Allah in Lebanon and paid a considerable price.

After more than two months of pursuit, only the announcement made by the Lebanese Allah Party was heard, and only in this way did the contradictions between the two sides gradually subside, but since then, there will be small disputes between the two sides at intervals.


In 2021, both Allah and Hamas launched attacks on Israel, causing dissatisfaction in Israel, and Netanyahu decided to go to war against Lebanon in order not to let anyone go.

The original purpose of Allah and Hamas was to provoke Israel's security and prove their strength, provided that they did not die, and to solve the problem of maintaining political stability.

The war threatens to delay the normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel and exacerbate Iran's plight.

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