
Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

author:Smart pineapple 6


Recently, a war in Lebanon and southern Syria has begun to extend to civilians as the killing continues.

Since the beginning of the conflict, Israel's military operations have led to the destruction of civilian homes in Lebanon and southern Syria, and there has been growing concern about the conflict at home and abroad.

In this conflict in Lebanon and southern Syria, a certain number of people have been killed in military operations on both sides, and many civilians have been innocently injured or killed, and the destruction of these civilian homes is also very serious.

The international community has expressed deep concern about the outbreak of this war and has called on all parties to take measures to rescue and protect innocent civilians.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?


In addition to the Palestinian refugees who fled from African countries, Lebanese civilians have also been drawn up in this conflict.

Since the outbreak of the conflict, Israel has bombed areas such as southern Lebanon and Beirut, resulting in civilian deaths and casualties in Lebanon, and even caused a large number of Lebanese civilians to lose their homes and be displaced.

Because of the intensity of the Israeli bombing campaign, some journalists even reported witnessing a horrific scene after several interviews, when hundreds of civilian bodies were already strewn in the streets.

In addition, some reporters also conducted interviews again, and saw corpses that had not been cleaned up for several days, with a strong smell, and there were even people emitting the smell of corpses nearby, which was enough to see the intensity of Israeli artillery fire.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

However, what kind of scene is it to have corpses strewn all over the field?

This is a sight of rise in war, a sight that can only be seen on the battlefield.

But now, it has appeared in front of people's eyes tragically.

When the reporters saw it, the scene in front of them was embarrassing, and they also felt very sad and angry about this situation, and the Israeli artillery fire on Lebanon suddenly became as fierce as a tiger and as straight as a dragon.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

At that time, in the south of Lebanon, people had already died in the conflict, some of the bodies were almost unidentifiable, all decomposed, and what was achieved by leaving?

A starry sky, a place of infinite scenery.

But at this time, there is no longer the joy and sunshine of the past, only everyone is immersed in pain and misfortune.

The outbreak of this conflict is rooted in the fact that after the end of the Levant War, the two sides did not sign an armistice agreement at the border area, and although the international community had mediated before, in view of the respective interests of the countries of the world, it was ultimately impossible to reach an agreement.

The Israeli military operation was launched to eliminate the militias in western Lebanon and drive out the Lebanese militias, which led to the outbreak of this conflict, and the conflict developed very rapidly, and for a while, it directly detonated the fuse of the war.

This conflict is out of control, and it may not end the war anytime soon, but it will involve more Lebanese civilians, who will also be involved and killed.

And the outbreak of this war is not only between Lebanon and Israel, but also between Syria.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

Syria has said that Lebanon is a natural mediator, and also has a good stable relationship, and also hopes to reduce the conflict, but the Israeli side does not agree with this, and Israel believes that this war must be fought, so whether it is the United States or Turkey, this is an individual, do not agree with Israel's military action, and Israel said that even if Syria does not agree, then Israel will unswervingly carry out military action, and do not listen to other people's orders to conflict.

In addition to hurting both sides, what will happen on both sides?

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

Only peace is the way out.

While both the United States and Israel still have military agreements, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a different view of the Israeli conflict, believing that Israel's attitude is not only arbitrary, but also implicates many innocent civilians, and expresses strong disgust at what Israel is doing.

The United States has also stated that it will not unite Lebanese interests with Israel's, which will have a negative impact on the image of the United States in Lebanon, and Turkey is the reason why it will stop the work of the Lebanese people and stop providing Lebanese assistance.

On the Israeli side, for this conflict, first, it thinks that it is worth it, whether it is to fight Lebanon and other militia forces, or for the sake of its own security, and some people even believe that this conflict is to protect Israel's homeland security, for which it is worth paying even a big price.

Turkey, on the other hand, believes that Israel's actions are inhumane and do not play a role in protecting civilians, but instead implicate the lives of civilians in the so-called national security, which is inhumane.

Moreover, this series of controversies has made the otherwise peaceful situation confusing, and it has involved innocent civilians, and civilians have to pay a heavy price for this.

Wouldn't it be better to negotiate from the beginning, negotiate through the words of all parties and come up with a result that is acceptable to both parties, so that both parties are not harmed and both sides can reach a consensus?

Only by talking more can we exchange more ideas, and we can also learn a lot in the process, and perhaps different points of view can be enlightened, and in such a situation, peace is the ultimate way out.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

Where is self-defence and the rights and interests of civilians headed?

When war breaks out, it is more important to balance the relationship between self-defense and the protection of the rights and interests of civilians, but at this time, neither side has reached this balance point.

For Israel, it wants to defend itself by armed strikes, because the mainland is currently in a patriotic fever, and this anger has inspired the fighting spirit and courage of many people, but the military action is too intensive, and the consequence is to hurt the innocent, and Israel has not given much thought to this situation, and this is the current situation.

Of course, there is also a reason that is not conducive to Israel's military operations, that is, the large number of people in the crowd will make it difficult for the enemy to distinguish and attack indiscriminately.

Therefore, the failure to strike a balance between these two aspects has led to the involvement of civilians and the death of thousands of people, which has undoubtedly become a huge problem.

Therefore, when Yuan Shikai, the leader of the Boxers, led his troops to attack the enemy's soldiers, he needed to take this into account, whether it was to protect the people in the village or to be able to effectively kill the enemy.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

Therefore, it is necessary to adopt the method of positional warfare, because this tactic can not only prevent the harm of innocent people, but also better attack the enemy's main leader, and can also hinder the enemy's battle plan.

At this time, if the Israeli side adopts the tactics of positional warfare, then it can effectively prevent the occurrence of this incident, not to mention that this conflict is a foreshadowing, the development of this conflict will definitely become bigger and bigger, if you can prepare in advance and evacuate in an orderly manner, then when the two armies fight, the people will not be implicated, and in this case, you can also reduce casualties.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

The Japanese Red Cross Society condemned the Israeli attacks launched by the Japanese Red Cross Society on 23 May as part of the Israeli military operations against the Lebanese rebels, which had a devastating impact on Lebanese residential areas.

The bombing of Lebanon has no respect for human life at all, and there is even a certain violation of humanity, so such an act is unacceptable.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?


Therefore, in the two Israeli bombardments of Lebanon and southern Syria, the Lebanese and Syrian fighters were not attacked, but directly attacked innocent civilians, which is illegal, contrary to human rights, and even more inhumane.

Of course, for the outbreak of war, we should consider how to solve the problems encountered, rather than magnifying them indefinitely.

Peace is the ultimate way out, which requires a kind of wisdom and courage, as well as adherence to the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes, and in the process of dealing with contradictions and problems, we need to continue to explore, in rational thinking, to seek ways to solve problems, and to make human society move towards a brighter future.

Corpses are everywhere! Israeli missiles rain down on Lebanese residential areas, what is wrong with civilians?

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