
Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

author:Bafang Taxi Express
Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

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The storm in the capital was 4:0, and the five foreign aid starters showed their ambition, but the Zhang Chengdong incident sounded the alarm

Beijing Workers Stadium, Beijing fans once again witnessed the team's strong performance, in the face of Cangzhou Lions, Beijing Guoan was merciless, and finally swept the opponent with a score of 4:0, and achieved a hearty victory, which not only showed Guoan's ambition in this season, but also triggered people's thinking about the future development of the team

Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

Five foreign starters Adebenro shined all over the field

In this game, the head coach of Guoan boldly used the starting lineup of five foreign aids, this bold decision quickly became the focus of heated discussions in the outside world, and the process of the game also proved the coach's tactical intentions, the tacit cooperation between the foreign players became a sharp weapon to tear apart the opponent's defense, among them, Nigerian striker Adebenro's performance was particularly eye-catching, he not only opened the scoring for the team, but also contributed an assist, becoming a well-deserved best on the field

Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

Previously, there were rumors about Adebenro's declining form and Guoan or changing foreign aids, but Adebenro responded to the doubts with practical actions in this game, his speed, breakthrough, and shooting are still sharp, his scrambling and running also showed a positive attitude, and more importantly, the sense of cooperation he showed with his teammates in the game proved that he has fully integrated into the team's tactical system

Without Zhang Yuning, the offense is more layered

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Yuning, the core of the national security front line in this game, was absent due to injury, which is undoubtedly a huge test for the team's offense, and Guoan's offense did not fall out of flames, but showed more diverse tactical changes and stronger aggressiveness

Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

Without Zhang Yuning, Guoan's attack is more focused on speed and crossing, with midfielders actively stepping forward, wide players boldly breaking through to create more shooting opportunities, and Adebenro using his physical advantage and flexible movement to attract the attention of the opposition defence and create space for his teammates, and his goals and assists are the best embodiment of this tactical shift

Zhang Chengdong is in turmoil, and the team is harmonious, so we need to be vigilant

The joy of victory could not hide some discordant voices in the game, and the veteran Zhang Chengdong clashed with some fans during the game, which quickly fermented on the Internet, triggering a strong reaction from the fan base, according to the fans at the scene, the two sides had a fierce verbal argument and even almost a physical altercation

Guoan won 4-0! The foreign aid is not changed, and Zhang Yuning is more fierce, and Zhang Chengdong has a conflict with the fans

Although the specific cause of the incident is not yet known, Zhang Chengdong's behavior is undoubtedly not calm, as an experienced veteran, he should lead by example and maintain the team's image, rather than bringing negative emotions to the fans, and the club's timely intervention and proper handling are crucial to calm the emotions of the fans and maintain the unity of the team

There is a long way to go, and national security needs to be repaired both internally and externally

A 4:0 victory, let the fans see the hope of Guoan in this season, the outstanding performance of the five foreign aids, the flexibility of tactics, and the fighting spirit of the players, all show the strong competitiveness of the team, Zhang Chengdong incident also sounded the alarm for the team, and the internal unity and stability for the long-term development of the team can not be ignored

In the future, Guoan will face more challenges, they need to continue to maintain their form, constantly improve their technical and tactical play, and also pay attention to the communication and management within the team, to create a positive team atmosphere, only internal and external training, Guoan can truly become a team that all fans are proud of

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