
Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

author:Mystery milk tea
Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Hello everyone! I am a milk tea who loves to share and write. Share every day, be grateful, and may our lives be warm.

A set of videos shot by Guo Jingjing in the Forbidden City and the Bird's Nest, posted by Fashion Cosmo, caused waves on the Internet.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

The former diving queen is now 42 years old, but the years do not seem to have left traces on her, but have made her more calm and calm, exuding a unique temperament.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Looking back on last year's Hangzhou Asian Games, Guo Jingjing, as the flag bearer and Olympic torchbearer, her appearance undoubtedly added more luster to that grand event.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Unexpectedly, this diving queen who has infinite scenery on the field was harassed by the Japanese media because of her appearance without makeup. During the interview, a Japanese reporter deliberately asked: "You face the sky every day, neither makeup nor dress, aren't you afraid that Huo Qigang will dislike you?"

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?
Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

This question undoubtedly embarrassed everyone present, but Guo Jingjing responded with her usual calmness and confidence: "Although I don't like to dress up with makeup, Huo Qigang is cute and dresses up, for fear that I don't want him anymore."

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

As soon as this sentence came out, the Japanese reporter was instantly speechless, and had to smile awkwardly. This scene not only shows Guo Jingjing's wit and humor, but also makes people impressed by her calmness and confidence.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Now seeing that Guo Jingjing was specially invited to shoot a blockbuster by the Forbidden City and the Bird's Nest, those who once ridiculed her for not wearing makeup and not dressing up finally understand, this is why Huo Qigang carefully dresses himself every day.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Because Guo Jingjing's beauty is not only in her appearance, but also in her inner temperament and self-confidence. This kind of beauty cannot be dressed up with cosmetics and luxury goods, it comes from Guo Jingjing's own background and experience.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

In this set of videos released by Fashion Cosmo, Guo Jingjing appeared in a Valentino green cape dress, which was antique and gentle. She seems to be a beautiful woman who has traveled through time and space, along the central axis of Beijing, from the historic Forbidden City to the Bird's Nest to witness her moment of honor.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Her poise and domineering perfectly echo these two landmarks, showing a unique beauty. This kind of beauty is not what those wealthy families can show by relying on jewelry, big-name clothes and bags, but from Guo Jingjing's own background and experience. She was able to shoot blockbusters in places like the Forbidden City and the Bird's Nest, which shows that her status is extraordinary.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?
Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Although Guo Jingjing is not the kind of stunning beauty, her temperament and self-confidence make her stand out on any occasion. At Milan Fashion Week, all the major stars are competing for beauty, wearing the most expensive jewelry, putting on the latest dresses, and squeezing their heads to occupy the C position.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Guo Jingjing, who has always been low-key, chose an ordinary plaid shirt and jeans to appear in front of everyone. is such a simple dress, but it eclipses the light of all the stars present.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Guo Jingjing stood there calmly, with no traces of beauty on her face, and she was chic and calm in light makeup. Her worth and background do not need those so-called luxuries to decorate at all, and she stands there as a precious luxury. She uses a minimalist style to interpret what real fashion is, and also allows people to see her inner beauty and confidence.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

In addition to her outstanding performance in the fashion industry, Guo Jingjing's low-key and simple life is also well known. When she followed her husband Huo Qigang to attend the dinner, the down jacket she wore was incompatible with the wives of other celebrities. This did not affect her noble temperament.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Huo Qigang's eyes are all about her, and he is enthusiastic about protecting his wife all the way. Guo Jingjing's requirements for her hard work and simplicity have not changed because she married into a wealthy family. She is not at all like those wealthy Kuotai, but sometimes her behavior is very similar to the atmosphere and calmness of the wealthy Kuotai.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

During the epidemic, Guo Jingjing donated anti-epidemic materials worth 70 million yuan, and turned into volunteers to cut soap and install masks. Her low-key and kindness allow people to see the beauty and noble qualities of her heart.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

The fashion blockbuster posted by Cosmo this time once again proves Guo Jingjing's fashion status and influence. Not to mention those ladies in Hong Kong, even all the celebrity ladies in the world are difficult to compare with her. Guo Jingjing's beauty is a beauty that radiates from the inside out, and it is a beauty with both connotation and self-confidence.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

She is not only an excellent diver, a successful wife and mother, a well-respected daughter-in-law, but also an independent woman with a unique temperament and self-confidence.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Looking back on Guo Jingjing's career and life experience, it is not difficult to find that it is no accident that she has been able to achieve such outstanding achievements in various fields.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

With her own hard work and talent, she has made brilliant achievements in the diving world and has become a world-class diving queen. With her wit and humor, she showed a calm and confident side in front of the media, and won the respect and love of everyone.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

With her low-key and simplicity, she has shown noble and kind qualities in life, and has become a model in people's hearts.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang's family life is very happy now. The eldest son, Huo Zhongxi, has shown strong athletic ability since he was a child, especially skiing, and skiing is particularly good. looks very much like grandpa Huo Yingdong, not only looks alike, but also has good quality and temperament.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

The eldest daughter, Huo Zhongyan, looks very much like her mother Guo Jingjing, and she also inherited her grandmother Zhu Lingling's "rich eyes", which looks smart and cute. The youngest daughter, Huo Zhongyi, is said by the family to be the most beautiful, and she has also inherited the excellent genes of the family, which is very cute and likable.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Now Guo Jingjing is no longer the athlete who struggles on the diving platform, but she still maintains that love for life and pursuit of career.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

She uses her actions to interpret what true beauty and fashion are, and also allows people to see her inner strength and light. Whether on the field or in life, Guo Jingjing has shown her unique charm and style in her own way.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

Finally, I want to say that Guo Jingjing's beauty is not only in her appearance, but also in her inside. Her temperament, confidence, understatement, simplicity, kindness and talent all make her a unique existence.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

She proved what true beauty and fashion are with her actions, and also let people see her inner strength and light. She is a true fashion darling and a highly respected and loved figure.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?

No matter in which field, Guo Jingjing has shown her unique charm and style in her own way, and has become a model and role model in people's hearts.

Dislike Guo Jingjing for not dressing up? As soon as the fashion Cosmo blockbuster comes out, does the Japanese face hurt?
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