
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

author:Mystery milk tea
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

Hello everyone! I am a milk tea who loves to share and write. Share every day, be grateful, and may our lives be warm.

Yu Zheng angrily denounced Wang Xingyue's studio, and the video incident caused an uproar in the entertainment industry.


The cause of the incident was that Wang Xingyue's studio released a tidbit video of "Ink Rain and Clouds", and this video has been controversial since its release, and it has been accused of tampering with the results of the plot.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

After watching the video, Wang Xing vomited blood, which really gave people a sad ending with the idea that the male protagonist hung up. In fact, there is no plot in the play where blood is vomited at the end.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

This sudden change made Yu Zheng very angry.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

I couldn't believe he thought it was weird! Yu Zheng posted that "the content of the video is just a waste film filmed, and the details are shown in the picture:

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

Yu Zheng repeatedly emphasized in the dialogue that "Ink Rain and Clouds" is a perfect HE (happy ending) happy ending, hoping to bring warmth and hope to the audience.

This tidbit video released by Wang Xingyue's studio leads the ending in a completely different direction: be (bad ending) sad ending. It is completely unacceptable to him, and he must pursue his responsibility to the end.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

With the wide spread of this tidbit video, it has had a very bad impact on the reputation of "Ink Rain and Clouds" and the expectations of the audience. Many viewers said that they were originally full of anticipation for the show, but now they have serious doubts and disappointments about the show's ending.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

Faced with this sudden crisis, Yu Zheng decided to take action. He quickly contacted Wang Xingyue's studio and asked them to immediately delete the tidbit video and publicly apologize. However, Wang Xingyue's studio's response was rather perfunctory and insincere, which further infuriated Yu Zheng.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

I was very disappointed by their attitude. Yu Zheng said angrily, "Not only did they not recognize their mistakes, but they also tried to shirk responsibility." This is a great insult to my work and a great irresponsibility to my audience!

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

At Yu Zheng's strong request, Wang Xingyue's studio finally deleted the tidbits video and issued an apology. However, for Zheng, this was far from enough to calm his anger. He decided to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident, and was very angry and said that he would fire 1,000 people.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

Wang Xingyue's studio came forward to apologize and ensure that similar incidents do not happen again. They also said that they would actively cooperate with Yu Zheng's investigation work, seriously deal with the editors involved and accept the supervision of the audience, and finally apologized to the audience Wang netizens.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

This incident undoubtedly sounded the alarm for the entertainment industry. It reminds us that producers, writers, and actors should respect the original work and the audience's expectations.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!

Any attempt to tamper with the work or deceive the audience will be severely condemned and punished. It also allows us to see Yu Zheng's dedication to his works and his responsible attitude towards the audience.

With his own actions, he defended the dignity of the original work and the expectations of the audience.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio and released tidbits to distort the plot: Said: I filmed He!
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