
The Ministry of Economic Information held a final summary meeting for all faculty and staff

author:Tongling Vocational Education

The years do not live, and the seasons flow. A full, busy, and rewarding semester is about to come to an end in an ordinary moment of continuous progress. On the afternoon of June 28, the Ministry of Economic Information held the final summary meeting of the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year in the lecture hall on the second floor of the Art and Sports Building. The conference was presided over by Zhang Xiaoxiang, Minister of Economic Information and attended by all faculty and staff.

The Ministry of Economic Information held a final summary meeting for all faculty and staff

First of all, Wang Yong, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economic Information, summarized the teaching work of this semester, reviewed the various competitions, student activities, teacher and student examinations of teachers this semester, and clearly put forward the hope that teachers will actively participate in school activities and strive to improve their own education and teaching ability.

The Ministry of Economic Information held a final summary meeting for all faculty and staff

Subsequently, Wu Chengfu, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Ministry of Economic Information, delivered a speech on teacher ethics and safety management, reminding teachers to love and dedicate themselves to their jobs, care for students, be rigorous in their studies, and be a role model for others. At the end of the meeting, Minister Zhang made a concluding speech, he fully affirmed the hard work of the teachers since the first semester, reviewed the work of this semester, the results obtained, and also put forward rectification of the deficiencies and problems in the work, and at the same time put forward requirements for teachers' holiday continuing education and distance training.

The Ministry of Economic Information held a final summary meeting for all faculty and staff

This end-of-term summary meeting is not only a review of the past, but also a reflection on the work, but also a prospect for the future. On the road of pursuing the dream of education, may we stick to the original intention of loving education, be born to the light, and walk after the light!

Editor|Guo Zhilong Review|Chen Fang

The Ministry of Economic Information held a final summary meeting for all faculty and staff

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