
The longer the insomnia, the more it damages qi and blood, and the sooner it ages! Teach you a trick to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Why is it said that the longer the insomnia, the more qi and blood are consumed, and the more likely people are to age early? Because when we sleep, it is also the time for the internal organs to rest and adjust. And if we don't rest all night, the viscera can't rest, so staying up late is not only a matter that hurts the viscera, but also consumes qi and blood. When the internal organs are tired and the qi and blood are deficient, people will naturally have all kinds of problems, such as fatigue, lack of energy, lack of energy in the body, many minor problems, premature aging, etc.

The longer the insomnia, the more it damages qi and blood, and the sooner it ages! Teach you a trick to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly

If you often can't sleep and can't sleep well, you need to hurry up and recuperate! In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, insomnia is divided into different syndrome types, so today I will teach you how to find the correct syndrome type to regulate, help you get rid of insomnia, and make you full of energy!

First of all, I am always upset, I can't sleep, I have sores on my mouth and tongue, palpitations, palpitations, yellow urine and dry stools, etc., which in traditional Chinese medicine, is mostly a strong heart. Because the heart is hidden, the mind is at peace, for example, if you are emotional, or you think about a lot of things, it will breed fire in your heart. The heart burns the heart, and the mind is restless, and naturally you can't sleep. For this situation, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Niuhuang Qingxin Soup, which has the effect of clearing heat and reducing fire, and can regulate insomnia.

The longer the insomnia, the more it damages qi and blood, and the sooner it ages! Teach you a trick to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly

Or I usually dream a lot, always wake up in the early morning, accompanied by dizziness and dizziness, no blood on my face, lips, and nails, my eyes are blurry, and my hands and feet are numb, cramps, etc. This is mostly due to the deficiency of liver and blood in the body. At this time, it is necessary to nourish the liver and blood, and you can refer to the Siwu decoction for syndrome differentiation and conditioning.

The longer the insomnia, the more it damages qi and blood, and the sooner it ages! Teach you a trick to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly

In the end, I finally fell asleep at night, but I woke up at the slightest movement, and I couldn't even fall asleep after waking up. Usually accompanied by chest tightness, no appetite, less eating, stomach distention, low mood, always sullen, often sighing. This may be due to your usual work pressure, mental anxiety, leading to liver depression, resulting in insomnia. At this time, it should be mainly to relieve liver depression, and you can refer to Xiaoyaosan to distinguish the addition and subtraction.

The longer the insomnia, the more it damages qi and blood, and the sooner it ages! Teach you a trick to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly

That's the end of today's sharing, and the above content is for reference only. Please avoid blindly following the trend of medication and feeling unwell, please see you offline, and we will see you next time.