
After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

author:Yujing Hunting History
After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

«——【Preamble】】 ——»

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After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

As the arrogance of the Taiwan independence forces in seeking the "independence" of Taiwan Province has become increasingly arrogant, the US Government has also interfered with the mainland's plan to seek cross-strait reunification on many occasions and has vigorously helped the Taiwan independence elements. The mainland government is also gradually beginning to consider a tougher approach.

With the promulgation of the "Opinions on Punishing 'Taiwan Independence' Diehards for Separatism and Inciting Separatism in Accordance with Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") on 21 June, the mainland has officially announced that it will begin to take coercive measures to maintain the momentum of cross-strait reunification.

In the face of the mainland government's tough response, the US government remained silent for four days before continuing to provoke the mainland. In the face of the US Government's inability to advance or retreat, the mainland government also expressed its attitude in 14 words.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

The mainland issued a new bill to promote reunification, and the US government demanded that it not be implemented

After Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) leader Lai Ching-te was elected as the new leader, the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan Province have become even more arrogant in seeking "independence." In the eyes of these Taiwan independence forces, as long as the leader of Taiwan Province remains a Taiwan independence force like Lai Ching-te, there will be no problems in their own living environment.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

After being elected, Lai Qingde also "lived up to expectations" and made a big remark at the inauguration ceremony about Taiwan independence and criticism of the mainland. This has also led to a loss of favor among the mainland government and people toward the current Taiwan provincial government.

In addition, the US Government has also fueled the flames behind the Taiwan independence forces, and has repeatedly proposed to strengthen cooperation with Taiwan Province. This makes these Taiwan independence forces want to engage in a head-on confrontation with the mainland, so as to demonstrate the strong strength of Taiwan Province.

Seeing that the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan Province are in collusion with the US Government, the mainland Government will naturally not sit idly by. In the face of these forces that vainly attempt to split the mainland territory, only strong means can make them understand the attitude of the mainland government.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

On June 21, the mainland government promulgated the "Opinions" in response to Taiwan independence forces and Taiwan independence behavior. This brand-new bill aimed at Taiwan independence forces will impose more severe penalties on Taiwan independence forces. If the circumstances are extremely serious, they will even be directly sentenced to death by the mainland government. In addition, Taiwan independence elements who vainly attempt to escape will also be held accountable for up to 20 years.

This almost completely declares that the mainland will "declare war" on the Taiwan independence forces. Any Taiwan independence element targeted by the mainland government can only hide his whereabouts and spend 20 years of his life in fear.

In the face of such a tough response and such a radical punishment by the mainland government, the US government did not dare to stand up and argue with the mainland at the first time. After all, it is absolutely impossible for the US Government to commit such an act of committing a crime against the wind.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

However, if the US Government does not give "guarantees" to the Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan Province, this is enough to mean that the US Government will abandon the Taiwan independence forces. At that time, not only will the possibility of Taiwan Province being recovered by the mainland greatly increase, but other countries or regions that want to follow in the footsteps of the US government will also begin to consider whether they will be abandoned by the US government.

Therefore, after a four-day period of silence, the US government openly stood in opposition to the mainland government. Not only did they demand that the mainland government stop implementing this brand-new bill, but they even slandered the mainland as endangering the stability of the Taiwan Strait and causing the situation in the Taiwan Strait to deteriorate.

The remarks of the US government are undoubtedly the first to sue the wicked. Hindering the mainland from recovering its own territory, it will also elevate itself to the position of "savior" protecting stability in the Taiwan Strait. This kind of deserving and standing act has exposed the face of the US Government.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

Not afraid of the pressure of US public opinion, the mainland government made a 14-word response

In making such opposing remarks, the US Government undoubtedly wants to exert tremendous public opinion pressure on the mainland by virtue of its international status and a large number of "followers."

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

But the mainland government will naturally not be manipulated by the US government. In the face of this almost provocative remark, the mainland government also made a strong reply at the first time.

When interviewed by reporters, Mao Ning, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the mainland government, made a public response to the US government's remarks on the grounds that no external force has the right to make irresponsible remarks.

The response was a non-faceless response to the U.S. government. The United States, as the world's largest power, has rarely received such a strong response.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

The mainland government's choice to respond with such aggressive rhetoric also represents tensions between the mainland and the United States. After all, in order to hinder the development of the mainland, the US Government sees it as doing everything it can.

There have always been considerable contradictions and frictions between the mainland and the United States. However, after the US government took the initiative to provoke a trade war with the mainland, the contradictions between China and the United States have been completely intensified.

The U.S. government has not only imposed vicious tariffs on the mainland. He even encouraged his "followers" to sever trade and cooperative relations with the mainland, just like himself.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

In particular, the most important cutting-edge fields such as chips are the areas in which the US government prohibits cooperation with the mainland. Therefore, whether it is the lithography machine of the Netherlands or the chip of South Korea, the cooperation with the mainland has been temporarily suspended.

But this also led to the fact that these American "henchmen" suffered huge losses in vain. Today, South Korea has taken the initiative to seek to restore trade and cooperation with the mainland as a way to make up for the losses it has suffered from following the United States.

In addition to the economic sanctions against the mainland, the US government is also very concerned about the mainland's territorial sovereignty. In addition to the issue of the recovery of the mainland and Taiwan Province, the US government also has a presence behind the South China Sea sovereignty dispute between the mainland and the Philippines.

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

In order for the Philippine government to be able to distract the mainland. The US Government has not only launched joint military exercises with the Philippines, but has also held a so-called four-nation meeting with the Philippines and other countries to give strong support to the Philippines.

But when the Philippines tried to storm the islands and reefs of the mainland in the South China Sea. The US government's warships will not help the Philippines as agreed, but will choose to withdraw from the original sea area as soon as possible, leaving the Philippines entangled with the mainland's seascape. This is nothing more than an attempt to use small countries such as the Philippines to consume the mainland's living and military strength.

The Taiwan independence forces in Taiwan Province should also learn a lesson from the mainland's promulgation of the "Opinions" and the abandonment of the Philippines by the United States. Continuing to obstruct the mainland's realization of the great cause of cross-strait reunification will only end up being completely abandoned by the US Government. Only by taking the initiative to seek a peaceful settlement of cross-strait relations and promoting the reunification of the motherland is the only choice for these Taiwan independence forces.

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After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words

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"The mainland issued the "Opinions" on the implementation of the punishment of "independence", and individual DPP representatives advocated that Taiwan should have so-called "anti-production behavior", and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded" - Global Network

After four days of silence, the United States expressed its stance on the mainland's document on punishing Taiwan independence: it will not be implemented, and China responded with 14 words


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