
The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

author:Dou's observation deck
The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

Seeing the news that the inside story of "Fushou snail counterfeit snail" was exposed by a reporter after an unannounced visit, it is estimated that many netizens who just placed an order to buy snail noodles silently returned the order.

A little snail meat makes a big deal.

The hot search for snail meat incident has poked a big hole in the already flawed food safety problem in this society.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid
The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

Fushou snails are used to counterfeit Narita snails, and they flow to barbecue stalls, pre-made dishes, various snail meat snacks, and pickles.

Li Ghost pretends to be Li Kui! Only consumers are kept in the dark.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

The snail meat processing plant said that it can sell hundreds of tons of shelled Fushou snail frozen meat a year.

This is still the sales volume of individual manufacturers, and if it is put in the whole country, this number will not know how many times.

The reproductive ability of Fushou snails is simply against the sky, and in the wild, rice fields, ravines and ravines can be seen everywhere, so there is no need to rely on breeding at all.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

The sales of a variety of snail snacks on a certain platform are also leveraged, and there is a snail snack with sales of more than 200,000 yuan, but what about the quality?

In the reviews of this snail snack, many buyers saw the clues.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

Some buyers expressed dissatisfaction:

"I won't buy it again next time, I suspect it's a fake snail for Fushou snails!"

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

In fact, both snails and snails contain parasites, and high temperatures can destroy these parasites, but the shell of the snail is thick and the flesh is thick, even if the temperature of boiling water reaches 100 degrees Celsius, the snail meat inside may only be 80 or 90 degrees Celsius.

And, most importantly, after the snail is cooked to 100 degrees Celsius inside and out, the meat becomes firewood and the taste is poor, while the snail has no problem.

In order to maintain the taste of snail meat and increase sales, many manufacturers and merchants take risks to sell uncooked Fushou snail meat.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

The reporter's secret visit may only be the tip of the iceberg, what is the food safety status of a large number of snail meat products that are still on sale on the Internet, and how many Li ghosts pretend to be Li Kui, which has to be a question mark?

According to netizens, there are not many platforms involving fake snails.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

On June 28, after the incident of using Fushou snails to fake snails was revealed by reporters, the local law enforcement departments in Hunan responded quickly and investigated and dealt with relevant enterprises!

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

But is that the end of it? It's time for those platforms that sell fake snails to be rectified!

Anyway, netizens who love snail noodles are dumbfounded!

It's so bad to eat a snail powder, the last time the news said that the snail powder ingredients were added with fecal odorant, and now the whole fake snail meat comes out.

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

On the contrary, the Cantonese people who will eat all their lives seem to be calm and relaxed, and some Lao Guang said:

"I'm not afraid of Fushou snails, they are so delicious when cooked under high pressure!"

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

Write at the end

Not only the snails, but also the big snails in the past are rare, and I don't know if there are too many pesticides in the field to beat them, but the tenacious Fushou snail has become a disaster and is served to the table.

Fortunately, the editor didn't eat snails and escaped.

However, if consumers have to find out what food they eat, it's really annoying!

The snail meat incident is on fire! Those who eat snail noodles and those who don't eat are silent, Lao Guang: I'm not afraid

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