
She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

author:Watermelon talks about the world
She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband
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She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

In the galaxy of Chinese pop music, Zheng Xulan was once a dazzling star. Her singing voice has warmed the hearts of countless people, and her talent shines brightly on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

However, just as her career was in full swing, a shocking decision changed everything. In order to follow love, this national diva resolutely gave up her Chinese nationality and married in the United States.

From a high-profile singer to an unknown housewife, Zheng Xulan's life trajectory has taken a sharp turn. She has experienced the hardships of life in a foreign country, the failure of her marriage, and the trauma of her body.

It's a saga of dreams, love, choices, and costs, showing a woman's resilience and growth through the ups and downs of life.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

Zheng Xulan's story begins with an ordinary working-class family in Tianjin. In this environment where artistic cells are scarce, she is like a tenacious seedling with a natural love for music.

During her studies, she immersed herself in the world of music she created, and her friends often encouraged her to learn to sing. However, the social prejudice against the singer's profession and the restrictions of the family's financial situation at that time made this dream seem unattainable.

After graduating from high school, Zheng Xulan, like tens of millions of ordinary people, stepped into the door of the factory. In the monotonous work day after day, only participating in theatrical performances organized by the factory can allow her to find the color of life.

Her moving singing voice soon became famous in the factory, and she was fortunate to represent the factory in the Tianjin Employee Singing Competition.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

A twist of fate happened quietly in this race. Wang Kun, a famous teacher of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, was deeply moved by Zheng Xulan's performance. Although she has no professional training and a flawed voice, her unique charm convinced Wang Kun that she was the talent she was looking for.

In this way, Zheng Xulan stepped into the coveted music scene and started her musical journey.

The days of joining the song and dance troupe were not easy. In the face of many talented colleagues, Zheng Xulan deeply realized the truth of "there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world". However, her diligence and talent soon paid off.

Just a few months later, she was given the opportunity to study at the Central Conservatory of Music, where she systematically learned professional singing skills and laid a solid foundation for future success.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When the documentary "Summer in Harbin" needed the theme song, Zheng Xulan got the opportunity to sing. Her interpretation of "Sun Island" made the song spread all over the country overnight, and also made her name begin to be known by more people.

Since then, Zheng Xulan's acting career has been like a wild horse that has escaped from the leash, speeding towards the pinnacle of success.

hit songs one after another, making Zheng Xulan quickly become a well-deserved national diva. Her singing voice has conquered countless audiences, and her charm has made her stand out in the highly competitive music scene.

From an ordinary factory worker to a star shining on the stage, Zheng Xulan's transformation is not only the bloom of her personal talent, but also an inspirational story of sticking to her dreams. Her experience tells us that as long as we have dreams and work hard, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary lives.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

In 1984, China's first Spring Festival Gala was like a bright pearl, shining in the memories of countless Chinese. This party not only created an era, but also became an important turning point in Zheng Xulan's life.

On this much-anticipated stage, Zheng Xulan conquered the national audience with her unique voice. Although it was a temporary stage and she didn't even have time to change her dress, her modest jeans unexpectedly became a fashion vane at the time.

Zheng Xulan sang three classic songs such as "Shepherd's Song" in the Spring Festival Gala, like a fresh spring breeze, blowing all over the land of China. Her fame is like a rocket, soaring into the sky.

However, just when her career was in full swing, fate quietly prepared an unexpected turn for her.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

During an ordinary performance, Zheng Xulan met a man from the United States. This foreigner, who came to China on official business, fell in love with Zheng Xulan at first sight. He began to appear frequently at Zheng Xulan's concerts, expressing his admiration with warm applause and affectionate eyes.

Faced with this transnational relationship, Zheng Xulan fell into a difficult choice. Do you continue to stay in China to develop a thriving career, or give up everything to follow your lover to a foreign land? This decision is not only about her personal happiness, but will also completely change the trajectory of her life.

Although her relatives, friends, and teachers tried their best to dissuade her, Zheng Xulan still resolutely chose love. This decision is like a bombshell and has caused a huge shock in the entire entertainment industry.

Just when everyone thought that Zheng Xulan would continue to shine on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, she chose to withdraw. For the sake of love, she not only gave up her career, but even changed her nationality.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

From a high-profile singer, she has transformed into an ordinary American housewife.

Zheng Xulan's choice has sparked widespread controversy. Some people praise her for being brave for love, thinking that she follows her heart and has the courage to take risks; Others think that she is too impulsive and gives up her hard-won career for the sake of momentary love.

However, no matter what the outside world says, Zheng Xulan insisted on her choice and embarked on a flight to the United States with great expectations, looking forward to a new chapter in her life.

This decision is like a double-edged sword, which not only reflects Zheng Xulan's courage and determination to love, but also plants the seeds of uncertainty in her future life. Her story has become a topic of conversation for many people in that era, and it has also become a classic case of love and career choices.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

With a vision of a better life, Zheng Xulan set foot on American soil. However, the reality was like a basin of cold water, dousing the enthusiasm in her heart. From a high-profile star to an unknown housewife, this huge identity change made Zheng Xulan feel lost.

The language barrier is like an invisible wall, cutting her off from the outside world. Cultural differences are like small mountains, making it difficult for her to walk in her daily life. What was once the familiar stage lighting and cheers is now left with the silence of the kitchen and the lonely streets.

This huge contrast made Zheng Xulan feel particularly uncomfortable.

What disappointed her even more was that her once passionate husband became cold and detached after marriage. The two have huge differences in life philosophy and way of doing things, and often quarrel over some trivial matters.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

What was once a sweet love has now turned into a bitter marriage.

Whenever she thinks of her glorious self on the stage in the past, and compares it with the appearance of an unkempt housewife now, Zheng Xulan feels extremely depressed. She began to question her decision, thinking of her relatives and friends in her homeland, and of her once radiant self.

After careful consideration, Zheng Xulan made the decision to return to China. She hopes to restart her music career and find her former self. However, things didn't go as smoothly as she had imagined.

Years of silence have made Zheng Xulan's name fade out of the public's sight. A new generation of singers has sprung up, and a variety of new forms and styles of singing have emerged.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

The stage that was once familiar now seems so unfamiliar. Faced with such a situation, Zheng Xulan felt both excited and apprehensive.

When desperate, Zheng Xulan once again turned to the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, hoping to get the opportunity to return to the stage. Luckily, the cabaret is willing to accept her again.

This opportunity was like a ray of hope, allowing Zheng Xulan to see the possibility of starting over.

Zheng Xulan's story is like a drama of life with ups and downs. From home to abroad and back again, she has experienced too many ups and downs. This experience not only tested her will, but also gave her a deeper understanding of life.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

Despite the difficulties, she persevered in her choices and tried to find her place in the unpredictable life.

Just as Zheng Xulan was about to start again, fate played a cruel joke on her again. A medical certificate was like a thunderbolt from the blue, ruthlessly shattering all her expectations.

Long-term performance stress and irregular eating habits eventually demanded the price of her health in the form of intestinal obstruction.

Surgery, which was supposed to be the hope of a cure, turned into the beginning of a nightmare due to medical malpractice. The doctor's mistake led to the removal of the healthy intestine and the preservation of the diseased part, which caused Zheng Xulan's body to suffer even more severely.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

Her digestive system has been severely damaged, and what was once simple to eat and drink has now become a difficult challenge.

Zheng Xulan's physical condition deteriorated and she could not afford the risk of a second operation. She could only silently endure the pain caused by stomach flatulence and frequently traveled back and forth to the hospital for gastric lavage treatment.

The smell of disinfectant water in the hospital has become a lingering background sound in her life.

In these difficult years, a friend was like a light in the darkness, always by Zheng Xulan's side. This friend's encouragement and support became a source of strength for Zheng Xulan to regain the courage to live.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

For the sake of her son and for this precious friendship, Zheng Xulan is determined to live strongly.

Fate seemed to be moved by Zheng Xulan's strength, and finally gave her a warm smile. In the midst of each other, Zheng Xulan and this friend fell in love, and finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

This hard-won happiness made Zheng Xulan rekindle her love for life.

However, happy times are always short-lived. While they were preparing for their wedding, her husband suddenly fell seriously ill and eventually passed away. This blow almost destroyed all of Zheng Xulan's hopes, and she once had the idea of committing suicide.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Zheng Xulan began to reflect deeply on her life choices. She paid a heavy price for her decisions, but in her opinion, these experiences have shaped her to who she is today.

The glories and troughs of the past have become an indispensable part of her life, making her cherish life more and understand the true meaning of happiness.

Today's Zheng Xulan has faded out of the public eye, but she has found her own world in ordinary life. She no longer pursues the glamorous on stage, but instead focuses on a healthy, active lifestyle.

She uses her own experience to illustrate the responsibility and attitude of a mature person towards life.

She is no longer a Chinese citizen? has repeatedly appeared on the Spring Festival Gala and exploded, and was disgusted when he married a foreign husband

Zheng Xulan's story is, to some extent, an allegory of choice and cost. She gave up her career and nationality for love and experienced the ups and downs of life.

Although her choice was controversial, she interpreted the meaning of life in her own way.

Today, Zheng Xulan still maintains her love for music, occasionally singing softly at home. The familiar melody seems to tell the ups and downs of her life, and also witnesses the true happiness she found in her ordinary life.

Her story tells us that the value of life lies not only in brilliant achievements, but also in how to grow in the midst of setbacks and find meaning in the ordinary.

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