
Babies sleep on their stomachs and tummy, the difference is obvious, don't misunderstand, so as not to pit the baby

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

Sleeping on your stomach and sleeping on your stomach are two completely different concepts and cannot be confused.

Recently, I have also seen many mothers say that babies aged 0-3 months should lie on their stomachs more.

However, many mothers let their babies sleep on their stomachs when their babies are sleeping, which will have an impact, and mothers should check this habit and do not put the baby's safety out of the way.

Lying on the stomach is indeed beneficial, especially 0-3 months is the golden period of the baby's gross motor development, when lying on the stomach, you can train the baby's limb strength, as well as the baby's neck strength, which is conducive to the baby's faster head-up.

Sleeping on the stomach is not beneficial, it will only bring many disadvantages to the baby, which still needs to be paid great attention to, don't take it seriously.

Babies sleep on their stomachs and tummy, the difference is obvious, don't misunderstand, so as not to pit the baby

Since birth, the cardiopulmonary function is very fragile, and if you often sleep on your stomach, it will also cause a burden on the baby's heart and lungs, and it will also affect the baby's respiratory system and heart and lung rules.

Moreover, when the baby does not have to turn over, sleeping on the stomach is also precarious, which can easily cause the situation of covering the nose and causing the risk of suffocation of the baby.

Therefore, sleeping on the stomach is not advisable, which will cause pressure on the baby's internal organs, and it is a burden on the baby's growth and development, so mothers should not be negligent.

If mothers do not pay attention to the situation, it is easy to affect the baby because of their rough behavior, which should be paid special attention to, don't pit the baby.

Babies sleep on their stomachs and tummy, the difference is obvious, don't misunderstand, so as not to pit the baby

0-3 months can bring these benefits


Good for raising heads

Raising the head is also a manifestation of the baby's gross motor development.

Raising the baby's head more is also conducive to the baby's faster completion of the head-up, because when the baby is lying on his stomach, it can also train the strength of the baby's arms and neck, and it can also help the baby raise his head faster.

After the baby is full moon, you can give the baby more tummy, and it can also allow the baby to complete the head of the body faster.

When the baby is doing child care, the ability to raise the head is good, which is also conducive to improving the pass rate, which mothers should pay special attention to, don't be negligent.

Babies sleep on their stomachs and tummy, the difference is obvious, don't misunderstand, so as not to pit the baby


Promote intestinal peristalsis

The intestinal tract of a young baby is very fragile, and it is easy to have intestinal flatulence at 0-3 months.

Therefore, mothers can help the baby's intestinal peristalsis by sleeping on their stomachs, and can also relieve the baby's intestinal flatulence.

After the baby is full moon, you can also let the baby lie on his stomach, which is helpful to the baby's intestinal peristalsis, and can also effectively prevent the baby's intestinal flatulence and other phenomena, which should be paid special attention to.


Increase a sense of security

Lying on your stomach can bring a sense of security to your baby.

When the baby is in the womb, the baby is also in a state of tummy, and the baby is also imitating an environment in the womb, and the baby's mood will be very stable when lying on the stomach.

Lying on the stomach and holding the plane can bring a sense of security to the baby and can play a certain role in comforting.

When the baby is asleep and crying, you can use this way to soothe the baby, and the effect is also very significant.

0-3 months, it is taboo for the baby to sleep on his stomach, because the baby's heart organs are immature, sleeping on the stomach for a long time will add the burden and compress the baby's cardiopulmonary function, so this habit should be corrected, do not form a bad habit of sleeping like this for the baby, and this habit will not easily cause the risk of suffocation before the baby will not turn over.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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