
Newborn babies have these 3 performances, the baby has excellent intelligence and has certain advantages, to compare

author:The end of the baby's story

Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoyu

Babies with excellent intelligence will also perform well

Since the baby is born, the brain develops rapidly, and the intelligence will also develop rapidly.

However, after the baby is born, it is not capable of language expression, and it is difficult for mothers to perceive the baby's intelligence, which should be paid special attention to.

Newborn babies develop fast, and the physical performance is also obvious, so mothers should also understand the signals of the baby's body, mothers can only detect the baby's development through the body's signals, which mothers should not neglect.

There are also many folk sayings that the baby's intelligence is related to the genetics of the parents?

Indeed it is.

However, when the embryo is formed, the brain development of the fetus after crystallization is very fast, so it will also widen the gap, and it is better for mothers to compare.

Newborn babies have these 3 performances, the baby has excellent intelligence and has certain advantages, to compare


Eat your hands and stare at your mother

Each baby is born in a different state:

Some babies cry at birth

Some babies sleep at birth

Some babies are born with bright eyes, hands never leave their mouths, and they keep staring at their mothers.

In fact, different performances also imply the level of intelligence of the baby.

If the baby eats his hands and stares at his mother, this performance should also feel the joy of stealing, which is also the baby's high adaptability, good brain development, and satisfying his sense of security by eating his hands, which is also a kind of excellent performance of intelligence, and the probability of intelligence in the future will be very high.

Newborn babies have these 3 performances, the baby has excellent intelligence and has certain advantages, to compare


Laughing in your sleep

After the baby is born, it is usually spent in sleep.

However, if the baby can smile while sleeping, the mother should also feel the joy when this manifestation appears.

When the baby laughs when he sleeps, it is generally a developmental condition to turn over, which also means that the baby's brain is developing fast.

Moreover, the baby who cries and laughs frequently is also a manifestation of rich emotional expression, and in the future, the language organization ability is strong, and the speaking time is also early, which is also conducive to the baby's intellectual development.

If the baby is born with such a performance, mothers should also be happy, the baby's intelligence will most likely be very smart, do not be negligent.

Newborn babies have these 3 performances, the baby has excellent intelligence and has certain advantages, to compare


Surrender sleeping position

The baby's intelligence can also be detected by the sleeping position.

Small babies are usually curled up together in a sleeping position, but when the baby will not turn over, they are generally lying down, if the baby is lying with his hands raised above his head, it also means that the baby's sense of security is very high, which not only implies that the baby has a good sleep quality, but also has a sense of security.

A high sense of security can naturally promote the baby's brain nerve activity, which is also of great help to the baby's brain intelligence development.

As a parent, you definitely want your baby to be intellectually excellent and smart.

At different stages, the baby's intellectual development performance is different, and mothers can also perceive the baby's intellectual development through the signals of the baby's body, which is still worth exploring for mothers.

Strong language skills, early pronunciation and strong desire to express, this kind of baby is very smart;

Strong imitation ability, always like to imitate the family, this kind of baby is smart;

Focused, good at observation and discovery, like to stare and watch, this kind of baby is smart.

Although the baby can't speak, the body will also express a lot of signals during the growth process, and the signals of the body can also better escort the baby's development, don't be negligent.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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