
The baby has not had a bowel movement for 4 days, is it a belly or constipation? After comparison, the difference is obvious

author:The starting point of the baby's story

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoli~

If the baby doesn't poop for a few days, is it belly or constipation?

Many mothers have encountered this situation, the baby does not poop for a few days but does not know whether it is belly or constipation, which makes many novice mothers helpless.

After all, babies can't speak, it's up to mothers to guess by themselves, which still needs to be understood, otherwise they may suffer, and the better it is to know.

A mother from Guangxi said: When the baby was two months old, he did not have a bowel movement, and it has lasted for four days.

When the baby does not poop, mothers may think of praising the belly and soothing themselves in this way, but it is easy to delay the baby's growth and development.

The baby has not had a bowel movement for 4 days, is it a belly or constipation? After comparison, the difference is obvious

If it is constipation, the poop will remain in the intestines, and it will also ferment gas to cause intestinal flatulence, which will have a great impact on the baby, not only destroying the baby's intestinal flora, but also affecting the baby's absorption.

Therefore, when constipation, you should also intervene in time, do not affect the baby because of your rough behavior, this point should be paid special attention to, mothers should not be negligent.

Belly accumulation, this is a physiological manifestation, and it is also a very normal phenomenon to have belly accumulation, which is usually related to the development and maturity of the baby's intestines.

How to distinguish belly storage and constipation, just look at these 3 signals, and the difference is obvious after comparison



Stomach accumulation and constipation can be detected from the baby's diet.

If it is constipation, it will also cause the baby to distend, and there will be a strong sense of satiety.

When ingesting food, it will also force pressure on the baby's abdomen, causing the baby to be emotional and cry constantly.

If it is a belly, it will not affect the baby's diet, and the baby will eat as much as he wants, without any effect.

The baby has not had a bowel movement for 4 days, is it a belly or constipation? After comparison, the difference is obvious


Emotional responses

In the case of constipation, the baby's mood swings are relatively large.

Because when the baby is constipated, it will also cause the baby to have bloating, which will make the baby have abdominal distension and pain, which should be paid special attention to.

The emotional response is still great, and mothers should not neglect this.

If it is a belly, the baby's mood will not be affected, at this time the baby is still the same, after all, it is related to the baby's absorption and digestion ability.

The baby has not had a bowel movement for 4 days, is it a belly or constipation? After comparison, the difference is obvious


Age of the month

Belly accumulation generally appears after three months, at this time the baby's intestines are relatively mature, can well absorb and digest the intestinal retained milk, at this time the baby will not have the urge to defecate.

If constipation occurs three months ago, it is also necessary to pay attention to the reason why the baby is constipated and accumulated, otherwise it is easy to suffer.

Whether it is constipation or belly saving, mothers should help their babies defecate as soon as possible, after all, if the poop stays in the intestine for too long, it will also ferment gas and cause flatulence.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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